How do you delete your account?

Hi Sam

Two things. I got a message last night from a member who alerted me to these posts. I was out with my family, wife's got a big birthday tomorrow. I had a quick look late last night but couldn't find the relevant posts. If anyone can point me in the general direction I'll sort now. The behaviour you mention will NOT be tolerated.

Secondly if anyone wants to delete their account, they can request and I will do it or them.

I sent you a message when I saw your request.
WC - we all appreciate your fantastic efforts in making this forum such a success. It is very difficult to do all this voluntarily and have a life. This idiot has posted similar stuff before but his latest posts were on Friday night in the French Eddy to Lazio thread.

Thanks for your time. Hope your wife has a wonderful birthday. Hail hail. ?
Obviously if that Nazi nut is banned, I'd no longer want to delete my account. I enjoy posting here when I can and I enjoy reading the posts of the vast majority of the people on here.
Oh no don’t you go anywhere they need to ban this sleekit little racist gobshite. We don’t want losing a good member for the likes of him. I’ve blocked the weasel so I don’t see his crap now
WC - we all appreciate your fantastic efforts in making this forum such a success. It is very difficult to do all this voluntarily and have a life. This idiot has posted similar stuff before but his latest posts were on Friday night in the French Eddy to Lazio thread.

Thanks for your time. Hope your wife has a wonderful birthday. Hail hail. ?

Thanks - I never read that thread until now and was horrified at that content. Makes me feel unclean quite frankly. Think I'll head out for a pint with Bobby Madden to compare the red cards we've issued today.

That kind of stuff has no place on a Celtic site.
Thanks - I never read that thread until now and was horrified at that content. Makes me feel unclean quite frankly. Think I'll head out for a pint with Bobby Madden to compare the red cards we've issued today.

That kind of stuff has no place on a Celtic site.
Thanks WC. Even when people were saying to him you can't post that he carried on then starting accusing us of horrendous lies. I think Madden knows a wee lodge where you will get cheap beer - just watch out for a raging Grand Master Beaton who might come after him tooled up!

Enjoy the rest of your day with your family and thanks for your attention. Cheers.
Well said m8, your response of ? is more than adequate altho I prefer tae just call the Dik a Fukin ?????????
Thanks - I never read that thread until now and was horrified at that content. Makes me feel unclean quite frankly. Think I'll head out for a pint with Bobby Madden to compare the red cards we've issued today.

That kind of stuff has no place on a Celtic site.
Thanks WC I think the gobshite has said enough to get him a sending off. He really is a vile individual I think we’ve been horrified and angry in equal measure.
None of us on this site want associated with his vile views, much less losing a great member who justifiably doesn’t want to deal with his crap.
Thanks for dealing with it for us much appreciated hope your wife has a lovely day
Mate, I'm not arguing with someone who posts EDL memes about how Muslims are all vicious murderous terrorists. That's my fam he's talking about, my friend. I also don't want to have to argue about it. Suddenly people start saying you have 'a chip on your shoulder' (the same people who rightfully make a big deal about anti-Irish racism and anti-Catholic sentiment in Scotland). Much like when it comes to racism or sectarianism in the terraces or any other platform, I prefer action. That action has not been taken - I can only assume that the racism and sectarianism of this individual is tolerated and tacitly accepted on here. Not interested in associating myself with that.
Don't do it Sam.... You will be missed.
All been sorted out now. And, by the way, thanks very much to all the Bhoys and Ghirls who have been on the money over this - for the nice comments about myself, but also for your intolerance of scum. It was as much an issue for you as it was for me, of course - and I love that about our fans.

HH, to all.
All been sorted out now. And, by the way, thanks very much to all the Bhoys and Ghirls who have been on the money over this - for the nice comments about myself, but also for your intolerance of scum. It was as much an issue for you as it was for me, of course - and I love that about our fans.

HH, to all.
Great news Sam glad we’re not losing you and good riddance to the Greek
All been sorted out now. And, by the way, thanks very much to all the Bhoys and Ghirls who have been on the money over this - for the nice comments about myself, but also for your intolerance of scum. It was as much an issue for you as it was for me, of course - and I love that about our fans.

HH, to all.
HH Sam, he was reported & dealt with by the high heid yin
Many feel the same, about your views on the stuff, that wee knob posted
He's probably a daft wee, attention seeking, boy and now he's been binned
Well done Captain, there's enough stuff like what he was posting, around the internet, without seeing it on a Celtic forum
Kudos to all involved, who got rid of the scumbag
And what about that game eh ?
It's always great to be a Tim, even more so, today
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I don't want to impose any of this on other threads, especially on such a fantastic day (what a performance - I'm still elated), but how the hell do you delete your account on here? I've looked at every single place where you ought to be able to, but I can't find it? I'd also like to send a huge message of disrespect to all people who tolerate the racist little lying shithouse that is Greek1888 or whatever he calls himself. If you think it's okay to tolerate his monstrous racist and Islamophobic invective, invective which would be illegal in this country, then you need to take a long hard look at yourself. If this guy had said Catholics were all violent rapist terrorists who are taught to hate everyone who isn't Catholic, would he still be here? No. Of course he wouldn't. So, I'm asking an admin to either tell me how to delete my account or do it for me. I'm not just logging out, I really don't want to have any association with any website that is happy to have a fascist and racist as a member. Much like I don't buy the Daily Mail or wouldn't join a UKIP forum.

By the way, on a smug little side note, while I don't care about faith and don't have any myself, great performance today by the Muslim Hatem Abd Elhamed. And hopefully will have great many performances to come form the Muslim Mohamed Elyounoussi :)

Most people dont understand islam. its an Abrahamic based religion, same as Judaism and Christianity, they believe jesus Christ was a prophet as was moses, Mohammed (peace be upon him)was their prophet. unfortunately there is 2 flavours of islam, bit like catholics and Protestants, and they fucking hate each other. This seems to be a flaw in the human psyche as it repeats in many religions but thankfully most scholars in the world have agreed most huns are cunts.
Obviously if that Nazi nut is banned, I'd no longer want to delete my account. I enjoy posting here when I can and I enjoy reading the posts of the vast majority of the people on here.
Sam ffs get a grip. Yes it IS a serious issue but surely to fuck walking away isn't the answer. I thought you were bigger than walking away from a fight. For issues close to you stay and fight your corner.
We're part of your family.
Hail Hail friend?
All been sorted out now. And, by the way, thanks very much to all the Bhoys and Ghirls who have been on the money over this - for the nice comments about myself, but also for your intolerance of scum. It was as much an issue for you as it was for me, of course - and I love that about our fans.

HH, to all.
Delighted your staying Sam,pondlife like that will never win enjoy the rest of your evening.
Yours in Celtic.G☘☘☘
I don't want to impose any of this on other threads, especially on such a fantastic day (what a performance - I'm still elated), but how the hell do you delete your account on here? I've looked at every single place where you ought to be able to, but I can't find it? I'd also like to send a huge message of disrespect to all people who tolerate the racist little lying shithouse that is Greek1888 or whatever he calls himself. If you think it's okay to tolerate his monstrous racist and Islamophobic invective, invective which would be illegal in this country, then you need to take a long hard look at yourself. If this guy had said Catholics were all violent rapist terrorists who are taught to hate everyone who isn't Catholic, would he still be here? No. Of course he wouldn't. So, I'm asking an admin to either tell me how to delete my account or do it for me. I'm not just logging out, I really don't want to have any association with any website that is happy to have a fascist and racist as a member. Much like I don't buy the Daily Mail or wouldn't join a UKIP forum.

By the way, on a smug little side note, while I don't care about faith and don't have any myself, great performance today by the Muslim Hatem Abd Elhamed. And hopefully will have great many performances to come form the Muslim Mohamed Elyounoussi :)
You don't have to delete your account on account (pardon the pun) of someone else. Report the comment and admin will take action it would be a shame to lose anyone with the proper values and with the correct respect for folk of different cultures and nationality etc. I hope you hang around for a bit yet Sam
You don't have to delete your account on account (pardon the pun) of someone else. Report the comment and admin will take action it would be a shame to lose anyone with the proper values and with the correct respect for folk of different cultures and nationality etc. I hope you hang around for a bit yet Sam
Just read you're staying put HH ?