Financial Fair Play.....Hearts.....Sevco and the SFA


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With Sevco's compliance with Financial Fair Play being ignored by the SFA and Hearts refusing to disclose who their mystery benefactor is to the tune of nearly 10% of their budget something rancid is afoot.

What if Hearts mystery benefactor has links to another Scottish club who have title aspirations?

No conflict here? Nothing to see, let's move on?

This is simply not on.
courtesy of CQN
Could a scottish football club in 2018 be requiring CL income to avoid death .......

2010 was the year of the ‘Honest Mistake’, when match officials in Scotland just couldn’t seem to get decisions right.
This general incompetence would be easier to explain if the decisions ‘evened themselves out’ over the course of the season.
Instead there was a remarkable trend, one club seemed to get a hugely disproportionate benefit from these decisions which the men with whistles themselves termed as ‘Honest Mistakes’ and that club’s biggest rival for the SPL title, and with it the Champions League spot for the following season, just never seemed to get the rub of the green.
That club had a new manager with up until that point had a decent reputation.

The era of the ‘Honest Mistakes’ cost him his job. Perhaps he himself gave a green light to what was to follow when early on he stated that he wouldn’t challenge poor refereeing decision but instead would ‘take it on the chin’.
Yesterday, some 7 years after all of this happened, a former director of one of these football clubs, appeared in the High Court in Glasgow to give evidence in a criminal fraud trial, involving the subsequent sale of that club which, a mere two years after the era of the ‘Honest Mistake’ went into administration and then liquidation when a CVA failed.
A new club was formed, Celtic played them last weekend at Ibrox and put five goals into their nets.
Things weren’t so dandy back in 2012 when decision after decision would go against Celtic and for the old Rangers club.
In court that former Director in evidence under oath spoke about how close to the wind the old club sailed in 2010 and that the bank were close to forcing an insolvency event on Rangers at that time. He told the court that Champions League money was crucial if the club was to make ends meet.
It was essential that they won the league. Absolutely essential. Critical even.
So it was a remarkably fortuitous coincidence that they were up against a manager prepared to take anything at all on the chin.
And even more of a lucky coincidence that refereeing standards would be so poor, even by the rather low standards of previous seasons, and that the club in need of the title got it, helped by honest mistake after honest mistake that add up to one of the most remarkable coincidences ever seen in professional sport.
Yesterday CQN revisited 50 Honest Mistakes from around 2010 and we would urge you to read these to remind yourselves of what happened. Please note that the extended beyond Tony Mowbray’s time as Celtic manager and into Neil Lennon’s time in charge. Remember what happened at Tannadice?
You will recall some of these but plenty of others will jog your memory and you will probably be fairly shocked as you read down the list and notice a trend.
You get a list at the end totaling up the incidents and the officials who gave them and you will notice that if they gave out awards in Honest Mistakes there are clear medal winners within the whistle blowing profession.
You can read about the first 25 Honest Mistakes HERE and when you have finished that pick up from 26 to 50 HERE.
FFP won't happen while they two are up to the knees/necks in it.

UEFA are too busy trying to keep the big boys from running off with the ball and making their own competition.

The SFA has no balls to do anything as there would be "civil unrest".

Meanwhile In a parallel universe: The victim lie gets kicked into high gear if suddenly something were to happen.

Of course it will be that dastardly unseen hand that's been at work. It's infiltrated everywhere....

The blazers will do anything to stop the baying hoard from their doors at night. Remember what happened to Turnbull Hutton for speaking the truth. Maybe Reagan had a vision of what would happen if the SFA had followed the rulebook and made a Freudian Slip with the civil unrest quote.
The 'honest mistake' culture has permeated throughout Scottish football for as long as professionalism has existed.

All that Celtic has achieved throughout this period has been in spite of this culture, certainly not as a beneficiary of it.

The 'honest mistake' principle is not only evident on the field of play. This principle can be applied to: player registration, ticket allocation, disciplinary panels, and of course - financial fair play, financial prudence, incomplete and doctored tax returns etc etc etc......

As Celtic fans, we have almost become innured to it, as it is a general state of being in Scottish football. even though the concept of unfairness is a vague abstract notion, it has developed a tangible object permanence within our game.

As for UEFA, FIFA, SFA, SPFL........What hope is there of any type of thorough financial book-keeping to be expected by organisations that are wholly corrupted and compromised by their own greed???

We stand alone in this endeavour.......too many beaks are dipping into the money swamp!
With Sevco's compliance with Financial Fair Play being ignored by the SFA and Hearts refusing to disclose who their mystery benefactor is to the tune of nearly 10% of their budget something rancid is afoot.

What if Hearts mystery benefactor has links to another Scottish club who have title aspirations?

No conflict here? Nothing to see, let's move on?

This is simply not on.

It does seem strange to me that we accept Desmond couldn’t plough in money, even if he wanted to, because the rules forbid it. If this is the case, then why are Celtic not taking this up with both the SFA and Uefa?

I return once again to our lack of involvement in this affair. We fail again to realise on here and on many billions of written words regarding the SFA’s failure.

We are a member of that organisation. Could anybody show me a statement from our board that calls this out as contravening UEFA and SFA rules?

All of these blogs puts the blame on others, I am more of the opinion that unless Celtic take a stand, it is beyond rich that we call out anybody for what in effect we are doing.

Looking at our fucking shoes whilst our enemies cheat.
It does seem strange to me that we accept Desmond couldn’t plough in money, even if he wanted to, because the rules forbid it. If this is the case, then why are Celtic not taking this up with both the SFA and Uefa?

I return once again to our lack of involvement in this affair. We fail again to realise on here and on many billions of written words regarding the SFA’s failure.

We are a member of that organisation. Could anybody show me a statement from our board that calls this out as contravening UEFA and SFA rules?

All of these blogs puts the blame on others, I am more of the opinion that unless Celtic take a stand, it is beyond rich that we call out anybody for what in effect we are doing.

Looking at our fucking shoes whilst our enemies cheat.

I couldn't agree more with your post...we spend all day everyday screaming about corruption, by we I mean the fans, while our board stay quiet and take our money. Now some bloggers will say the board are working quietly behind the scenes....I do not believe this. It would take one statement from our board as I've said before. Denounce the "old firm" tag. Call for an independent review which will be rejected. Threaten to take our case outside of Scottish football, threaten to pull out of cup games until the corruption in Scottish football has been exposed and investigated. Get the eyes of world football focused on our game the way they were on the Italian league a few years back or the way they are now in Belgium. Our board won't do this. If our league is investigated or we are called in front of FIFA or UEFA, who like to keep this shit in-house, then we will face action...and god forbid our board members stop making a bit of cash out of Celtic...the game will remain rigged until our Board step up.....Lawwell isn't the man to do this...he's looking forward to a future on the UEFA gravy train.
Can only echo the sentiments of those above, unless the Celtic board starts to speak out on this and puts the spotlight firmly on the SFA then the corruption that has dogged Scottish football will continue unabated because those involved know there are no consequences.
The Might of the ‘secret society’ is at work here. secret benefactors secret donations to Sevco and now Hearts and they’re getting away with It.
I don’t believe the SFA have anything on anybody at Celtic but they would certainly be capable of using the SMSM to make it up as lying is what they do best to destroy someone within Celtic and tarnish our good name. We have learned so much about what happened to the now liquidated Rangers F.C. the lengths the establishment went to propping them up everyone from :banks to the justice system and now that same corrupt energy is going to assist Sevco against Celtic. It used to be enough to play the best football and win but now it seems like the battles are all around on and especially off the pitch. I understand that many Celtic fans want Celtic board to make a stand and that is the right thing to do but we also need to be aware of what we are asking and the fallout that would no doubt befall our beloved club. I’m not saying we shouldn’t do anything but let’s not start thinking that someone at Celtic has something to hide from the SFA.
I couldn't agree more with your post...we spend all day everyday screaming about corruption, by we I mean the fans, while our board stay quiet and take our money. Now some bloggers will say the board are working quietly behind the scenes....I do not believe this. It would take one statement from our board as I've said before. Denounce the "old firm" tag. Call for an independent review which will be rejected. Threaten to take our case outside of Scottish football, threaten to pull out of cup games until the corruption in Scottish football has been exposed and investigated. Get the eyes of world football focused on our game the way they were on the Italian league a few years back or the way they are now in Belgium. Our board won't do this. If our league is investigated or we are called in front of FIFA or UEFA, who like to keep this shit in-house, then we will face action...and god forbid our board members stop making a bit of cash out of Celtic...the game will remain rigged until our Board step up.....Lawwell isn't the man to do this...he's looking forward to a future on the UEFA gravy train.

Agreed. Working behind the scenes? What a load of shite. Looking at their shoes and fidgeting more like. Until our board grow a pair moaning about anybody else is pathetic and fails completely to see how us shiting it enables every bit of shit that comes our way.
The Might of the ‘secret society’ is at work here. secret benefactors secret donations to Sevco and now Hearts and they’re getting away with It.
I don’t believe the SFA have anything on anybody at Celtic but they would certainly be capable of using the SMSM to make it up as lying is what they do best to destroy someone within Celtic and tarnish our good name. We have learned so much about what happened to the now liquidated Rangers F.C. the lengths the establishment went to propping them up everyone from :banks to the justice system and now that same corrupt energy is going to assist Sevco against Celtic. It used to be enough to play the best football and win but now it seems like the battles are all around on and especially off the pitch. I understand that many Celtic fans want Celtic board to make a stand and that is the right thing to do but we also need to be aware of what we are asking and the fallout that would no doubt befall our beloved club. I’m not saying we shouldn’t do anything but let’s not start thinking that someone at Celtic has something to hide from the SFA.

There can be no secret investors. Money has a trail. If anybody had the balls to ask somebody to look and ask where the money came from we would know. It’s not as if the leave a bag of cash at the door is it? And if there is a secret society how do you know about it?
There can be no secret investors.

Well actually that's not quite right because apparently there are.

Money has a trail.

No doubt, but only if you have the means to find it.

If anybody had the balls to ask somebody to look and ask where the money came from we would know.

Are you suggesting that if I (being anybody) contacted Ann Budge and asked her who Hearts mystery benefactor was she would tell me?

It’s not as if the leave a bag of cash at the door is it?

Who's to know? If there's money laundering going down who knows how it's delivered. David Murray allegedly bunged LM a million quid when he took over the old Rangers

And if there is a secret society how do you know about it?

Are you implying that society's that have secrets are unknown to us?

I would be interested in your replies if you are of a mind to do so. Thanks
Are you implying that society's that have secrets are unknown to us?

I would be interested in your replies if you are of a mind to do so. Thanks

Are you implying that society's that have secrets are unknown to us?

I would be interested in your replies if you are of a mind to do so. Thanks

Money is moved electronically and is monitored now more than ever to track laundering of criminal activity. As I said, unless they took the money and left it there is a trail. You or I couldn’t just accessehetr it came from, but what we would be able to do is check the accounts and see how all income was accounted for. Any monies not generated through aspects of business activit, need to be shown. If the story of the hearts benefactor is true, then his or her contribution needs to be shown in turnover and explained. Clubs accounts are checked to ensure as far as possible, they are part of the fair play model. If you cannot account for this through general business activity, then clubs are penalised. Because the persons aren’t named doesn’t mean nobody knows who they are. They just don’t want to go public.

You say Murray bunged £1m allegedly, how do you know that? If he did, unless it was all in notes he had collected and saved there would be evidence. A trail. The fact you even mention it means someone knew, so, again not secret. Dodgy maybe, but not secret.

Secret societies? Well the name tends to suggest we wouldn’t know if they actually were. There is a difference with secret so called practices, again we know about them so they aren’t secret. How can something be secret if people know about them? It’s a misnomer. It’s either secret, or it’s not.

In the absence of evidence people follow conspiracy theories as there is no need to justify any charge. We can claim anything, the Illuminati, Masons, Jewish Orgs running the world, lizard Aliens, take your pick.

If you are predisposed to believing that dark forces are at work, it’s easy to say they are secret. Keeping secrets is very difficult, as soon as people are involved it becomes doubly so. Extend the numbers and more weaknesses appear. More possibility for a leak.

The fact that this story was in the DR would suggest that if anybody was trying to keep it a secret they made and arse of it. So again, not secret, the name could and would be found if anybody with the authority to do so had the wish to find out.

Could you answer me a question? Do you believe in conspiracy theories?
