Govan's ‘Emerald Celtic’ Brake Club: Who Says Football and Politics Don't Mix

Fascinating article.
What was the relevance of the fruits on the banner? apple pear orange grapes.
If I had to guess, might be to portray the best, as likely those items would be considered luxuries at the time.
I know that Oranges were often put in Irish Christmas stockings (pillow cases if Irish :) ) until fair recent times. Those times I expect not many even got a orange.

Have so much respect for the previous generations of Irish emigrants in Scotland, what they generally had to endure and how they passed on and preserved their identity. Celtic is one of the few lasting Irish monuments anywhere and unique in Europe at the very least. I don't know enough about Notre Dame in the USA or Irish clubs in Australia, but doubt any match Celtic FC.
Ironic how the anti Irish racism and bigotry of supposed protestants (few of them have ever cast a shadow near a church of any kind, let alone regularly practise a recognizable religion in one) in Scotland backfired on them and their oaf ancestors, who's intolerance only served to ensure people clung to their Irish roots even more.
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Anyone read Brian McGurk's book - Celtic FC the Ireland Connection.

Some interesting info on the Brake clubs in this google books online - Bigotry, Football and Scotland.
Pages 55 - 56

Seems not much has changed in Scotland's British Police choosing to especially target and pick on one side, Celtic and did this despite the clear evidence that most violence and disruption was coming from the deid club. British empire policing the world over, from Kenya to Belfast.
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?