Highland Paddy

Winning Captains

Staff member
Anyone follow Highland Paddy on Twitter? His is one of the most enjoyable Celtic accounts over there, posting vintage Celtic nostalgia material which is often unique and fascinating. Unbelievably therefore he started to get some grief from some of the cyber bullies you get over there. We was thinking of chucking it completely so I asked him if he'd like to post his material on The Celtic Star as an alternative and we started this on Monday with a look at some yellow Celtic crosses at the old Tynecastle. That was followed by a unique look behind the old door at Celtic Park - back in the days when fans weren't really allowed in - and today he recalls the days of paying at the turnstile followed by the 'what voucher is it today' days of the old season book.

Have a look at his first three features, with more to follow on The Celtic Star...

Brilliant stuff fae Highland Paddy. Re Season books remember them awe bar the first one.


was just showing the mrs that ....Still have most of them in a box somewhere! The 97-98 one had a piece of the pitch kept in the plastic inside back cover which was taken from the pitch invasion that day..Theres a picture of me and my mate in the sunday mail on the pitch from that day....
Anyone mind the free rail pass you got with the first year back at paradise season ticket?? That was class
was just showing the mrs that ....Still have most of them in a box somewhere! The 97-98 one had a piece of the pitch kept in the plastic inside back cover which was taken from the pitch invasion that day..Theres a picture of me and my mate in the sunday mail on the pitch from that day....
Anyone mind the free rail pass you got with the first year back at paradise season ticket?? That was class
still got the first xmas card the one with the dove on it
Getting a lift over was for the most part no problem. Although one day we were having a bit of trouble getting a lift over, maybe it was the carry oot or the fact that my mate was nearly 6'tall ,but for some reason we were getting ignored, anyway after about 20 mins I spot my Dad walking up to the park, I quickly passed the cargo to my mate and said to my old man "Hey Mister any chance of a lift ".., Quick as a flash he said in jest "beat it ya chancer pay in like the rest of us "..Big guy walking behind him piped up, hey leave the boy alone, mon son I will lift you over. Priceless ma dads face was a picture and I never cracked a light to my new friend 😂😂😂😂
The Lisbon pictures are brilliant. Seeing them out of the Celtic kit hits home how young those guys were. How can you look so relaxed before a European Cup final? Brilliant stuff.
Black leather shoes, dark trousers and some in jumpers. Scots abroad :)
Enjoying Highland Paddy's stuff. What on earth was so offensive he was getting stick on Twitter?
Keep it coming. Loving these.
Good memories, first season tkt cost me 50 notes, brilliant days and great value. One other point is many years ago I had the schoolboy season tkt for the terracing, I'm sure there was only one turnstile at the corner of the Celtic end and Jungle, brilliant times wandering around paradise without restriction.
Does anybody who had one remember receiving a letter from Celtic when they stopped selling them, can't remember the exact wording of the letter but it went something along the lines of.
Dear supporter, due to lack of numbers we are now stopping the sale of Schoolboy season tkts, changed days indeed. and in the modern era very unusual to turn away money up front.