
Pater Lawell was CEO and Board Member through some of the most successful and enjoyable years in the Club's history. He is well respected across European football and is a strong character who can separate the emotion of being a Celtic supporter from what is required to make the club successful on a practical level. He is certainly a stronger Board presence as Chair than the retiring one is. When the club is doing well you hardly hear anything from or about the board - and rightly so. Club is in good hands and the new Chair will be doing all he can to keep it that way I'm sure.
We won the league and league cup ✔️
We’re buying players quick ✔
We’re playing the best Football in decades ✔️
The Fans are onboard ✔️
The Hunnies are revolting 🤢✔️
How to Fuck it up Mm
For everything else there’s the Cel✔️board
Jesus wept ffs Peter Lawwell

HH 😱✔️
Pater Lawell was CEO and Board Member through some of the most successful and enjoyable years in the Club's history. He is well respected across European football and is a strong character who can separate the emotion of being a Celtic supporter from what is required to make the club successful on a practical level. He is certainly a stronger Board presence as Chair than the retiring one is. When the club is doing well you hardly hear anything from or about the board - and rightly so. Club is in good hands and the new Chair will be doing all he can to keep it that way I'm sure.
Sorry BM, but he was such a Celtic man that he never saw, nor was aware of the 5WA ? That is by his own admission. Either way it says to me, he was implicit in it, or incompetent. Take your pick. Neither are hardly the attributes we need from a Celtic Chairman.
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Is it not funny and a coincidence, when things are going pretty well for us on all fronts, and that 'club over there' is in absolute dissarray on all fronts, the person who pops his head up, causing dissention and the only bit of negativity associated with our club since Ange arrived, is our ex CEO. I wonder what agreement he won't see next? Why doesn't he just buy 'Sevco' out and have done with the charade?
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No fur me, it’s a backwards step, he’s yesterdays man, one of the men that cost the 10, crept oot by the back door, noo the teams doing well wants yet another payday, we’ve been much better without him, he has been complicit in everything that’s wrong with Scottish fitbaw, yes man for the SFA, lap dog fur ra rainjurs, no spine, no backbone to stand up for us….has mair skeletons in the cupboard than Fred West….Peter if you happen to read this “off ye fuck” 😡😡
The people who run our club are the masters of fucking up a good be fair to them, they've given us a good 18 months before destroying the mood.

Peter Lawwell is a good business man. Its when he gets involved in the playing side of things that's the problem.

Lawwell is also a massive supporter of the "old firm" brand. He helped save it. IMO, he has his prints all over the 5 way agreement and the survival lie. He understood the importance of sevco stopping the 10 (I believe it would have finally killed them) so he allowed us to fall into chaos through the covid season.....He is back for one reason. He has done it before and he's back to do it again.....he's here to save the "old firm" brand. Sevco are dying. He's the man that can save them. They should build a fucking statue of him!!!
A canni believe this lyin rat is back...he knows we know whit he is actually couldny mark his neck wae a blow this him back to make sure we don't get too far in front of the Huns... lookin after his old firm brand...why do Celtic always press the self destruct button..this is gonni cause problems eventually... the guy is a snake
Wish that cunt Desmond and his cabal would fuckoff and let us move forward....anyone who thinks this appointment is a good one for celtic hasn’t been paying attention!!this guy appointed lenny(a yes man) twice,big Ronnie a yes man( but a gent)fucked Rodgers off who done invincible treble,most of the quadruple,,don’t know how much he’s involved way ange appointment??but based on all we have seen and heard from ange since his arrival he won’t faff around if he sniffs any interference,,,,my fuck they sure know how to deflate the fans....
I believe Michael Nicholson has recently admitted to seeing the 5WA. And his view is, it does not impact negatively on Celtic. Please correct me if I am wrong. And I apologise in advance to Michael Nicholson, if this is not the case.

If true, I would like to ask him as the CEO of Celtic FC the following questions:

1. The date on which he seen the 5WA ?
2. Who brought the document to his attention?
3. What was his role at Celtic FC when he seen it?
4. Did he bring the document to the attention of the Celtic FC Board?
5. Was it discussed at a Celtic FC Board meeting?
7. If so, what is the minuted decision on the issue?
8. If not brought to the attention of the Board, who made the decision not to bring it to the Board ?
9. On what grounds was the decision made, that it did not impact negatively on Celtic FC, and hence Celtic FC shareholders ?
10. If it does not now, nor has since its inception impacted negatively on Celtic FC, nor Celtic FC shareholders, then will Celtic FC now place it in the public domain ?
11. If Celtic FC do not wish such an innocent document open to public scrutiny, can the reason as to why, be given to shareholders and supporters?
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“With a board almost exclusively consisting of ageing white males, is there any hope that some modern thinking could emerge,” Whats this racist shit ? Ageing white males WTF is wrong is wrong with being middle age/elderly or white I’m both,would a young black or Asian female be better qualified for the job age ,skin colour and sex are irrelevant to ones ability to do a job just fuck off with this woke shit a club like no other unless you happen to be an old white guy with a wealth of business experience I’ve had it with all this woke pish PL might not be everyone’s cup of tea but to bring skin colour and age into it is beyond the fucking pale