
It’s amazing, and at the same time rather scary what it can do and where it will lead.

If you need to write an in depth report or a job application letter/resume, or anything at all, it will blow your fckn mind.

It only accesses on line info pre 2021 I think I’m right in saying.

If you download it, a wee tip is to write what you want to say on a Word document first and then cut and paste that to the AI program. You need to experiment a bit with what you load in to the program to get the best results.

There’s lots you can do with it, but you need to always remember, what you do with it is recorded somewhere and it’s capabilities are scary…
I was wondering.......can it be used to bankrupt the zombies again ? Or will we just put on the kettle and wait ??
was bored so asked gpt a question

were rangers football club demoted to the bottom tier of scottish football

Yes, Rangers Football Club was demoted to the bottom tier of Scottish football in 2012 after facing financial difficulties and entering administration. As a result, they were placed in the Scottish Third Division for the 2012-2013 season, which is the fourth tier of the Scottish professional football league system. The club has since worked its way back up through the leagues and is currently competing in the Scottish Premiership, the top tier of Scottish football.

where do you get this information from

As an AI language model, I have been trained on a large dataset that includes various sources of information, such as news articles, books, and online sources. For the specific question you asked, my response is based on my pre-existing knowledge and understanding of the events that took place in Scottish football in 2012. The information has been acquired through analyzing a large number of sources and texts, and my responses are generated using natural language processing techniques. However, I do not have access to the internet and my responses are generated solely based on the information I have been trained on.

are they the same club

The question of whether Rangers Football Club (RFC) is the same club as the original Rangers club is a topic of much debate among football fans and experts.
In 2012, when the club was demoted to the fourth tier of Scottish football due to financial difficulties, the assets and history of the original Rangers club were bought by a new company called Sevco Scotland Ltd. Sevco then renamed the club as The Rangers Football Club Ltd. and entered it into the Scottish Third Division.
Some people argue that since the new club was formed from the assets and history of the original Rangers club, it is essentially the same club with a new legal entity. Others argue that the club's history and achievements belong to the old club and the new club should be considered a separate entity.
In short, the question of whether RFC is the same club as the original Rangers club is subjective and can depend on one's perspective and interpretation of the situation.

you say your sources are from news articles ,books and online sources .

Yes, as an AI language model, my knowledge is derived from a vast amount of text data that has been processed and analyzed during my training phase. This text data includes news articles, books, research papers, and other online sources that are publicly available. The information is preprocessed and structured into a format that can be used to train me on various natural language processing tasks, such as language modeling, text classification, question answering, and more.
It's worth noting that the quality of the information I provide depends on the quality of the sources that I was trained on. While my training data comes from a diverse range of sources, I may not always have access to the most up-to-date information or have a complete understanding of complex or nuanced topics. In cases where the information is uncertain or conflicting, it's always a good idea to seek out additional sources to verify the information.

so you spout as much pish as the pish head at the next table

As an AI language model, I do not possess any personal opinions or beliefs, and I am designed to provide accurate and informative responses based on the information I have been trained on. I strive to provide the best possible answers to the questions asked of me, and my responses are based on the most relevant and reliable information that I have access to.
However, like any other source of information, my responses are not infallible, and there may be cases where I provide incomplete, outdated, or inaccurate information. In such cases, it's always a good idea to verify the information with other sources or seek the advice of experts in the relevant field.
Ultimately, my goal is to be a helpful resource that can provide quick and informative answers to a wide range of questions, but I recognize that I am not perfect, and there is always room for improvement.

the continuation myth continues
funny thing is any information discussed on blogs from 2012 onwards is missing ,,,,,,ignored so whose controling the narrative
was bored so asked gpt a question

were rangers football club demoted to the bottom tier of scottish football

Yes, Rangers Football Club was demoted to the bottom tier of Scottish football in 2012 after facing financial difficulties and entering administration. As a result, they were placed in the Scottish Third Division for the 2012-2013 season, which is the fourth tier of the Scottish professional football league system. The club has since worked its way back up through the leagues and is currently competing in the Scottish Premiership, the top tier of Scottish football.

where do you get this information from

As an AI language model, I have been trained on a large dataset that includes various sources of information, such as news articles, books, and online sources. For the specific question you asked, my response is based on my pre-existing knowledge and understanding of the events that took place in Scottish football in 2012. The information has been acquired through analyzing a large number of sources and texts, and my responses are generated using natural language processing techniques. However, I do not have access to the internet and my responses are generated solely based on the information I have been trained on.

are they the same club

The question of whether Rangers Football Club (RFC) is the same club as the original Rangers club is a topic of much debate among football fans and experts.
In 2012, when the club was demoted to the fourth tier of Scottish football due to financial difficulties, the assets and history of the original Rangers club were bought by a new company called Sevco Scotland Ltd. Sevco then renamed the club as The Rangers Football Club Ltd. and entered it into the Scottish Third Division.
Some people argue that since the new club was formed from the assets and history of the original Rangers club, it is essentially the same club with a new legal entity. Others argue that the club's history and achievements belong to the old club and the new club should be considered a separate entity.
In short, the question of whether RFC is the same club as the original Rangers club is subjective and can depend on one's perspective and interpretation of the situation.

you say your sources are from news articles ,books and online sources .

Yes, as an AI language model, my knowledge is derived from a vast amount of text data that has been processed and analyzed during my training phase. This text data includes news articles, books, research papers, and other online sources that are publicly available. The information is preprocessed and structured into a format that can be used to train me on various natural language processing tasks, such as language modeling, text classification, question answering, and more.
It's worth noting that the quality of the information I provide depends on the quality of the sources that I was trained on. While my training data comes from a diverse range of sources, I may not always have access to the most up-to-date information or have a complete understanding of complex or nuanced topics. In cases where the information is uncertain or conflicting, it's always a good idea to seek out additional sources to verify the information.

so you spout as much pish as the pish head at the next table

As an AI language model, I do not possess any personal opinions or beliefs, and I am designed to provide accurate and informative responses based on the information I have been trained on. I strive to provide the best possible answers to the questions asked of me, and my responses are based on the most relevant and reliable information that I have access to.
However, like any other source of information, my responses are not infallible, and there may be cases where I provide incomplete, outdated, or inaccurate information. In such cases, it's always a good idea to verify the information with other sources or seek the advice of experts in the relevant field.
Ultimately, my goal is to be a helpful resource that can provide quick and informative answers to a wide range of questions, but I recognize that I am not perfect, and there is always room for improvement.

the continuation myth continues
funny thing is any information discussed on blogs from 2012 onwards is missing ,,,,,,ignored so whose controling the narrative
"so whose controling the narrative"
SFA and media
"so whose controling the narrative"
SFA and media
asked that here's the answer

As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to control any narrative. I am simply a tool that processes and analyzes language to generate responses to questions or prompts that are given to me. The information that I provide is based solely on the text data that I have been trained on and the algorithms that have been programmed into my system.

In general, the control of narratives is often influenced by a variety of factors, including media outlets, social and cultural norms, political and economic systems, and individual or collective perspectives. The spread and influence of different narratives can be influenced by factors such as the perceived credibility of the source, the persuasiveness of the arguments presented, and the level of exposure and engagement with the narrative. Ultimately, the control of narratives is a complex and multi-faceted process that involves many different actors and influences.
on murray
David Murray was the owner and chairman of Rangers Football Club during a period of financial mismanagement that contributed to the club's eventual downfall. Murray oversaw a significant increase in the club's spending, including the acquisition of high-priced players, which resulted in a significant amount of debt.

In addition to the club's financial mismanagement, Murray also implemented a controversial Employee Benefit Trust (EBT) scheme that allowed the club to pay players through offshore accounts, which was later found to be in violation of tax laws. The club was subsequently investigated by the UK tax authorities, and the resulting penalties and fines contributed to the financial difficulties that ultimately led to the club's liquidation and subsequent rebirth as a new entity.

While Murray's role in the downfall of Rangers is a subject of debate and controversy, many observers and experts have pointed to his management and financial decisions as contributing factors to the club's eventual demise.
was bored so asked gpt a question

were rangers football club demoted to the bottom tier of scottish football

Yes, Rangers Football Club was demoted to the bottom tier of Scottish football in 2012 after facing financial difficulties and entering administration. As a result, they were placed in the Scottish Third Division for the 2012-2013 season, which is the fourth tier of the Scottish professional football league system. The club has since worked its way back up through the leagues and is currently competing in the Scottish Premiership, the top tier of Scottish football.

where do you get this information from

As an AI language model, I have been trained on a large dataset that includes various sources of information, such as news articles, books, and online sources. For the specific question you asked, my response is based on my pre-existing knowledge and understanding of the events that took place in Scottish football in 2012. The information has been acquired through analyzing a large number of sources and texts, and my responses are generated using natural language processing techniques. However, I do not have access to the internet and my responses are generated solely based on the information I have been trained on.

are they the same club

The question of whether Rangers Football Club (RFC) is the same club as the original Rangers club is a topic of much debate among football fans and experts.
In 2012, when the club was demoted to the fourth tier of Scottish football due to financial difficulties, the assets and history of the original Rangers club were bought by a new company called Sevco Scotland Ltd. Sevco then renamed the club as The Rangers Football Club Ltd. and entered it into the Scottish Third Division.
Some people argue that since the new club was formed from the assets and history of the original Rangers club, it is essentially the same club with a new legal entity. Others argue that the club's history and achievements belong to the old club and the new club should be considered a separate entity.
In short, the question of whether RFC is the same club as the original Rangers club is subjective and can depend on one's perspective and interpretation of the situation.

you say your sources are from news articles ,books and online sources .

Yes, as an AI language model, my knowledge is derived from a vast amount of text data that has been processed and analyzed during my training phase. This text data includes news articles, books, research papers, and other online sources that are publicly available. The information is preprocessed and structured into a format that can be used to train me on various natural language processing tasks, such as language modeling, text classification, question answering, and more.
It's worth noting that the quality of the information I provide depends on the quality of the sources that I was trained on. While my training data comes from a diverse range of sources, I may not always have access to the most up-to-date information or have a complete understanding of complex or nuanced topics. In cases where the information is uncertain or conflicting, it's always a good idea to seek out additional sources to verify the information.

so you spout as much pish as the pish head at the next table

As an AI language model, I do not possess any personal opinions or beliefs, and I am designed to provide accurate and informative responses based on the information I have been trained on. I strive to provide the best possible answers to the questions asked of me, and my responses are based on the most relevant and reliable information that I have access to.
However, like any other source of information, my responses are not infallible, and there may be cases where I provide incomplete, outdated, or inaccurate information. In such cases, it's always a good idea to verify the information with other sources or seek the advice of experts in the relevant field.
Ultimately, my goal is to be a helpful resource that can provide quick and informative answers to a wide range of questions, but I recognize that I am not perfect, and there is always room for improvement.

the continuation myth continues
funny thing is any information discussed on blogs from 2012 onwards is missing ,,,,,,ignored so whose controling the narrative
So Keech Jackson is programming the AI models? Can we send a Terminator back in time to take care of his mother before she inflicts that gobshite on the world?
The disgusting depths some people will sink to is sickening. Michael Schumacher's family are planning legal action against the German magazine, Die Aktuelle, which published an artificial intelligence-generated 'interview' with the former Formula 1 driver.

Die Aktuelle ran a picture of a smiling Schumacher, 54, on the front cover of its latest edition with a headline of "Michael Schumacher, the first interview". A strapline underneath reads "it sounded deceptively real", and it emerges in the article that the supposed quotes had been produced by AI.

The poor guy suffered severe serious head injuries in a skiing accident in ten years ago that almost killed him. He still requires round-the-clock care and has not been seen in public since. His family have repeatedly pleaded for the media to respect his privacy but that sensationalist tabloid mag comes out with this sort of crap.