Has Jota put money before his football progress

Wonder which rich arab went out and bought Sheffield utd

Yep, I've got a few hundred mill just burning a hole in my long white robes.

What shite are prepared to give me a laundry to wash aforementioned hundreds o' millions alongside the long white robes?

Feckin ho'bags that lost their dignity alongside their history.

Be careful what you wish for
The thing is every team has there hand out wanting money think it's 42 clubs in total ,when in reality it should be kept in the top division
Have a feeling footballs about to take a seismic shift within the next 5 yrs
There are reports today that PIF are hopeful of persuading PSG to let them take Mbappe on loan in Saudi for the last season of his contract which he doesn't want to extend. PIF is the Saudi organisation that owns Newcastle United and are behind the recent transfers into Saudi.

So they are now splashing their money on bolstering their domestic league rather than on strengthening Newcastle! As I said last week, why would the Gulf States continue to spend huge sums of money on players in Manchester, Newcastle, Paris, Barcelona, etc, when they can do it at home and create an Arabian Gulf Super League with teams in Saudi, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, etc? This will also bring in football tourists from Asia, Europe, North Africa and the Americas.

If the Gulf nations change strategy and start bringing the best talent home and lose interest in the big European clubs then this will spell disaster for all those super-rich elite clubs and European football will change dramatically - possibly for the best (and well run clubs like us will potentially thrive).
There are reports today that PIF are hopeful of persuading PSG to let them take Mbappe on loan in Saudi for the last season of his contract which he doesn't want to extend. PIF is the Saudi organisation that owns Newcastle United and are behind the recent transfers into Saudi.

So they are now splashing their money on bolstering their domestic league rather than on strengthening Newcastle! As I said last week, why would the Gulf States continue to spend huge sums of money on players in Manchester, Newcastle, Paris, Barcelona, etc, when they can do it at home and create an Arabian Gulf Super League with teams in Saudi, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, etc? This will also bring in football tourists from Asia, Europe, North Africa and the Americas.

If the Gulf nations change strategy and start bringing the best talent home and lose interest in the big European clubs then this will spell disaster for all those super-rich elite clubs and European football will change dramatically - possibly for the best (and well run clubs like us will potentially thrive).
The arse collapsing of the EPL would be worth watching
Can season book ownership be transferred like where an aging parent could give it to a child or do you just have to give it up if you can no longer attend games?
Nothing much to disagree with there, kelly. Cannae really hide my disappointment with Ange, but don't really have that same level of annoyance with Jota.

I guess there's always a political debate about playing in Saudi, but I doubt that that's a pressing issue with a young man who is being offered riches beyond his wildest dreams.

Just to add to that point about the affect of all this oil money hitting the football scene, surely no one is neglecting the notion that when all those 'superclubs' are sitting round the table discussing how to best appropriate the wealth to fit into their already bulging pockets with the next incarnation of a Super League - that it isn't going to feature a distinctly middle-eastern flavour in the next round of negotiations?

Jota and his representatives might have actually seen that curve in the road, so I doubt it would negate his international prospects too much, but even if it did - I doubt he'd lose much sleep worrying about it.
Given the fact that we are one of those superclubs who have taken the oil money, I might be on my own here with what I'm about to post but I sincerely hope not.

Yes, life changing money for Jota, Neves etc but Ronaldo already wants out I've read more than once, a story that surfaces then quickly disappears again.

When I wonder why he wants out so soon the thought occurred to me that perhaps he's witnessed one or more of the public stonings , hangings, lashings and thought do I want to be part of this?

What might seem like the opportunity of a lifetime for Jota , and Neves the rest of them too in terms of their bank accounts ( and it is in that respect), but to me I'm pretty disgusted with how this is evolving.

Jota is a young man and yes can't blame him for going there for the cash on offer etc etc , sorry but I can.

How I wonder will he be able to look himself in the mirror once he has witnessed the ' entertainment ' on offer for those women who have been deemed guilty of looking at a man from distance or falling foul of one of all the other sharia laws they have and tell himself he's done the right thing because now I'm rich(er) than I was before?

Will these players/people be exempt from sharia? If they stay in their living complex perhaps but step out of it ? I doubt it.

Mrs winter's friend on holiday to Dubai was shocked to be approached in the street and handed " a yellow card" because she was wearing shorts , long shorts that were below the knee but showed flesh. A woman in her 60s.

Money as we all know is the root of all evil, and nowhere more so than the gulf states and perhaps central Africa.

When players, who are just people at the end of the day with a talent for kicking a football around realise what they've signed up for , which is more than just the money, the game, but also now willing participants in the country's culture then they will surely be faced with a moral dilemma, they may not have considered yet, if they're not what kind of people are they? Or will they be subjected to ' blackout' on such " internal affairs"?

I think it will fail , I hope it will fail I should say.

Until these country's drag themselves out of the age of the crusades I don't wish any of them well.

I believe as a club ( Celtic) we've tarnished our good name by taking this money, which would've been coming anyway from elsewhere soon enough he's so talented it was a matter of time before he went for that kind of money anyway perhaps more.

There has already been big names in Europe who've refused this move on these grounds because they have morals, some of them in the EPL who are already making similar salaries in Europe.

Those people I applaud, though at the same time i recognise that they're salaries are coming from PIF and the others but at least they needn't have to go there for it.

This is a barbaric nation, with barbaric practices, also conveniently forgotten is the fact they're still bombing Yemen back into the stone age, a country barely out of the bronze age, and using munitions sold to them by ...yep you got it, us, the UK.

Once one or two of the big names decide they cannot in good faith take this money hopefully the rest will follow suit.

How can these people who bless themselves entering the field turn a blind eye to the barbarism on public display?

They cannot call themselves true Christians anymore than I can , born and baptised a Catholic but I don't practise the religion yet consider myself a spiritual person.

I don't agree with it, I don't agree with the last world cup being in that region.
I don't agree with them buying up European clubs.

Why are Russia blacklisted by all when the Saudis are even worse?
Oh but they have "loadsa money and oil" so even American presidents bow to them, its pathetic.

This shouldn't be allowed , they should be blacklisted in front of the Russians but hey the Russians don't buy our planes, tanks, and missiles and give us discounted oil.

There's a lot more than just football going on here this is the Arab's trying to fit into the modern world whilst keeping its dark ages culture at the same time.

Just my opinion of course, feel free to slate it , that's what the noise is for.
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