I got a week for lamping a copper who deliberately tripped me when I was walking down a street at night. I am more professional now ??
Memory jog there mate:
In my formative youth, I got lifted, for walking home at night, with no drink on my breath, I believe they said 'I was drunk & uncatchable and refused to fight wi' the polis'
I got a black eye in the back of a Panda car, from a punch by a big dicey bunnet
They didn't take me to the jail, but home, where my Da wasn't best pleased and 'rang my bell' once I got in the house (for bringing the police to the door)
A learning moment, that has stayed with me, till this day
They feed off the hatred & bigotry coming from the Govan hordes
Hope he gets a 3 match ban for contesting it, think THE RANGERS 2012 EDITION are a bit light on attacking options, we know the 20million man is out for 4 games. Big Kyle THE SNAPCHAT FLASHER is out of the picture, maybe slippy G realized he's a fvckin cart horse So Kent the Cvnt is the only fit striker for the visit of THE TACTICAL GURU & Hearts

Slippy is going to have to play Laughatme at some point because of all the suspensions, surely?
Yeah I read about that & not for the first time, apparently
What a clown
Done it to his the first wife aswell and a heard the Palermo chairman say he was chasin women all over Italy when he was there ?
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I know exactly what you mean mate, I had a wee bit of time off from the graft for personal reasons but the last few month I've been back sweating the gonads off to earn a crust, 99 % of my graft at the moment is me on my own, just the way I like it, it drives me insane when your workmate thinks that graft is something that interrupts their phone time. The work ethic of some people today astounds me, and it's not just the young team either, feckin adults can be just as bad. I guess I'm just old fashioned but when my gaffer pays me I can look him in the eye no problem.
Wee story for ye, I used to hang around with two loonballs who were great entertainment, one day Pat had a new iphone, proud as feck about it, so Jonny boy asked him for a look after Pat had been boring us rotten, Pat hands it over and Jonny boy takes it and launches it straight oot the windae, big barney kicked off with the two loonballs and I'm left in tears with what I'd just seen.
If you do that in the near future, I'll take the blame mate. Stick in JC.

You're bang on Ben.
A fair day's work for a fair day's pay......
..........wasn't that the old maxim?

Doesn't seem to apply these days with social media, tinternet and mobiles.......Don't think I woulda been like that if I was 18 again!!!.

BTW...I did exactly what Jonny did on a job in 2011 (while working on a farm) with a sixteen year old's mobile, and launched it over a dyke with him persistently using it when I really needed him to be close by with equipment at the ready.
He then went to retrieve the fone bits from the field, but there were sheep and goats in there when one charged at him and snapped his leg in several places. I felt bad afterwards with what I did and he reported me to my old boss on what happened.
The boss was an old school codger and about 70 then, who flatly refused to own or use mobiles and the internet.
Soon afterwards he said to me quite casually "don't be doing that time make sure you feed it to the animals...not throw it to them" I got his gist and replied to him (a fervent Dundee United fan) "but I didn't see any animals Bill, only sheep, pigs and cows, there weren't any Huns around"
He didn't turn around to me but definitely had a smile as he walked back to his car.

I believe it's true, that companies all over America are fed up with the billions of hours per year lost by staff who are never off their fones for whatever reason..... and banning mobiles from the workplace during working hours under threat of dismissal.
Wonder if it will catch on here....:devilish:
To TGJC, If a workforce has a problem then the bosses should bring in some sort of policy to sort it out, the only worforce that has high productivity with these bloody phones are in the Chinese factories churning them out by the millions.
It sounds like you have a major problem JC, I think If you're paying the wages mate, when interviewing new recruits I would tell them about a 3 strikes and you're out policy on mobiles outside break time.
I thought the Johnny boy story was a belter, when you're 16, your leg would heal and end up stronger than it was before, (well that's what I would tell myself whenever it crossed my mind)) LMAO mate.
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