Kilmarnock v Celtic, Another Plastic Pitch, Sunday 10th December, 12 noon kick off

Young Welsh is back training and when ready i would get him in, push Scales out to left back and give GT a rest and get him focused and fighting for his place. Injuries to key positions allows the person in possesion of the jersey an easy ride. Competition for starts is key to focus and energy in every game. Ralston vies with Johnson, the midfield sees lots of opportunties, and up front we have two good strikers when focused, we just need a structure were you are not automatically gauranteed a place. MJ has been given this chance, he has not took it or at least not shown the energy required and what should be required. Subs should be ready when called upon and should be straight replacements to maintain the high tempo for 90 minutes, none who came on yesterday made any impact, thats whats missing, we can get on BRs back, but if the subs dont improve what we saw yesterday then they do not deserve to be here.
Subs should be ready if plan A is not paying dividends then we can change it to plan B or at least provide energy to rectify plan A, We never stop was possible due to the high energy we applied and having key reserves to maintain it when called upon.
The "We Never Stop" also worked because the three front players (usually Kyogo, Maeda and Abada or Jota) who worked hard like demons going full pelt were subbed after 60 minutes in practically every game. Now, they often stay on for 75-90 minutes, so there is no way they will be able to go full tilt like they used to twice a week. Is it a coincidence that Maeda suffered a serious injury that has put him out for weeks through a nothing incident after knocking his pan in for the full match in so many games? We have not had good enough replacements and have not had matches safely wrapped up to allow us to make these changes, with the almost inevitable consequences.

January is going to be a big month for us - let's see if we do get the necessary recruitment in. Let's see if the players we have improve after a couple of weeks intensive coaching during the winter break.
TBF I would not expect him to show anger on film, but, I am sure that hurt him. Expect all the players will get together and will within their own confines accept they let their fans down big time and I expect the better response to come at the weekend, the Feynord game will take care of itself and must be used to allow players experience of playing against better organised clubs. Every defeat is a learning curve.
Even when we have the essential players back from injury they'll still be playing the the BR system and that doesn't suit a lot of players in the team. I also feel that Rodgers may well have lost the dressing room when I see so many players regress. That was the situation when we lost the 10iar.

There were also a lot of players on the park yesterday who really need to buy a new spine.
I usually wait until I've calmed down a bit after a defeat to put my tuppence on on here.....

So I'll get back to you awe ra morra...

But can I just say that anyone thinking Brendan shouldn't be calling out some players in public, needs to rethink.

I'd rather hear that than, "well we had more possession etc", let the fans know who aint trying in training, then we know why they ain't getting picked, rather than spend weeks saying he should start he should start etc... Get them telt at training first, if no response tell the people who pay to go and see the non tryers....
But can I just say that anyone thinking Brendan shouldn't be calling out some players in public, needs to rethink.

I'd rather hear that than, "well we had more possession etc", let the fans know who aint trying in training, then we know why they ain't getting picked, rather than spend weeks saying he should start he should start etc... Get them telt at training first, if no response tell the people who pay to go and see the non tryers....

To me it seems like he tried amatuer psychology to try and get a reaction.

That's a pathetic thing for manager of his experience to do. Ange was always going to be a hard act to follow, but it's hard to think of a manager less suited to follow Ange.
Aye, my lass & I went down her work too watch the game. Watching us lose among a bunch dirty britnat Establishment Gimps was pure fucking torture. Personally we need a decent striker, a wide player who can consistently get crosses into the box. But walking out having won, Dominoes, Darts & Quiz fucking quality.

Aye & hacking into pub firestick & leaveng them this as a screensaver.
Pure fuckin quality 👇👇

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Need to get their badge changed to black in the years before 2012 so people remember thats the deed club
Does this man sound angry, disappointed? To me he sounds nonplussed (whatever that means) or not really that arsed. Basically we lost because we didnt pass properly. WHIT?
So it wasnt because you made the wrong decisions Brendan made the wrong substitutions and altered the formation at the wrong time then eh?

PS, hasn't the interviewer got nice nails.
The Killie players got stuck in and we didnt .The players need to take some of the blame for that .As for the passing he's right we couldn't string a few passes together in that second half .We need to more consistent because at times we play some great stuff .Few players due back soon and mibbe 1 or 2 in January and i think we'll be more than alrite.
Even when we have the essential players back from injury they'll still be playing the the BR system and that doesn't suit a lot of players in the team. I also feel that Rodgers may well have lost the dressing room when I see so many players regress. That was the situation when we lost the 10iar.

There were also a lot of players on the park yesterday who really need to buy a new spine.
You are correct Fis we can't blame any of those things but your only partly correct unfortunately it's not only one slip .....the 3 draws prior to this defeat where also pretty dire along with some games we got over the line but only just.

This season to date has been disappointing...there is no other way of describing it.
There's no doubt the injuries and a really poor transfer window have contributed to our demise however BR for me is a big part of the problem.

Shape formation and game plans have to be based on the players available and you have to play to those players strengths and be able to adapt to the different opposition you come up against.

I'm no coach but I've played the game and the basic principles of getting the best out of your team are not being applied here.

Our Champions League campaign pretty much reflected the last time BR was here so he has learnt zero and remains rigid to his way of playing that we can all see as supporters is gonna hurt us on that stage.

His selection early season upset a few of the team ...turnbull in for hatate e.g. ....This process has continued game after game and brings inconsistency.
Kyogo looks lost under BR as does Greig Taylor.
The players bought in the summer not being given game time.
His slow passing to feet game pretty much destroyed our intensity and pressing game that these players were used to.
I can't see how the squad can be in any shape or form being a joined up happy group.

The result of all of the above is we are out of the League Cup , out of Europe before Xmas and now dragged into a League title race with a very poor sevco team who despite this are about to win that cup, have European football after Xmas and are winning league games albeit with the usual assistance.

I am clinging to the hope that Daizen Liel Reo and CCV can return injury free as I don't expect too much from this board re the January transfer window.

Also feels like we are sleep walking into the New year when we lose half of the team to the Asian tournament.
Nothing I've heard gives me any confidence we have this under control.

A dead rubber now on Wednesday which is now a distraction from the priority of winning these next five games before the break.
Drop any more points before we face the imposters and the pressure will be truly on.

Time for Brendan to earn his salary.

Yeah a fair bit of doom and gloom in my post but It reflects how I'm feeling right now... I hope I've got it wrong but I doubt it.

Monday morning rant over.
Spot on.
Need to get their badge changed to black in the years before 2012 so people remember thats the deed club

They need tae get a new customer firestick, because they've tried everything & it's still there, add a new user delete the old one, changed password & put on parental control, canny reset as it needs the password.

My name not even been mentioned, it was someone else more tech savvy 😂😂😂😂
We now need to win every game from now on in to retain our championship. I know we haven't been playing well a defeat was imo going to come. Now that it has once our injured players come back we will then kick on. January not a good month do do transfers in. So I suspect we will go with what we have. Rodgers once he has is best players back and strongest side hopefully we will see the difference. We must not lose the league due to the incentives involved in participation in next year's champions league. If Rodgers blows it then he knows he's getting emptied.And the board will need to answer to us the support why they promised everything in their power to support BR with spending monies appropriate to his ambitions. Please no more project players. Money is there to be spent, can our board for once forget their egos , power and bonuses and back our manager. If not then no manager worth their salt would sign up for us. Who in their right mind would sign up to our club under our board.
Even when we have the essential players back from injury they'll still be playing the the BR system and that doesn't suit a lot of players in the team. I also feel that Rodgers may well have lost the dressing room when I see so many players regress. That was the situation when we lost the 10iar.

There were also a lot of players on the park yesterday who really need to buy a new spine.
I think he has made a mistake with the way he wants Kyogo to play after initially liking what Rodgers was trying to do.I think he has to sort that if we are to see the very best of Kyogo.I heard this talk of him losing the dressing room a couple of months back and i don't believe it for a second.Far too many folk writing him off for my liking and still pining Ange who done a fair amount of bullshitting himself.
One of the problems for Kyogo recently has been the loss of our 2 main wingers Maeda and Abada. The wingers atm are back to the cutting inside instead of mixing it up and going to the byline and trying a cross or cutback,that and Brendan wanting him to show for the ball... So hopefully with the return of these 2 and Reo then we will get Kyogo back on form

(Although I'm not sure we will see Liel in the hoops again... But I hope I'm wrong in this case). And whilst I'm on Brendan please get Calmac back into a central mid place, last few he's tended to drift to the left more than he's ever done... If its to bail out GT then it ain't working, as we all seen at their second on Sunday..