Erwin Rommel or Bernard Montgomery

Hmmmm......the calculated ruthless Nazi with a pathological sense of superiority or the calculated ruthless Imperialist with a pathological sense of superiority?

I'm going to go with neither
Ok so call it a point a piece for Monty and Erwin there then.
Ok so call it a point a piece for Monty and Erwin there then.

Sorry Jim but NO points for either on account of them both being calculated ruthless s**tweasels with a pathological sense of superiority who 'heroically' stood at the back staying out of harm's way while they haughtily directed their men to their deaths like they were pawns to be sacrificed in their wee game of desert chess.

Captains lead from the front not from the back and there's that whole pesky Nazi/Imperialist thing going on with them that I just can't overlook, so nah neither are Celtic captain material for me!

Also a frowny face for you for editing my comment giving my reasons for not favouring either :(
Erwin Rommel born November 15, 1891
Bernard Montgomery born November 17, 1887

Both born in November which is kind of interesting.

Leaving aside the reality that Montgomery was not always quite the brave gallant hero the british crown historians and media make out. Montgomery for example had no problem burning ordinary Irish family houses to the ground, at least any Irish of that huge democratic majority in Ireland of the time who disagreed with his colonial politics, monty it seems never cared who got hurt and burned out, even if meant supressing democracy itself, all so very hitler youth like!

While on the contrary, it appears that considered history has Rommel as the more reasonable and less eager to enforce extremes!

So leaving aside sir monty was a bit of a cowardly skinny cartoon-rat-look-a-like thug but one who had behind him more and bigger guns, I'd be interested in your thoughts and considered decision on who would have made the better captain for Celtic, if events had of turned out differently!

Monty was a RUGGER man HH?
Also a frowny face for you for editing my comment giving my reasons for not favouring either :(
Please not the frowny face, with so much misery in the world both real and imagined, the last thing needed is more. So here's a free big smiley face to counter :) your blues.
For interest, it was shortly after the year 1888 when people first started using the term the 'blues' as a general description for being miserable down and out.

Besides, I did not edit your comment! I actually quoted a part of and did so in fair context as a point each or no points each is the same, a draw not effecting the overall result.
For reference doing just that, quoting a part of what someone has stated in fair context, anyone can do within fair limits under most any national understanding of international copyright laws.
don't quote me on what the exact rules are in places like N.Korea, China, El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, Guatemala, UK, etc..,

Anyway doing just that! is what the news media do all the time! they don't quote everything someone said or has written to make a point. If they did it would take far too long to promote wars and plain confuse people as they would have too much information and never be able to make a decision, except of course on the island of Britain where all is generally immediately understood and accepted on catchy phrases and clichés, which generally makes anything just so simple and easy to understand for the general smart as the shiniest of buttons population.

Regardless don't blame me, blame the Irishman and Donegal warrior Saint Columba.

Here is he is pre photograph days of course, heading an early hoody brigade trying to get through the turnstile of a early ground in Scotland, in attempt to convert some generally wild ignorant peoples.
He scored and won that and every match, and took his tribe of Celtic minded invincibles, into England before it existed and won over all before them there, onto Europe and beyond where they won the hearts and minds of all they encountered during their Irish-Scottish missions of several centuries, their impact can still be seen today across Europe where ancient monuments were built in honour of these Celts, Gaels Irish Scots, call them what you want but from Ireland they came first and Scotland was first base.
Could be a lesson there!
some references

Anyway, Columba the man from Donegal, he is the one who well over a thousand years back
credibly can be claimed to have first started all the copyright stuff.

Back to general chat.

Close but Calling It for James Connolly.
Last edited:
Moving on

Tom Barry born 1 July 1897
John O'Neill born 9 March 1834
I'd be interested in your thoughts and considered decision on who would have made the better striker for Celtic, if events had of turned our differently!
Please not the frowny face, with so much misery in the world both real and imagined, the last thing needed is more. So here's a free big smiley face to counter :) your blues.
For interest, it was shortly after the year 1888 when people first started using the term the 'blues' as a general description for being miserable down and out.

Besides, I did not edit your comment! I actually quoted a part of and did so in fair context as a point each or no points each is the same, a draw not effecting the overall result.
For reference doing just that, quoting a part of what someone has stated in fair context, anyone can do within fair limits under most any national understanding of international copyright laws.
don't quote me on what the exact rules are in places like N.Korea, China, El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, Guatemala, UK, etc..,

Anyway doing just that! is what the news media do all the time! they don't quote everything someone said or has written to make a point. If they did it would take far too long to promote wars and plain confuse people as they would have too much information and never be able to make a decision, except of course on the island of Britain where all is generally immediately understood and accepted on catchy phrases and clichés, which generally makes anything just so simple and easy to understand for the general smart as the shiniest of buttons population.

Regardless don't blame me, blame the Irishman and Donegal warrior Saint Columba.

Here is he is pre photograph days of course, heading an early hoody brigade trying to get through the turnstile of a early ground in Scotland, in attempt to convert some generally wild ignorant peoples.
View attachment 420
He scored and won that and every match, and took his tribe of Celtic minded invincibles, into England before it existed and won over all before them there, onto Europe and beyond where they won the hearts and minds of all they encountered during their Irish-Scottish missions of several centuries, their impact can still be seen today across Europe where ancient monuments were built in honour of these Celts, Gaels Irish Scots, call them what you want but from Ireland they came first and Scotland was first base.
Could be a lesson there!
some references

Anyway, Columba the man from Donegal, he is the one who well over a thousand years back
credibly can be claimed to have first started all the copyright stuff.

Back to general chat.

Close but Calling It for James Connolly.

Jeez that's quite a lengthy reply in response to something that was said tongue-in-cheek Jim but I applaud your endeavour so here's a thumbs up and a wee smiley face for all your hard work (y) :)
