Celtic voted greatest team of the last century beating Barca,,,again

A team way ahead of thier time we had two defenders who joined the forwards in Jim C and Big Tam G,Billy McN a leading light in the attacking centre half one of the first to come up for corners if not the first,back then to see a defender cross the half way line was unknown,big Yogi taking up a position in defence when needed Bobby and Bertie breaking through from midfield and John C moving to fill any holes,wee Jimmy doing his will of the wisp around the park supported by the rest of the forwards,today they are called wing backs not backs,corners are filled by defenders from both sides the centre half now a centre back Jock Stein and his team were the forerunners of today's formations I like many others were lucky to watch this team take on the world
Both great teams, both different eras so you can't really compare them....one thing you can say though is that Scottish football at that time was strong....Dundee, European cup semi finalists , hibs, Kilmarnock, huns etc.all making it to the business end of European competition....what went wrong?
Both great teams, both different eras so you can't really compare them....one thing you can say though is that Scottish football at that time was strong....Dundee, European cup semi finalists , hearts, Kilmarnock, huns etc.all making it to the business end of European competition....what went wrong?
It's Broony's fault! but really it was the prick Murray who hyper inflated wages and transfer fees, other clubs then over extended themselves,and a 12 team league, stunted bringing young players and scrapping the reserve league, meant buying foreign diddys instead of nurturing our own talent, from 1974 we qualified for every world cup,except for 1994, and weve gone down the pan since,jist my humble opinion of course! 🍺 🥳
It's Broony's fault! but really it was the prick Murray who hyper inflated wages and transfer fees, other clubs then over extended themselves,and a 12 team league, stunted bringing young players and scrapping the reserve league, meant buying foreign diddys instead of nurturing our own talent, from 1974 we qualified for every world cup,except for 1994, and weve gone down the pan since,jist my humble opinion of course! 🍺 🥳
To true Micheal it used to be you would see scouts at every junior match and down the park watching youngsters,we are very lucky at Celtic bringing youth through,don't know how many are playing around Britain but I am sure somebody will when the 3 young lads came to Swindon they made a big difference to the team and were and still are popular Si Ferry Scot Cothbert and Paul Caddis who has returned to the team, James, Ryan Mc Gregor and K. T. Who has moved on.when Mucky Murray started His team of cheats that changed goodness knows how many future players we lost just to fill someone's ego but that was the nature of the beast instant success and to hell with the consequences
This thread is best ever......Celtic, the man in the painting below personifies Celtic at their best.
The painting was painted by mrs rb as a Christmas present for my then brother in law in Glasgow.
She spent at least 20hrs doing it. A plumber saw it in my sisters hoose and offered her £40 for it.....cheeky bastard. I keep at Mrs RB to do more like it but she kinda fell oot o painting. tis a cracker though. I have been trying to upload it for ages but it always said file to large. she saved it as blah blah and resized it, uploaded first time

Jinky Johnstone resize.jpg