CELTIC v Jam tarts

We're very poor this second half. What are they up to?
Very poor is maybe over harsh shammy but given what weve seen so far these 4 games it is the worst half weve had I'll give you that, but hearts deserve credit for that as well.
We seemed like " wtf ? This teams attacking us " at times.
Its perhaps ultimately no bad thing as ross county aside weve blasted the rest aside, so a game like this is going to keep us on our toes.
Mooy still looks like hes not adjusted yet , not overly surprising given hes only arrived but his passing at times, I was wondering who and where he was trying to pass to.
I'll never complain about beating hearts though especially when it puts us 2 pts clear at the top.
Job done if not by our normal standards, regroup, review and we go again HH
The fact hearts can make 7 changes against us including Gordon speaks volumes for them . Said earlier that they appear to have depth in the squad , possibly more than sevco.
They didnt deserve a point , no way ,playing well and giving us problems is one thing and commendable but we stood up strong against it, which given how much our game had dropped off is more commendable for me.
Hearts surprised us 2nd half and deserve credit for that but even had they scored I'm certain that wouldve clicked us back into 1st half mode.
Hearts can take positivity from their 2nd half showing but nothing else.
4 games played Celtic 10 -1 opposition
I'll take that start any season. HH
Tactically the minis got thing's spot on against us in the 2nd half especially and we have to come to expect that also as we never change our shape as such and only use subs mainly as a like for like.
Used there full backs to get far closer to our wide men, made them less effective in the 2nd half and the 3CB allowed very little room for our striker to work in, and closing down our midfield on a man on man basis gave them far less control of the game 2nd half imo.
Still had enough quality about us to have dealt with it and create enough to have won far more comfortably than we did in the end.
Would be interesting to see if they opted for a similar approach against the scum as What I saw today they have nothing to fear against the scum and actually looked a better football team imo and well organised also
The most important thing today was to get the 3 points.....we did that.....this Hearts team are no mugs.....they are not anywhere near our level, but they make themselves hard to beat.....I wonder how many folk thought about the fact.....that if they had managed to somehow win today they would have gone top of the league.....without being right on our game we got the points.....the big plus is we know how to win...
I did.......and they pressed.....but we controlled it.......would like to have gone in at HT with a 2-0 though
It's where we still remain at not being clinical enough in the final third Lennono at times and our conversion rate at finishing off big chances can be very hit and miss at times also.
In these tighter games this hopefully will improve to make games like today far easier for ourselves imo
Job done, points in the bag and another opposition team strategically weakened by suspensions. Doesn't have to be pretty all the time.
Been on the Dark Side furra wee peek and this is gonna surprise nobody.
It's the referees fault cause they are all TIMS. The SFA are against them and the SNP are involved as well. That Deludamol must be powerful stuff.
Possibly one of our poorest displays so far in the 2nd half also thought at times we were too pedestrian in our movement and too predictable, midfield seemed to lose its way and allowed Hearts a way in to the game you could seen
From the start they were there to sit in and hoof the ball up the park for their forwards to try for free kicks along with the time wasting from the start of the game. Once again we have a set of linesman who stick up their flag for an offside against us yet can't put it up for Boyce coming from an offside position (when the keeper kicks it upfield)to challenge our centre back for the ball. The 3 points arrest we wanted and got but some things highlighted to work on in the game. In another note took me over an hour to get home from the game the traffic was so bad on a journey that normally takes 20 mins
Easy win. Never got out of 2nd gear and still they had no attempts on target. 3 or 4 would have been a fairer reflection on scoreline.
The sending offs give the greetin faced hun in their dugout something to moan about rather than accept his team are crap.
We lost what little momentum we had when Maeda and O'Riley went off but good to give some a run out from the bench, they will all be needed in the coming months.
I'm not too troubled by our sometimes laboured performance today; we've all seen our share of this type of game too often to be surprised. Would've settled for it before a ball was kicked. Target was three points. Target achieved.

A couple of things stood our for me though; if our fullbacks have an off day, then the system loses a fair bit of potency. I thought both were below par. Also, once again, we simply don't turn our domination into goals. That's not a complaint really; it can, and I'm sure will, be sorted.

Hearts played like, well, Hearts. I didn't feel that much bothered defensively. ( Take a bow JK ? )
Probably easiest to say, all's well that ends well. A lovely weekend !