Did Ye Aye? Podcast with Lewis Stevenson

Aye he basically backed up the rumours. Lennon doesn't do tactics. He doesn't work on formations. He's an arrogant sarcastic prick (which I already knew) and a bully.
Ok the lad said it helped toughen him up, but that sort a shite only works for some. It's obvious last year's Celtic squad weren't havin it and I don't fuckin blame them.
Who the fuck comes out with shite like "you are now in a dictatorship and I'm in charge". If any prick said that to me if I was workin for him, I'd fuckin flatten him. Infact I fuckin did!
Not like you Deadner..

Noticed there’s one with big leishman
Is that worth the free admission
Big Jim was brilliant. Some great stories. To be honest, there’s a bit of everything on the podcast. Jim with his stories from management days, Bert Ford and Gary Burrell from the boxing days (hilarious) then Xmas Special which is a carry on the whole way, Derek Rae who is a Paralympian going for gold in Tokyo, recent one covering Scottish History with Dr William Knox is one of my favourites. But maybe I’m biased because it’s my podcast 😂😂😂 if I was to recommend an episode to introduce yourself to it, I’d say Xmas Special, Big Jim or Boxing ones and then take it from there!
Big Jim was brilliant. Some great stories. To be honest, there’s a bit of everything on the podcast. Jim with his stories from management days, Bert Ford and Gary Burrell from the boxing days (hilarious) then Xmas Special which is a carry on the whole way, Derek Rae who is a Paralympian going for gold in Tokyo, recent one covering Scottish History with Dr William Knox is one of my favourites. But maybe I’m biased because it’s my podcast 😂😂😂 if I was to recommend an episode to introduce yourself to it, I’d say Xmas Special, Big Jim or Boxing ones and then take it from there!
I recorded a ceremony for the Miners who lost their lives at the Michael Pit....Big Jim was there....He cam across real good and said some great stuff, even managed a wee joke or 2
Big Jim was brilliant. Some great stories. To be honest, there’s a bit of everything on the podcast. Jim with his stories from management days, Bert Ford and Gary Burrell from the boxing days (hilarious) then Xmas Special which is a carry on the whole way, Derek Rae who is a Paralympian going for gold in Tokyo, recent one covering Scottish History with Dr William Knox is one of my favourites. But maybe I’m biased because it’s my podcast 😂😂😂 if I was to recommend an episode to introduce yourself to it, I’d say Xmas Special, Big Jim or Boxing ones and then take it from there!
I was at a Sportsman's dinner a coiple of years ago with him and Joey Harper (sat next to him and fantastic story teller and brilliant company, but not so good at the public speaking). Leishman just wandered about the hall telling brilliant stories and interacting with the crowd. He still had a very quick wit and was so down to earth. He seemed like a wonderful person.

I don't listen to podcasts but good luck.
I was at a Sportsman's dinner a coiple of years ago with him and Joey Harper (sat next to him and fantastic story teller and brilliant company, but not so good at the public speaking). Leishman just wandered about the hall telling brilliant stories and interacting with the crowd. He still had a very quick wit and was so down to earth. He seemed like a wonderful person.

I don't listen to podcasts but good luck.
My dads next door childhood neighbour was joe Harper
Lovely guy
Never forgot his roots

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