Happy Albert Kidd Day!

Winning Captains

Staff member
Let's hear your stories from 3 May 1986. Were you down at Love Street or listening to the events unfold on the radio. We've got some great articles going on on The Celtic Star on the dramatic league win for Celtic that afternoon, starting with this one below. I'll drop in the other links over the next few hours. But let's get your memories posted too!

I'd moved to digs just outside Bolton a couple of weeks after my birthday in February, 1986. The truth is that I did feel a wee bit homesick, but I used this as an excuse to come up to Scotland for the weekend. Got the bus from Preston to Newcastle on the Friday night and stayed at my Uncle's in Gateshead overnight. He then drove me to Buchanan Street on the Saturday Morning and instead of getting the Dundee bus, I just headed to Paisley after putting my gear in a locker in Queen Street.

I just remembered the air of confidence before the game. Everyone thought that it was "on" even though the jambos had gone nearly 30 games unbeaten. I hadn't long left Dundee and knew that a lot of their team at that time were die-hard Celtic fans. They also still had an outside shot at a European place and weren't a bad side either. I just couldn't see Hearts losing, I thought a draw was most likely where that old 'insitutional' thing might have just seen both teams play out a boring non-event and gift Hearts the title.

I also remember that in the days of poor telecommunications and no wall-to-wall football coverage, I sometimes had to wait till Mondays before I could get the Celtic results in the paper. Celtic went on a mad run right around March where they won week-after-week, but Hearts were keeping well enough clear as they only drew a few of their games. When they beat United 3-0 at Tannadice, I thought that that was Celtic's chance gone, but they then drew a couple of their last three or four games and Celtic just kept winning.

I still think the performance was one of the best I've seen live. The one-touch stuff throughout the whole game was outstanding and in spite of what was reported, St Mirren did turn up, they just got blown away by a team hitting peak performance on the day.

Even after everything though, I still didn't fully believe that Celtic had won the league though. I had seen something similar happen a few years earlier between Dundee, Hearts and Morton in the old first division and I was expecting to return home to Dundee that night and find out that Hearts had actually won. I got the 8 o'clock bus back to Dundee and didn't get home till about 10.30pm. My Ma' and Da' stayed in Arklay Street at the time and when I got the number 18 bus, all I could see was human wreckage all the way up Victoria Road, Dens Road and Arklay Street...........thousands upon thousands of emotionally devastated jambos all over the place!!! I've never been in a warzone before, but I'm assuming that the aftermath would look a lot like Dundee did that evening.

I'm still not sure if my Ma' and Da' were happy to see me, as both of them were completely blitzed and might have thought I was an hallucination. My brother (who's a Dundee fan) was out celebrating, but when I saw him the next day, it was the first time he put hands on me without inflicting some kind of pain.

Definitely one of the top 10 days of my life..........
I was visiting my pal in Edinburgh that weekend and drinking in Middleton's a boozer on Easter Rd, what a party. My memory is of only one punter in the bar having a wee portable radio and any updates passed round. I'm sure there was a bit of confusion when the goalscorer was named with some thinking hearts had actually gone 1 up through Walter Kidd or the same had scored an og. but that memory might be completely false due to the fact that the amount of alcohol consumed over that day and several days after has left nowt but a kaleidoscopic series of images of jubilation and mayhem.
I was at the game and I seem to recall a cheer going round part of the way through the second half but it never really took hold and only caused confusion. It was just an attempt to spur the team on for another goal or three. When the real cheer came, it was an eruption and there was no doubt Dundee had scored and the second cheer was the icing on the cake. In modern parlance, it was a jelly and ice cream day. Fantastic. Happy Albert Kidd Day everyone.
I was visiting my pal in Edinburgh that weekend and drinking in Middleton's a boozer on Easter Rd, what a party. My memory is of only one punter in the bar having a wee portable radio and any updates passed round. I'm sure there was a bit of confusion when the goalscorer was named with some thinking hearts had actually gone 1 up through Walter Kidd or the same had scored an og. but that memory might be completely false due to the fact that the amount of alcohol consumed over that day and several days after has left nowt but a kaleidoscopic series of images of jubilation and mayhem.
I bumped into Graham Harvey a couple of years after that game and it wasn't long after he'd scored a hat-trick at Parkhead in a 3-2 win for Dundee. If you asked him about his greatest footballing memory, I'm pretty sure that that hat-trick would come a distant second. I'm also pretty sure that actually playing for Hibs would come an even further distant third. Without a doubt he'd tell you that playing in that game at Dens was his greatest footballing memory.........he didn't much like the jambos!!!
Parents had just moved into a new house, so me and the auld Bhoy were painting it.
Radio was on , auld man never a fitba fan chatting away am no listening lugs glueded to what's going on.
Anyway heard Kidd had scored, heart on the ground...till I realised Albert not Walter! Jumping about like a madman! Ma Da looking like I was insane, second one went in ! That's it nae mair painting! Off to join the biggest street party in LEITH!😂😂.
Never forget that day., till this day if you ever meet a jambo just ask if they have a Dundee HANKY! 😂😂.HH☘☘☘
Despite having been to most games that season home and away, 2 things stopped me from attending love street, first of all I couldn't get time of work and although that had never stopped me in the past I had the previous year got married and had taken on a mortgage,so losing my job was a real no no according to my new wife, the other reason I never went was I couldn't for the life of me get a bloody ticket.
I was doing a split shift that day in a hotel in Dunoon just across the Clyde fae Paisley, so I managed to listen to the games live on my wee radio at home before starting my second shift of the day.

Now the day before we had travelled up to the Victoria hospital in the big city to basically say goodbye to my Grandfather who was given only a day or 2 to live.

Anyway back to the football, here I was lying on my couch in my little Dunoon flat switching channels like a mad man, when Chalkie made it 5 at love street I decided to stick with the game from Dundee, but with less than 10minutes to go I was convinced that Hearts were going to achieve the draw they needed so I switched back to the Celtic game, only to hear the crowd going berserk in the background and the commentary team informing us that he thought Dundee might have scored, a quick channel change confirmed what I had all but given up on, then the bloody nerves kicked in again incase Hearts equalised, then it happened Albert Kidd broke their hearts and nearly bust ours, after going mental for a few minutes, I calmed myself down just before the final whistle went, so here I am sitting on the edge of my couch on my own and I started to get a wee bit emotional with all that had gone on, and right on cue my wife arrived home seen me with my eyes all glazed over, and right away says is it your grandfather has he passed, no says I Celtic have just won the league. Only for her to call me an idiot, she never did get my love affair with Celtic.

Anyhow I went to work with a skip in my step and never got a celebration drink till 11 o'clock that night, and a sweet one it was.

On the Monday we got the news that my Grandfather was finally at peace and no longer in pain.

So thank you Albert Kidd and God bless you Granda..
Despite having been to most games that season home and away, 2 things stopped me from attending love street, first of all I couldn't get time of work and although that had never stopped me in the past I had the previous year got married and had taken on a mortgage,so losing my job was a real no no according to my new wife, the other reason I never went was I couldn't for the life of me get a bloody ticket.
I was doing a split shift that day in a hotel in Dunoon just across the Clyde fae Paisley, so I managed to listen to the games live on my wee radio at home before starting my second shift of the day.

Now the day before we had travelled up to the Victoria hospital in the big city to basically say goodbye to my Grandfather who was given only a day or 2 to live.

Anyway back to the football, here I was lying on my couch in my little Dunoon flat switching channels like a mad man, when Chalkie made it 5 at love street I decided to stick with the game from Dundee, but with less than 10minutes to go I was convinced that Hearts were going to achieve the draw they needed so I switched back to the Celtic game, only to hear the crowd going berserk in the background and the commentary team informing us that he thought Dundee might have scored, a quick channel change confirmed what I had all but given up on, then the bloody nerves kicked in again incase Hearts equalised, then it happened Albert Kidd broke their hearts and nearly bust ours, after going mental for a few minutes, I calmed myself down just before the final whistle went, so here I am sitting on the edge of my couch on my own and I started to get a wee bit emotional with all that had gone on, and right on cue my wife arrived home seen me with my eyes all glazed over, and right away says is it your grandfather has he passed, no says I Celtic have just won the league. Only for her to call me an idiot, she never did get my love affair with Celtic.

Anyhow I went to work with a skip in my step and never got a celebration drink till 11 o'clock that night, and a sweet one it was.

On the Monday we got the news that my Grandfather was finally at peace and no longer in pain.

So thank you Albert Kidd and God bless you Granda..
50, that was the beauty of 80's football, unscrupulous turnstile fellas that knew how to pocket a 10-spot and look the other way!!!

The Glaswegian Celtic fans were always far too honest and tried to do things the right way, but when you come from the provinces, you always know how to find a 'mark'.

One of the ways, I used to make pocket money was by hanging around Dens and Tannadice in the week before the huns came up. There would always be hundreds of them coming through the week to try and get tickets for the home end. You'd tell them to wait in Nth Isla Street then bolt like the clappers through the Sandeman Street backies wie a pocketful of hunmoney............I mentioned the Hearts v United game earlier, my mate made nearly £300 in the week before that game bumping jambos.

I might have felt a twinge or two of guilt myself, but then again - that's what the confessional is for.
I was at Dens for the Dundee v Hearts game. I went with a couple of mates who were Dundee supporters. Dundee was teaming with Hearts fans who travelled in their thousands for the title party. I had never seen grown men cry at the match before. There was thousands on the pitch. Confused and distraught when the score came in fae Love Street. The Dundee fans were laughing at them. The days when a tranny was a wee radio that people took to the match. I walked home to Kirkton with a big smile on my face. All the buses from Edinburgh had to pass us on their way home. We were noiseing them up to fuck as the buses queued to get onto the Kingsway. Some angry minis on those buses. Threatening to get aff the bus n kill us. A great day and a great memory.
Albert Kidd
A name you remember with a big smile on yer coupon that was the season huns all became Hearts fans

The Huns bus's all stopped going to ibrox and instead filled tynecastle cos one of there own was gonna beat timmy to the title

That for me was the highlight of the season watchin furious huns hiding there Hearts scarfs

The day of the game i had a feeling we'd do it ,you just knew meeting up with other supporters and clambering off bus's to quote the Maestro ''there was a buzz about the place''

Lost my brothers in the crowd but didn't matter i was in and from the first kick of the ball Celtic were relentless .

I mentioned on another thread i thought that was Danny Mcgrains finest game he played like a younster , the guy in front of me had a radio but gave up in the first half with folk asking the score

In the 2nd half after the false roar all eys pinned on him ''whits the score'' he was gettin asked every few minutes til the roar went up

It's the sort of Roar you here on champions league nights or sevco games ,it goes on forever

i'll never forget it till this day the guy fkd the radio up in the air ,gone forever

The position i was standing in was now some 20ft away and i was missing an adidas samba left one , did i care ,didn't have time too as the roar went up again it mattered not

The sheer elation that day is up there with best of them soaked ,half cut ,and one trainer ,,,it didn't matter that summer Hearts n Huns strips were missing from the streets
was only 7 year old centenary years the earliest proper memories I have of the famous Glasgow celtic winning the league and cup double fantastic on our birthday aswell u just canny beat it that's the year I became a proper fenian bastard😜 thank fuck cause wid hate to be a current bun couldnae live wae maself 😄
Albert Kidd
A name you remember with a big smile on yer coupon that was the season huns all became Hearts fans

The Huns bus's all stopped going to ibrox and instead filled tynecastle cos one of there own was gonna beat timmy to the title

That for me was the highlight of the season watchin furious huns hiding there Hearts scarfs

The day of the game i had a feeling we'd do it ,you just knew meeting up with other supporters and clambering off bus's to quote the Maestro ''there was a buzz about the place''

Lost my brothers in the crowd but didn't matter i was in and from the first kick of the ball Celtic were relentless .

I mentioned on another thread i thought that was Danny Mcgrains finest game he played like a younster , the guy in front of me had a radio but gave up in the first half with folk asking the score

In the 2nd half after the false roar all eys pinned on him ''whits the score'' he was gettin asked every few minutes til the roar went up

It's the sort of Roar you here on champions league nights or sevco games ,it goes on forever

i'll never forget it till this day the guy fkd the radio up in the air ,gone forever

The position i was standing in was now some 20ft away and i was missing an adidas samba left one , did i care ,didn't have time too as the roar went up again it mattered not

The sheer elation that day is up there with best of them soaked ,half cut ,and one trainer ,,,it didn't matter that summer Hearts n Huns strips were missing from the streets
No better sound in the world.