Dominic McKay has just resigned from Celtic due to personal reasons

What concerns me Winter is that that dialogue between the Celtic hierarchy and the support began anew through McKay himself and sadly going by tonight's statement it seems to have ended with his departure. I mean they don't even attempt to give a reasonable explanation as to why he's left other than 'personal reasons' which is so vague and open to interpretation it could cover almost anything...(which is exactly the point imo)!

What we deserve is the truth! Why, after less than 3 months in the job, has the new CEO resigned?

If it's due to health reasons related to either Dom or a family member then we as a support would fully understand why he chose to resign and wouldn't need any further details beyond that, if it's something else then show us a modicum of respect and give us some detail otherwise suspicion and speculation takes over and for their own sake they'd be wise to avoid that!
It looks like Shadow the deadly epidemic we call silence has settled once again over Paradise..

Board could've easily avoided all the suspicion and speculation by putting a bit more meat on the bone with their statement Docco...a little detail would've went a long way!
Perhaps it's not as underhand as we think and the guys privacy should be respected.

I doubt it, but there are things we need to know and things we don't. But either way this board doesn't give us mere mortals information, who the fuck are we ?
Never noticed that to be honest pal ,eagle eye cherry there
Why would Celtic regret anything at this stage he has simply stood down according to reports, a door is still open

Chief Executive Dom McKay has stood down from his position for personal reasons.........................Michael Nicholson has been appointed to the Board of Celtic plc as acting Chief Executive Officer.
Now then John No. your sweary nonsense doesn’t really hint at a great intellect. But let’s take you at face value. The Celtic board have presided over a needless disaster and now have it seems punted the new ceo they picked or the ceo has told them to shove it. What is it I need to be positive about? Try not to swear etc. Show a wee bit of class…..
Why would Celtic regret anything at this stage he has simply stood down according to reports, a door is still open

Chief Executive Dom McKay has stood down from his position for personal reasons.........................Michael Nicholson has been appointed to the Board of Celtic plc as acting Chief Executive Officer.
Now i've settled, had a few slurps and digested todays news, i see it like this

Dom McKay was part of a team that we saw as part of a new team at Celtic. We saw him and Ange as a move away from the old regime. We've made some signings and Ange has got some plaudits for his work over the last couple of months. As the song goes 'we live in hope and pray'. He came and we were having kittens cos it wasn't Lawwless

The guy was here for 72 days, he won't be missed as he wasn't here long enough. He may have gotten on well with Ange, he may not, but i'm pretty sure Ange has dealt with more of these guy than he needs to.

Dom came in and like most businessmen the soundbites were good. Now i am not trying to detract or criticise him, but he doesn't save shots, make tackles, win headers, play passes or score goals. He doesnt coach and he doesn't affect football matters.
Cynically, it's just a suit that has left.

Lets leave the man be with whatever decision is made and move on.

Focus on the next guy and keep both barrels pointed at this board.
Time will tell what happened depsit a Non Disclosure likely been signed. Whatever the reaons, we should know by now, it doesnt matter who is the CEO.
It could be Krusty the Clown or Sideshow Bob.
Your only ever going to be as good as that Board let you be.
Now then John No. your sweary nonsense doesn’t really hint at a great intellect. But let’s take you at face value. The Celtic board have presided over a needless disaster and now have it seems punted the new ceo they picked or the ceo has told them to shove it. What is it I need to be positive about? Try not to swear etc. Show a wee bit of class…..

My old boy used to say, never feel threatened by anyone or anyones intellect
When you boil it down were all wankers at the end of the day
Some of us accept it and others think differently

Somehow that came into my mind just reading that
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Desmond's 'hands on' role in transfers, Strachan's return as a 'consultant', Lawwell still 'involved' at the club, Lawwell's former bagman now the 'interim' CEO. Join the dots:unsure:
Gary my good man, cos its on Newsnow disnae make it true pal
There was o link to sightings of Nessie earlier today right enough
Now then John No. your sweary nonsense doesn’t really hint at a great intellect. But let’s take you at face value. The Celtic board have presided over a needless disaster and now have it seems punted the new ceo they picked or the ceo has told them to shove it. What is it I need to be positive about? Try not to swear etc. Show a wee bit of class…..

Fair play to you. No one is paying any attention to you at all but you persevere. Well done. Everyone is speculating what is going on. No one knows....not even you. At the moment, no one has been pushed one has told anyone to shove face value no one has a clue....but keep it up buddy. You'll get your argument I'm sure. 👌