Keevins calling for Celtic to ban The Green Brigade

Winning Captains

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Hugh Keevins continues the sheer hypocrisy of the Scottish Mainstream Media as he calls for Celtic to ban the Green Brigade…


Fresh on the heels of Bill Leckie having a pop at the Green Brigade it’s now the turn of Hugh Keevins. Auld Shug loves nothing more than a rant against our club. He continually has a go at us and this time is no different. He really is a sad old man.

Keevins has said the club must get rid of the Green Brigade, in fact he came up with a three point plan how to do so. How pathetic is he to want rid of a group of supporters who help the most vulnerable in society?

Shug reckons that politics don’t belong in football. Fair enough, but what about the outpouring of support for Ukraine? And of course only a few weeks ago we seen British army personnel abseiling from the roofs of Ibrox.


Rangers v Aberdeen – cinch Premiership – Ibrox Stadium A member of the British armed forces abseils from the roof of the stadium before the cinch Premiership match at Ibrox on Saturday September 30, 2023. Photo Jane Barlow

Indeed yesterday was the start of the poppy season. An event which seems to be starting earlier every passing year. The fact that the same support displayed a Totenkopf banner just a few weeks ago without any mention from Keevins and his fellow comrades is further proof of their agenda.

Isn’t that all politics and hee – haw to do with Football? It doesn’t bother me, but the sheer hypocrisy of hacks like Hugh certainly does. In football these days it appears that an anti-fascist banner is worth of a fine yet a fascist one is not.



Supporters have a right as civilians to air their feelings at football, within reason of course. We can showcase support for those in need, there is in my opinion nothing wrong with that, and it’s a view that I am confident is shared by plenty of Celtic supporters.


Just an Ordinary Bhoy

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Keevins calling for Celtic to ban The Green Brigade
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Its certainly a view shared by most Celtic fans I know and myself....

As for the auld guy trying to stay relevant, best ignored if you ask me, he's playing to a hun gallery, no one at Celtic be it the board or fans will take a blind bit of notice... He is now a joke figure of a dying era... Best left to it..
Keevins is encouraged by the Radio Clyde host and panel Miller, Halliday, Daziel and Marc Wilson who continously feed bullshit stories to the gullible, Celtic bad Sevco good. Keevins is the ultimate soup taker making a living by dowing Celtic at every turn.
on the subject of poppy day i am sure like me many celtic fans have family all the way back who have fought in wars for this country. however every year we have this sycophantic display of fake loyalty at ibrox by the huns. now somebody correct me if i am wrong ,but aren't the armed forces supposed to be neutral, if so then why are they allowed to parade round that pit every year wearing rangers scarves, and colours
The guy is an embarassment and does not think before he opens his big mouth.I can imagine what was said on Sat when we drew something like"this is a catastrophe for Celtic ,the title race is on "same kid of pish he spouts constantly!Who the fuck is he to demand the GB are banned ?Just another Celtic hater and doesnt deserve an inch of space on any Celtic forum.
on the subject of poppy day i am sure like me many celtic fans have family all the way back who have fought in wars for this country. however every year we have this sycophantic display of fake loyalty at ibrox by the huns. now somebody correct me if i am wrong ,but aren't the armed forces supposed to be neutral, if so then why are they allowed to parade round that pit every year wearing rangers scarves, and colours
The irony with this absailing shite by army personal is they are funded by the tax payer, and we all know who went bust and died by not paying the tax man...

Hugh Keevins continues the sheer hypocrisy of the Scottish Mainstream Media as he calls for Celtic to ban the Green Brigade…


Fresh on the heels of Bill Leckie having a pop at the Green Brigade it’s now the turn of Hugh Keevins. Auld Shug loves nothing more than a rant against our club. He continually has a go at us and this time is no different. He really is a sad old man.

Keevins has said the club must get rid of the Green Brigade, in fact he came up with a three point plan how to do so. How pathetic is he to want rid of a group of supporters who help the most vulnerable in society?

Shug reckons that politics don’t belong in football. Fair enough, but what about the outpouring of support for Ukraine? And of course only a few weeks ago we seen British army personnel abseiling from the roofs of Ibrox.


Rangers v Aberdeen – cinch Premiership – Ibrox Stadium A member of the British armed forces abseils from the roof of the stadium before the cinch Premiership match at Ibrox on Saturday September 30, 2023. Photo Jane Barlow

Indeed yesterday was the start of the poppy season. An event which seems to be starting earlier every passing year. The fact that the same support displayed a Totenkopf banner just a few weeks ago without any mention from Keevins and his fellow comrades is further proof of their agenda.

Isn’t that all politics and hee – haw to do with Football? It doesn’t bother me, but the sheer hypocrisy of hacks like Hugh certainly does. In football these days it appears that an anti-fascist banner is worth of a fine yet a fascist one is not.



Supporters have a right as civilians to air their feelings at football, within reason of course. We can showcase support for those in need, there is in my opinion nothing wrong with that, and it’s a view that I am confident is shared by plenty of Celtic supporters.


Just an Ordinary Bhoy

More Stories / Latest
Keevins calling for Celtic to ban The Green Brigade
Oct 30 2023, 8:47
“You await initial feedback with some dread, I’ve been there this past fortnight,” Matt Corr
Oct 29 2023, 20:08
Ten Celtic horror shows for Halloween guaranteed to give you nightmares
Oct 29 2023, 12:32

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Hope he’s calling for the hun variety to be banned after their display!!!(which a thot was tops🤷‍♂️)…
Thing is 50 it’s meant to raise funds for veterans aswell!!,apparently they’re lucky if they get a grand in their buckets??shower a tight fisted cunts..
Mind their military show pre-Covid they boasted about raising £4,000 from the generous fan donations. There was nearly 50,000 in attendance, which worked out at 9 pence donated per sevco fan. Pathetic!

Mind you, that isn't as bad as Deadco FC selling Help The Heroes limited edition strips to the gullibillies and not actually giving the charity the money as they fruitlessly used it to keep the lights on for another few days!
on the subject of poppy day i am sure like me many celtic fans have family all the way back who have fought in wars for this country. however every year we have this sycophantic display of fake loyalty at ibrox by the huns. now somebody correct me if i am wrong ,but aren't the armed forces supposed to be neutral, if so then why are they allowed to parade round that pit every year wearing rangers scarves, and colours
My dad was a POW for 5 years in Germany. He was captured in St Vallier in France at 18 years old.
If he were alive today he would be disgusted and embarrassed at the the publicity seeking antics in Ibrox, it is as if no Celtic supporter went to war. Keevins should be calling that out and the vile hatred coming from their support at every game.
The GB are mild in comparison.
Mind their military show pre-Covid they boasted about raising £4,000 from the generous fan donations. There was nearly 50,000 in attendance, which worked out at 9 pence donated per sevco fan. Pathetic!

Mind you, that isn't as bad as Deadco FC selling Help The Heroes limited edition strips to the gullibillies and not actually giving the charity the money as they fruitlessly used it to keep the lights on for another few days!

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