Celtic v the Rangers - Black Sunday 29 December, kick-off 12.30pm (merged with Provisional thread)

We said before the game we had our strongest team out everyone in their preferred positions. Imo just didn't turn up today, some players didn't fancy it too much. Bad day at the office. It's like when you get up to go to work you don't fancy it that day. Players no different. Lenny has a lot of work to do in Dubai. I'd have taken them to Siberia on todays performance. HH
I didn't. Boli and Johnson, one shit, one too skinny, although I would have brought him in for Forrest, who I predicted would be awful, and boy did he deliver? Fucking embarressing how little he did. Get Shved in the squad to at the very least give him a fight for the jersey. So many either shat it, played shit, or both. Wee Frimpong, although he made a few terrible errors, was our best player. A 19 year old boy with under 20 games. Fucking abysmal.
Top of the league!!!! I think most people see it as 1 point behind in reality and i hope to fook everyone at Celtic Park does the same.
I prefer to look at the table and see it as it is. They have a game in hand they could lose it. Keep the faith Mic 9inar will become the real reality at end of season. HH
100% with you on that one re defensive setup.
While we're on the subject, what's our conversion rate of a Celtic goal from one touch of a corner kick being put across? Has it got worse of recent?
School boy stuff mate and another thing it’s been buggin me our distribution at throw in is a fuckin disgrace we’re as well giving back to the other team fuckin pathetic against St Mirren tae absolutely gutted hate getting beat but ffs that’s noo good enough sorry
School boy stuff mate and another thing it’s been buggin me our distribution at throw in is a fuckin disgrace we’re as well giving back to the other team fuckin pathetic against St Mirren tae absolutely gutted hate getting beat but ffs that’s noo good enough sorry
That’s how bad I thought we were docco am no even gonna try and slaughter you the day cause that was enough for aw off us
Mikey J is an impact player at the moment, his record against them is poor especially. Forrest is off the boil.

Gerrard flooded the midfield and our wide players where poor, worked out well for him. Lennon better learn because being beat by the same tactics twice in a row doesn’t reflect well on him. Ruthlessness required in January!
The Huns are on our flight to Dubai this year as well wheelie bins full o ice and sitting on tavs lap on the mini bus to training a thing of the past. Hope ajer does an off camera out there somewhere
I suspect the SFA will ignore Morelos repeatedly do a slit throat gesture to the Celtic support and Kent imitating firing a pistol at the Celtic fans for his goal celebration. Also the media will ignore their delightful fans booing the minutes applause to honour the lives of two class footballers.
Course they fuckin will 🤔that canny surprise you
You never know Verdict. A Celtic bond I'd vote for that. HH.
if its a Celtic bond yer efter it’s got ta be roger Moore sorry 😐