Daizen Maeda

I'd say an 80% fit Maeda is a more potent front man than a 100% fit GG.
And he's a wee fit as fuck Japanese dynamo so if anybody can recover in time it's probably him.
I'm with you John I'd be surprised if he's not at least on the bench, I'd maybe even take a punt on him starting.
We canny just drop the guy cause he's not scored I the last game but hoopy I canny see ange dropping the big yin but least we will have maeda on the bench if need be as u said he's fit as a butchers the wee cunt so will be fine
If you can lie down on the plane and have a restful sleep and you are a well honed athlete then you can function at top level. His body clock will still be at breakfast time so he should be up for a game.