Feckin Tories

Like many an Insurance company , the DWP claimants staff had /have instructions to automatically refuse most claims - as has been shown by the number of successful appeals .
However the mental damage done to individuals by initially refusing claims is considerable but unrecorded and , as someone has already stated , some poor souls die as a result of this deliberate , State-sponsored callousness .
How these 'Public Servants ' can live with their actions defeats me .

I have had the misfortune of having to support people with mental health problems to some of these interviews and curiously enough the set questions that the 'medical experts' ask have very little relevance to mental health and are more geared up for physical disabilities.

After having 2 operations and being off work for a good length of time my work sick pay had ended and I was having to claim sick money from DWP. I received the grand total of £73 per week which was exactly the same as unemployment benefit at the time. Because I was claiming them they dragged me down to the jobcentre to see how they could get me back into work. I still had a job, I still had an open wound and I'm still fucked if I know why they did that but the bus fares certainly ate into the pitiful benefit I got.

I was also given a hard time at the Jobcentre when I was looking for work by the alleged 'employment coaches' and I'm now super stoked to find out that they themselves will be signing on soon. I hope they remember that they have to be job searching for 35 hours per week to qualify for their buroo money.

Dontcha just love Karma? 😆
The Secretary for the Environment says that people that people who are struggling to afford to pay for food should work longer hours and get "upskilled" to get better paid jobs.
Iam shocked. My step daughter is a single working parent caring caring for an autistic 3yr old.
Iam so 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠
but I don't know what I can do (if anything). All suggestions considered.
Feckin Tories.
You could set up an only fans account lol
The country is fucked either way. The Tories are scummy bastards, we know that and they know that. They don't even try to hide it.
Labour on the other hand , keir says one thing one day then depending what the papers are saying he changes the next. He lied to get elected as leader, going back on his 10 pledges to become leader. Now he's came out with another 5 pledges.
Then we have the bullshitting Tartan Tories, the SNP. Who's going to be the new leader. Kate Forbes who is a religious crackpot or Humza is has got a track record of failure in ever position he has held.
At least we are top of the league
There were cases where they passed folk fit for work who died the same week. It was shameful. I read they did not save any money at all, any savings were outweighed by the cost of the appeal process, which most folk won.
In my early twenties, another employee I was working with fucked up, and I got hurt in an industrial accident
I was off for two weeks, when WCB (Workers compensation board) sent me a letter, saying I had an appointment with a doctor (not my own GP) and if I didn't show up for the examination, I'd be cut off
I went for the test and was told I had pulled a muscle in my back and they signed me fit to go back to work
I hobbled in for my shift at 6 AM and after lifting a 70 Lb box, I collapsed, and was rushed by ambulance to hospital
The scan showed I had a slipped disc, which was pressing on the Sciatic nerve
I was in 3 different hospitals and was in traction hooked up to a medieval contraption for a moth, it was agony
I got back to work almost a year later, and I suffer to this day from Sciatica
When my own doctor found out, he called the WCB and asked for the guy who had threatened to deny my claim
My doctor was a wee guy from Dublin and I loved when he told the cunt "Where did you get your medical degree from? You don't have one...oh I see, well my patient will not be going back until I give him the OK..."
He even phoned the WCB's doctor who had examined me, and gave him a right going over
These Govt systems are set up not to help the employees, but to keep the conveyor belt of commerce going, with replacements and not pay out the insurance money we've all paid into, and are entitled to
I despise the bastards who treat it, as if it's their money you're entitled to
You have to be a special kind of evil bastard to do that to hard working people
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You’re right Miktim it could be coupled with “Kick a Tory” day and turned into a twice yearly event. Good thinking man
"Kick a Tory", great idea but, you'd probably break yer toes cause they're so thick skinned. And as I write this Burnley have scored against Broony's 10 men Codmen, with only injury time left. Regardless our Old Captain and his charges have done themselves proud.
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