Hamstring, Hamstrung?

For some it's hard to assimilate, they come from warm climates, and the Scottish weather, plus local culture, is difficult to handle, and they struggle with the goldfish bowl existence in a city like Glasgow, given the amount of mutants walking the streets, who think it's their God given right ,to shout abuse at players
As many of us know, it's not easy adjusting to a new town /city, or country
It takes time and when you're not fully focused, your mind and body is vulnerable
Did the Romans no run all the way back to Rome because the Scotia weather was a wee bit rough on them…and the barbarians that lived there 😂
Goal keepers back in the day never punched a ball because their attention was fully focused on punching the opposition centre forward
As a ex keeper myself, the art holding onto a ball when making a save was a art requiring much practice.
With the beach balls used today, where keepers push it away (usually to opposing player) has taken a valuable art from the game.
If you watch the 1966 cinema colour version if that game the commentator says hes a strange lad this German Keeper he doesn't catch the ball

ITV 4 a rerunning the big match from the 70's
If you look at the early to mid 70's the keepers catch the ball
Later on a the overseas coaches and keepers come in its all pushing the ball away