If not Howe, Who?

It's not and I'm not even drinking. If Ange Postecoglou is the next Celtic Manager then it is what it is. I'm looking at the positives of what I've read about him and what I see is a career football professional who has got his team qualified for the world cup twice. There's not a lot of alternatives out there at the minute and this man at least brings a wealth of experience to the role if appointed.
We've ALL got a wealth of experience. I read it every day. Doesnt mean we'd be any good. Get back on the ale.
Postecoglou isn't the main issue here, he is merely the lightening rod that the support have/will turn on. The issue sits in the boardroom and until that is addressed nothing will change. If its Postegolou then good luck to the guy, he's going to need it as he will get fuck all backing from the charlatans that run our club. Remember when our last cheap punt Ronny came in, he was given half a dozen loan signings and we spent next to nothing. The difference then we had no competition.
No doubt the board is the issue and I have a fear we could see the American concept of a competitive team which does just enough to sell the books but not enough to dominate. After all these are the people who handed the huns a lifeline for the sake of their business model and by the looks of things that lifeline could have to be extended further. As ever the only people who can stop Celtic winning the league are Celtic and the board have been playing the sabotage game for some time.
And what knowledge has he got of football in Scotland, let alone Europe
And your point is??? If an Australian surgeon came to Glasgow would you bleat that he has no knowledge of Scottish gallbladders. Football is played in every country in the world but do not let your anxiety overrule logic. No one in Australia, New Zealand, Japan or even Asia is concerned about his ability.
No doubt the board is the issue and I have a fear we could see the American concept of a competitive team which does just enough to sell the books but not enough to dominate. After all these are the people who handed the huns a lifeline for the sake of their business model and by the looks of things that lifeline could have to be extended further. As ever the only people who can stop Celtic winning the league are Celtic and the board have been playing the sabotage game for some time.
No doubt the board is the issue and I have a fear we could see the American concept of a competitive team which does just enough to sell the books but not enough to dominate. After all these are the people who handed the huns a lifeline for the sake of their business model and by the looks of things that lifeline could have to be extended further. As ever the only people who can stop Celtic winning the league are Celtic and the board have been playing the sabotage game for some time.
This would be beyond a joke now 26.
What next a koala bear as a new CB with a kangaroo as a striker
And your point is??? If an Australian surgeon came to Glasgow would you bleat that he has no knowledge of Scottish gallbladders. Football is played in every country in the world but do not let your anxiety overrule logic. No one in Australia, New Zealand, Japan or even Asia is concerned about his ability.
Because like you they know fuck all about football,
Troops time face facts here!options are running out rapidly it’s kennedy?keane?or. Angie babe..giving that choice al opt for the new guy all day long,,the board are at fault for the time taking way Howe but him pulling out last hour isny there fault ffs..they state out of ours and eddies hand?would could mean the guys wife and family didny fancy it up here,who could blame them no wanting to move to this proddy cold rainy dump?
Should also be pointed out that if Postecoglou is appointed on Monday, he cant take up the reins until 10th June, 4 days before pre season begins. He'll have to isolate for 10 days when he arrives in the country
Troops time face facts here!options are running out rapidly it’s kennedy?keane?or. Angie babe..giving that choice al opt for the new guy all day long,,the board are at fault for the time taking way Howe but him pulling out last hour isny there fault ffs..they state out of ours and eddies hand?would could mean the guys wife and family didny fancy it up here,who could blame them no wanting to move to this proddy cold rainy dump?
Why plenty of managers out of work. Roma manager just stepped down, wilder is out of work. Your just rattling off the names hun journalist at the msm want us to go for
Dont behave like a hun in trying to play the race card, name another Australian manager who we might have heard of, and football is hardly a big sport in Australia
Substitute 'monkey 'for 'koala' and 'gorilla' for 'striker' and tell me it's not racist.

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