
Dermot Desmond, "Peter,a wanted new signings,fan's, particularly on the Celtic Noise are sayin, yer a miserable bastaart, and yer only interested in yer bonus, never mind the new Adidas deal, whit the phuq are ye dae'in?"

Peter Lawell "Well boss, whit if there's a global pandemic and all sport is shut doon?"

Dermot Desmond "whits that got tae dae wi the price ae phuqin margarine?"

Peter Lawell "well boss when the financial shit hit's the financial fan, we've got £40 million in the bank, a lot ae clubs,wan in particular,are goin doon the stank"
Dermot Desmond,a phuqin love you Pedro,diz that mean the huns are deid?

Peter Lawell "aye boss, mission accomplished, oh, and sevco, get it right fuckin up yeez"
Dermot Desmond, "great day furra round ae gowff"! 🍺

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