Don't do charlie and politics

I kind of hope China does blow him up
Gonna try very hard not to go on at length with this. What I am gonna say though, is, the danger to democracy and any kind of acceptable and civilised recourse in world politics, is severely in danger of being lost due to this man's father and his demented followers. His father is nothing other than an egotistical conman. A very dangerous one !
Gonna try very hard not to go on at length with this. What I am gonna say though, is, the danger to democracy and any kind of acceptable and civilised recourse in world politics, is severely in danger of being lost due to this man's father and his demented followers. His father is nothing other than an egotistical conman. A very dangerous one !
God I never even realised it was the spawn of Don! Just thought it was a random youtube arsehole!
The redneck hillbillies are attempting to regain power of the Senate and jail anyone who spoke out about the January 6th attack on the administration
The deep south as well as Florida, is a lost cause, they all love their guns and love their orange, bloviated, bawbag
Eric is coked out of his nut, and gets air time
Donald Trump's doctor was quoted as saying that Trump was a 'healthy 230 Lbs'...where ?...on the fucking moon ?
We live a few minutes from the border and love going to the States, but some inhabitants could use a frontal lobotomy

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