Huns not happy today

its no like them to celebrate a fake team goal

seems to be highlight of their day

lying down to give the cheats a goal

And it will get legendary status
It was like when you played fitba in the street and some auld pisshead walks past and shouts " Gies a shot " then totally misses the baw , then kicks it again and everybody just lets it go in then cheers
It was like when you played fitba in the street and some auld pisshead walks past and shouts " Gies a shot " then totally misses the baw , then kicks it again and everybody just lets it go in then cheers
Done it years ago to a screwball in the scheme ...asked for a kick but fell on his arse trying to control it and my mate running away howlin 😂the prick stole the baw though.
And whilst I'm on about the junkie wife beater, I wonder were all the outrage that rightly accompanied David Goodwillies attempt to return to football was yesterday?

Its because their outrage is as flimsey as a Castore top.
They post about justice for the abused while cheering a wife beater.
They demand Celtic pay millions and are docked points wirhout realising that this is a test case
What ever happens to us happens to all of football.
They can keep banging on about 150 / 55 and being the same club.
That will be their downfall when soneone takes them to court.

The "we've more faces than a town clock" excuse wont wear it next time round.

They think they are unsinkable but there's a rake of icebergs on the horizon.

Cinch / SPFL.
Mike Ashley

All will cost them dearly.
Its because their outrage is as flimsey as a Castore top.
They post about justice for the abused while cheering a wife beater.
They demand Celtic pay millions and are docked points wirhout realising that this is a test case
What ever happens to us happens to all of football.
They can keep banging on about 150 / 55 and being the same club.
That will be their downfall when soneone takes them to court.

The "we've more faces than a town clock" excuse wont wear it next time round.

They think they are unsinkable but there's a rake of icebergs on the horizon.

Cinch / SPFL.
Mike Ashley

All will cost them dearly.
I wonder how many of them put their clocks forward 55hrs last night, or are they wanting the press to do it for them.
This was supposed to be their season.
They were champions and we were supposed to fold like a pack of cards.
Lennon sacked .
Howe fucking us about and new CEO who isnt even a football man
Title number 56 (2) in the bag during their 150th (10) year anniversary and £40 million in the bank at the end of the season.
It's a forgone conclusion said Boyd and Keevans.
George Square booked for another party

Then what happens
An unknown Aussie with no knowledge of European football arrives
A comedy signing fron Celtic
Lucky to make the split, might finish 4th at best.
Early doors it all looked as though it would come true.
Trouble was they looked at the results not the football.
We were literally picking up new signings on the way to the game.

Nothing to worry about boys God Save the Queen.

They laughed at the signings a goalie who was finished
A couple of kids from Porugal and Isreal
It's true they said on SKY / SSB on their forums this guys not got a clue.
He told three of their best players if they didn't want to play for Celtic to go.
And they went, lets over look they went for £32 million quid.

He's doomed, he'll be gone by Christmas.
The league was finished by Christmas.
But it wasn't.
Gerrard was finished, Celtic had won a cup.
Van Bobblehead arrived and they expected total football.
Hibs showed they were total crap
Break out the loyal Sippy cup God bless the Queen but not her taxman

January came and so did 3 players from Japan for £1.5 million.
More comedy signings they crowed without seeing them play.

They signed Aaron Ramsey
The greatest signing in Scottish football history.
Did you see the 6 minutes he played at Juve?

They sold a kid and using maths Jesus would be proud of turned £5 million into £16 million

January came and went and that Australian bloke was still their and they were playing football.

They tried to explain to Nottingham Forrest that winning two European cups didn't make you a bigger club than Rangers who has made it to the Europa league last 32.

They tried to explain to the SPFL that they didnt recognise the sponsors but still kept the cheque.

The board had to explain that they were skint but there would be lots of penny shares and commemorative shirts to buy.

So it came to pass that the champions arrived at Paradise.

45 minutes later they been played off the park.

It was all the ball boys fault.

The worlds greatest player sat in the stand and pretty much stayed there since (except for Wales)

When he did play turned out he was as quick as a Ukrainian tractor towing a tank.

The 150th anniversary came and went since they even forgot to register kit number 40 (limited edition) they played in blue

They laughed when went out ot Europe without doing the maths
We're getting £1.5 million a game in Europe.
We'll get £40 million when we win the league.

And then the great day came
Get yer twitter and face book ready for the child abuse posts.
Here it comes here it comes oooh ah canny wait.
Whit what the fucks this?
Celtic will play The Rangers in Australia?
Hod own a minute that mangers fae Australia.
A homecoming tour?
Right how much money are we getting?
Half half fucking half thats it I'm no happy.
Right let's start wan oh they propaganda wars
Let's release statements and get a £5.99 banner we'll get the mugs to pay for it
So if i get the Sevco calculator oot
£26,000 raised
£5,99 spent
Multiply the number of times we've won a title by how many years ee think we've been going
Fuck it buy some tennis balls and claim we spent it all

Hawd own a minute St Dave of King is offering to pay the money to get us oot the tournament.
That'll sort they Kaffliks oot
Who'll get that?
Celtic oh FFS.

Wait the club are putting out a statement.
Whit that aw aboot?
A Rump, a fucking Rump is he no a President?
Aw look aw the rest are piling in that'll help.

Am no happy at least my new limited edition tops here fae Castore.
Aw Fer fucks sake........
Awe mate that's superb 👌 😂
pure hipocrisits the lot of them they have put this man up as some sort of hero who’s behaviour would not be tolerated in any street in Scotland, they are quite happy to throw insults and accusations at all and Sundray weather guilty or not yet are quite happy to parade this excuse for a man
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pure hipocrisits the lot of them they have put this man up as some sort of hero who’s behaviour would not be tolerated in any street in Scotland, they are quite happy to throw insults and accusations at all and Sunday weather guilty or not yet are quite happy to parade this excuse for a man
Aye all high and mighty when they have a chance to attack people they don't like but when it's one of them well that's different he's got problems they make excuses fuckin arseholes 🤬🤬