Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell to stand down at end of season

I wish him all the best, the positives, under his stewardship we’ve won 9IAR, a quadruple treble, the invincible season, wiped the floor with the huns, 5-1 a few times....the negatives, his wage is 3 times what it should be, meddling to much in team matters, the players bought should be the managers choice, not the CEO’s , pissed off brendan Rodgers, the best manager we’ve had since stein, sometimes I think you should be careful what you wish for, better the devil you know and all that, what if the new guy is shite?.....
I wish him all the best, the positives, under his stewardship we’ve won 9IAR, a quadruple treble, the invincible season, wiped the floor with the huns, 5-1 a few times....the negatives, his wage is 3 times what it should be, meddling to much in team matters, the players bought should be the managers choice, not the CEO’s , pissed off brendan Rodgers, the best manager we’ve had since stein, sometimes I think you should be careful what you wish for, better the devil you know and all that, what if the new guy is shite?.....
A little bit concerned, you've just written what I was going to say. Either great minds think alike or fools seldom differ.😂
You have to hope it's a positive step. In every organisation change. Is required, evolution if you will, we had undoubtedly become stale at the top. Some new Board members won't go wrong.
I hope this is followed by the appointment of a Director of Football who then appoints a new manager.
Don’t think the new guy will be picking players... if he was a egg chaser.
CEO should be there to provide the best funds for the football side, and leave the football side to the football management.

I hope there is a change in the pay structure- bonus for champions league group stage qualification while in profit rather than just a bonus for profit. I feel this would be a huge step forward for the club and would push the club to greater sporting achievements.
I wish him all the best, the positives, under his stewardship we’ve won 9IAR, a quadruple treble, the invincible season, wiped the floor with the huns, 5-1 a few times....the negatives, his wage is 3 times what it should be, meddling to much in team matters, the players bought should be the managers choice, not the CEO’s , pissed off brendan Rodgers, the best manager we’ve had since stein, sometimes I think you should be careful what you wish for, better the devil you know and all that, what if the new guy is shite?.....

If he's shite we will tell him he's shite and the money will dry up and he will be gone.....The Celtic Support when enraged is a powerful force...
I hope we become a more open club. Let the fans know more about what’s going on. I sometimes think it’s our club that’s full of masons. Also fight for the club more, resolution 12, MIB, rules preferring one club more than the rest. Let him get on with the money side of things, let the NEW manager deal with the football side, alongside the NEW director of football.
Players, coaches and board members come and go but Celtic will always be my team. that's why i get up at the wee hours to see the games live. We have the best players in the league and there is no other player in Scotland that is better than our squad. i still believe that we can win the league despite the ref.s and the SFA.
This is welcome news to me. The SRU have been very professionally run and they have fought their corner against the IRB who run that sport - in fact they are frowned upon for doing this as how dare wee Scotland answer back against the big boys. He will also be very well connected to huge multinational sponsors who may well be open to injecting cash into Celtic.

He may not be "good a CEO" as Lawwell was, but as fans that may well act in our favour. Lawwell built a frarsome reputation for being a hard nosed tough negotiator but in latter years his ego seemed to be more interested in protecting that reputation rather than close out deals that were perfectly affordable to our club because he refused to concede a little bit more on players that would have improved our team and provided us with the opportunity of winning more money through the Champions League income stream.

Sometimes in negotiations you have to walk away and sometimes you have to swallow your pride and adapt your philosophy in order to close a crucial deal (as I've had to do myself to win a much needed multi £m contract this month).

Also, I hope there is less interference in actual transfer targer player selection and more concentrating on the business and communications side of running the club.

I do find the timing strange though. This must have been getting discussed for months so why wait to announce it a couple of days before the transfer window closes. Also, if we are getting in a new manager then I'd prefer it was now so he could get 6 months of working with and assessing our squad so we hit the ground running next season rather than trying to rush all this during the summer with a new CEO while players are tied up at the Euros!
Long overdue, hopefully the start of a complete overhaul at the club from the top down.
Next step should be a Director of Football/Sporting Director responsible for the whole of the football operation. They should be involved in the choosing of a new manager/head coach and a revamp of the whole footballing operation, particularly youth development. The sooner this appointment is made the better and everything else can follow on from that. Get them in now and give them a couple of months to see where change is required and plan for the future. That's assuming they are not already employed by the club ;)