Jim wbite adament lennon brings it on himself.

jist watchin thisweek, the rise of right wing extremism,a clip of a kkk meeting in northern ireland ,ffs!
It is the consequence of fear, MD. Pure unadulterated fear!

The similarities between this and the current swelling of alt-right extremism in the USA is based on the basic premise that their national identity is being diluted and that even some their own kind are embracing change.

It's always the last resort of the desperate, MD and it is also evident at the klan gatherings in Govan every fortnight.

They are an irrelevance.....a wounded beast, and that mangy cur bites hardest when it's been backed into a corner!
Jim White is an utter bellend, always was, always will be. How he has managed to keep himself in a job is up there with the great mysteries of the universe.

I would be more inclined to listen to paint drying than the utter bollocks he talks.