King the escape artist

It appears that King has conned his shareholders Into writing off 14 million of dept and he is pleased to announce that the club is in a stable position going forward,no mention of debt to Big Mike,just how are thick are they or is it just a case of keeping them alive,King is not worried it would appears he now has a bigger share in sevco I know this is the silly season but this is madness,the lengths that people will go to salve thier hate

IMO the indebted bears had little or no choice in the matter ,they had to swap their debt for equity to qualify for europe and that money will be needed to keep the show on the road .
If they hadn't they would have fell foul of FFP rules and they would have went boobs north in no time.

Now all SG has to do is avoid doing a fat sally for the wagon to keep ahead of those pesky barking dogs .
I sometimes wonder if that is why we are hoarding cash and downsizing as the our board know the true nature of things over at the bigot dome .

then again we could be having to hoard cash as a consequence of the corrupt authorities and media in this great wee country of ours .
What bank would allow any Scottish football club to have any bank facility ,when they can apparently liquidate the club on the Friday and still be the same club on the Monday dumping all debts .

This is the true legacy of the corrupt 5 way stitch up and cover up from our pitiful media ,meanwhile the same media revel in telling us that sevco 2012 are paying some guy £20,000 a week to add to an already unsustainable wage bill .
IMO the indebted bears had little or no choice in the matter ,they had to swap their debt for equity to qualify for europe and that money will be needed to keep the show on the road .
If they hadn't they would have fell foul of FFP rules and they would have went boobs north in no time.

Now all SG has to do is avoid doing a fat sally for the wagon to keep ahead of those pesky barking dogs .
I sometimes wonder if that is why we are hoarding cash and downsizing as the our board know the true nature of things over at the bigot dome .

then again we could be having to hoard cash as a consequence of the corrupt authorities and media in this great wee country of ours .
What bank would allow any Scottish football club to have any bank facility ,when they can apparently liquidate the club on the Friday and still be the same club on the Monday dumping all debts .

This is the true legacy of the corrupt 5 way stitch up and cover up from our pitiful media ,meanwhile the same media revel in telling us that sevco 2012 are paying some guy £20,000 a week to add to an already unsustainable wage bill .

And in your opinion it was obvious, right pal?

What is it with their dumbo support. Gluttons for punishment lol.

I fucking love it. Long may it continue. ?
Has anyone also wondered why the SFA are taking over Hampden when they are not exactly financially secure .

A wee prediction from me .
Sevco 2012 will vacate Ibrokes some time in the not so distant future and their friends at the SFA will allow them to lodge at Hampden for a peppercorn rent .
Never a truer word said in jest...............perhaps he will sell Ibloss and tell the followers it's an upgrade,wonder how many debts are tied to it????
Has anyone also wondered why the SFA are taking over Hampden when they are not exactly financially secure .

A wee prediction from me .
Sevco 2012 will vacate Ibrokes some time in the not so distant future and their friends at the SFA will allow them to lodge at Hampden for a peppercorn rent .

Well at least that way the Gullibillies will get to see their team play at Hampden - just not in a Cup Final !
