Kennedy 1-0 Beale


Well-known member
It would appear that some daft hun has posted a video of Beale getting send aff at Paradise and having a rant at John Kennedy as he gets marched doon the tunnel.
Kennedy just looks at him and says nothin.
It would further appear this is the type the zombies are looking for.
At the Last Supper Our Lord, during desert (allegedly), said to his disciples..
" It must be fecking murder being a hun!!! Don't ANY of you lot fall into that trap"
Anybody else heard this ??????
It would appear that some daft hun has posted a video of Beale getting send aff at Paradise and having a rant at John Kennedy as he gets marched doon the tunnel.
Kennedy just looks at him and says nothin.
It would further appear this is the type the zombies are looking for.
At the Last Supper Our Lord, during desert (allegedly), said to his disciples..
" It must be fecking murder being a hun!!! Don't ANY of you lot fall into that trap"
Anybody else heard this ??????
He must have been bealing
It would appear that some daft hun has posted a video of Beale getting send aff at Paradise and having a rant at John Kennedy as he gets marched doon the tunnel.
Kennedy just looks at him and says nothin.
It would further appear this is the type the zombies are looking for.
At the Last Supper Our Lord, during desert (allegedly), said to his disciples..
" It must be fecking murder being a hun!!! Don't ANY of you lot fall into that trap"
Anybody else heard this ??????
Meanwhile he pointed to Wallace, and said ya fucking grass.
If he takes this job guess he has a Death Wish because he will ave burnt his bridges as far as getting a decent job down south is concerned in fact dont think any club will trust him again so the 3 year deal he is been offered will need to last him for a long time
canā€™t see what the attraction is the place is on itā€™s knees the players are hardly world class in fact there is not a player you could sell, Gallstone stayed because they gave him a pay rise because it was cheaper than buying a player and which would have cost a lot more and donā€™t have the money anyway So what are they offering ???
Heā€™s joining the hun because he knows the game is up at QPR, they were thinking of sacking him, but along come the rainjurs, offering Ā£3m compensation to take him aff their hauns, thatā€™s why the have said ā€œwe wonā€™t fight to keep himā€œ
Goldhunā€™s agent hawked him to ever premier league and league 1 teamā€¦ā€¦they Wis nae interest, that why he resigned with the Huns, as I suspect Kent and eat-more-not-less will do over the summer
If he takes this job guess he has a Death Wish because he will ave burnt his bridges as far as getting a decent job down south is concerned in fact dont think any club will trust him again so the 3 year deal he is been offered will need to last him for a long time
canā€™t see what the attraction is the place is on itā€™s knees the players are hardly world class in fact there is not a player you could sell, Gallstone stayed because they gave him a pay rise because it was cheaper than buying a player and which would have cost a lot more and donā€™t have the money anyway So what are they offering ???
I'll tell you what the attraction is DIGGER - money. Look at the amount wee Giofanni walkef away with for being an abject failure. They are all there to rinse the klub and it's mutant fans.
If he takes this job guess he has a Death Wish because he will ave burnt his bridges as far as getting a decent job down south is concerned in fact dont think any club will trust him again so the 3 year deal he is been offered will need to last him for a long time
canā€™t see what the attraction is the place is on itā€™s knees the players are hardly world class in fact there is not a player you could sell, Gallstone stayed because they gave him a pay rise because it was cheaper than buying a player and which would have cost a lot more and donā€™t have the money anyway So what are they offering ???
They are offering the usual pish...... Lies, lies and deludamol. Another "caravan man" probably. No mention of other interested parties, so, he was probably the only one interested.
They will, once again, get into debt trying to keep up with us.
Fuckin sevvie filth like the rest o them. Bring it on ya sevvie pig. Sneaking about Glasgow plotting to take Giofannys job while employed and paid well by QPR.
I can only assume he totally bought into their 17th Century world view.
Why would ye give up a decent chance of managing in the EPL and choose skint racist fascists instead?