David Edgar should be arrested for threatening Daily Record Employees

Spot on Cairnsy.
The narrative that the club was somehow innocent wen it came to its demise has really festered and the sheer hatred has got worse imo because of going out of business....the whole they tried to kill us once so dont let them try again has really got them riled up into allsorts of different attacks on their perceived enemies the fan media has been stoking it since 2012 now its siege mentality over Govan way I don't see how they're board can dial it back to normal rivalries they have bent over backwards to accommodate the arseholes in they're support u reap wot u sow I believe the saying goes 😁GIRFUT🖕
Been something else these last few days huh ..

Meltdowns because they're getting found out to be racist scumbags .

Their victimised leader showing us him in his bedroom watching cartoons to prove he ain't unhinged .

Daily Record hacks who were revelling in the shit show last season going into hiding after getting found out mocking the disabled .
Lets never hear again about it being a rangers* minority who support racism etc..That scumbag David Edgar has been getting support from hundreds of the fans which tells you that they have no issues supporting racist views..I applaud guys like Micheal McGivern , Michael Stewart ,Graham Spiers for highlighting that racist new club and their views..We all need to keep the pressure on the proper authorities so they dont bow to intimidation from racist supporting rangers* fans..
Lets never hear again about it being a rangers* minority who support racism etc..That scumbag David Edgar has been getting support from hundreds of the fans which tells you tashat they have no issues supporting racist views..I applaud guys like Micheal McGivern , Michael Stewart ,Graham Spiers for highlighting that racist new club and their views..We all need to keep the pressure on the proper authorities so they dont bow to intimidation from racist supporting rangers* fans..
Let's face it this whole issue surrounding racism and sevco scum (SS) is nothing new as bitterness and hatred has always been what the tradition, past and present has been built upon and still remains.
Another issue still remains in place and the pig sty is only a breeding shithole for the DUP and the OO both like the club they depend upon are all a dying shower of fucks.
Racism is a subject today that sickens most of the civilised world, yet such backward scum try to maintain that's its OK, and that still remains and always will at sevco scum (SS).
They can't and won't condone such actions as would be left with an empty shithole.
Kills them to see we are and always have been, and continue to be a far superior club in everything we do.
Hanging out a nothing such as Edgar to make such a vile arsehole seem important, when he's nothing but a stinking wanker sums up just how desperate these peepul pricks really are.
Kill off sevco scum (SS) the DUP and OO will follow and such scum will die off quick enough as none of such shit, has any place in the world of today
Here here John..The old club , rangers, got away with murder and society allowed it because of intimidation..They fact they got away without signing a high profile Catholic for 100 years was disgusting..With everyone having mobile phones these peepul are now getting caught in the acts of racism..Europe is finally dealing harshly with racism and now Scottish society has to deal with the problem where in the past it was brushed under the carpet as banter..Jailing,charging,banning and ostracizing these peepul are the best method of getting them to change their racist views in the long term
Here here John..The old club , rangers, got away with murder and society allowed it because of intimidation..They fact they got away without signing a high profile Catholic for 100 years was disgusting..With everyone having mobile phones these peepul are now getting caught in the acts of racism..Europe is finally dealing harshly with racism and now Scottish society has to deal with the problem where in the past it was brushed under the carpet as banter..Jailing,charging,banning and ostracizing these peepul are the best method of getting them to change their racist views in the long term
It's the safety in numbers attitude 10 they rely upon with organisations to fuel them imo.
Playing the blame game goes with the Scottish government, Scottish FA, and our board for letting such scum to grow legs and they all fucked up, as such a shower of shit only grows when you got the backing of Sevco scum (SS).
They are all totally fucked up now as society is starting to fight back against such brainless morons.
Standing for a crown and British government who couldn't give to fucks about them has only fuelled there anger.
There war has long been lost with sinn féin slaughtering the DUP, Celtic running amuck against sevco scum (SS) and the OO replacing duffy circus and overloaded with clowns.
Still trying to fight a long lost war but one the shower of shit will always lose especially with the power of the race card plays today and everyone has become far more aware of the shit this rancid and horrible shower of cunts have always stood for.
It high time the police took them on, they think as long as there more than 100 of them they’re un-touchable, they will have wised up, next time they start they’re pish on the streets they will be fully masked/hoodie Up to prevent them being identified afterwards on video, police need to git the riot gear oan, git the big horses oot, kettle them and dive in wi the baton flaying, after they’ve cracked a few skulls on a few occasions they’ll noo be daein that again 🤣

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