It looks like sevco have not been paying their bills..

This guy just won 55 internets
What type of compo are we talking here? Surely it wouldn’t be any more than a mill?
Its not as if he’s won la liga 3 years running and made a euro final ffs?
It’s nothing to do with success, it’s all to do with his contract, it runs to summer 2024 so 2.5 years left, rumoured to be on 3million per year, so would be around £7.5 million to buy him out his contract, I’d bet the hun board would drive him down to Birmingham, to get their hands on that kind of money
IF he gets offered the job I think he'll go, he'd get at least this season and next to achieve something approaching mediocrity at Villa and a shit load of money to spend trying to achieve it.
The hun accounts must have scared the crap out of him, he'll be adding fuck all to that squad of misfits in January, he'll have to sell at knock down prices just to keep the lights on and if we win the league his stock plummets, no chance of a EPL job if (when) that happens.
Hun websites are saying “it doesn’t look good” they believe it happening, discussions are ongoing, apparently he has a £2 million release clause in his contract, he wants to take ALL his back room staff with him (no word on jimmy Bell🤣)…….watch this space…..Murty being taken out of cold storage
Do you think he'll take Kunt and Fat Alf with him? They're world class after all! 😹
Herald reporter Chris Jack, who is very close to all things hun, is saying is a done deal with be announced by Friday, total compensation of £5million, for him and his back room staff, was just over on swallow swallow, they’re resigned to the fact he off. All the discussion is who will now replace him, with frank lampard’s name coming up often
Herald reporter Chris Jack, who is very close to all things hun, is saying is a done deal with be announced by Friday, total compensation of £5million, for him and his back room staff, was just over on swallow swallow, they’re resigned to the fact he off. All the discussion is who will now replace him, with frank lampard’s name coming up often
so it was 2m then as all the english sports reprters reporting 2m total ,,,,,,union jack putting the spin on to ease there pain

fkwit fkwits about to burst with rage the staunch dignity is about to crash

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