Lets not forget!!!

Also when Giakoumakis was felled in the penalty box it was immediately discounted by Wanker & McCoist and then ignored. Yet the tv folks were so desperate to justify sevco winning an undeserved late penalty against Aberdeen looking for any slight contact to justify the sevco dive.

The two sevco dives trying to steal penalties were embarrassing and correctly waved away but Madhun failed to follow the laws of the game by booking them for clear simulation.
The way I look upon penalty decisions is would I like them given against us in the same situation.
Of course I would have taken the decision in the case of GG but furious if it was given against us, so I actually thought that the correct decision was made.
Yet that one given against us at the minis, you just know a foul against the defender would have been awarded if the same incident happened in there box
We have been keeping an eye on the MiB this season. Their cheating has been off the scale. They are definitely incompetent, there is no argument about that...but let's not give them that excuse for their corruption. We can't stop pointing out the dodgy decisions when we are on top. We need to keep calling it out when we see it in the hope that one day our board follow suit. There were several occasions when a Celtic player was fouled, Gio springs to mind, and the ref pointed to a foul for the scum....the refs haven't bothered being subtle this season but last night went to a whole new worrying level.....the refs actually held up play to, what I can only imagine, discuss if there was any possible way that our 1st goal could be chopped off. Celtic should be demanding an explanation as to why madhun and has lineman felt the need to do what they did after the 1st goal. 2 huns ran into each other. The game was moving at fast pace. Madhun didn't notice the hun player on the ground. He and the linesman obviously saw it was 2 huns that collided...so what was there to discuss. Were they trying to think of ANY reason to not give the goal??? This is the question celtic should be asking today.
TBH that idea might not be so far fetched
Madhun was obviously talking to someone else through his mouthpiece as he was speaking to the linesman Might that have been a higher ranking officer in the SFA?
The HUNS NEED the £40 million CL Group stage bounty to survive, and the authorities will do all they can to help them achieve that. Scottish football needs a strong Rangers Celtic need a strong Rangers Remember all that pish from before the bastarts died back in 2012.
It transpired that Scottish football didn't and neither did Celtic I certainly couldn't have given a flying fuck whether they were strong, weak or even bloody there.
After the antics, the cheating and the cover ups (remember the 5 way agreement) by the original Rangers, before they were forced out of business.
What we must do for the remainder of the season is play like we did in the 1st 45 minutes last night, take our chances, convert loads of them, so if there is a dodgy penalty or 2 given against us, or one of our players is softly sent off, or is crocked by a culprit, who is permitted to remain on the pitch, until they are belatedly offered a ban, which helps other clubs, but not us, then hopefully it won't cost us points.
The sooner VAR is introduced the better. The HUNS and SFA obviously want to defer it for as long as possible, because it will negate many of the dodgy calls that regularly seem to go in their favour, when then are needing assistance.
TBH that idea might not be so far fetched
Madhun was obviously talking to someone else through his mouthpiece as he was speaking to the linesman Might that have been a higher ranking officer in the SFA?
The HUNS NEED the £40 million CL Group stage bounty to survive, and the authorities will do all they can to help them achieve that. Scottish football needs a strong Rangers Celtic need a strong Rangers Remember all that pish from before the bastarts died back in 2012.
It transpired that Scottish football didn't and neither did Celtic I certainly couldn't have given a flying fuck whether they were strong, weak or even bloody there.
After the antics, the cheating and the cover ups (remember the 5 way agreement) by the original Rangers, before they were forced out of business.
What we must do for the remainder of the season is play like we did in the 1st 45 minutes last night, take our chances, convert loads of them, so if there is a dodgy penalty or 2 given against us, or one of our players is softly sent off, or is crocked by a culprit, who is permitted to remain on the pitch, until they are belatedly offered a ban, which helps other clubs, but not us, then hopefully it won't cost us points.
The sooner VAR is introduced the better. The HUNS and SFA obviously want to defer it for as long as possible, because it will negate many of the dodgy calls that regularly seem to go in their favour, when then are needing assistance.
Not convinced VAR would be the answer Bill in Scotland still, with the amount of ridiculous decisions that seem to be given in favour of the stronger teams within the EPL still.
Would be in favour for helping cut out the reckless tackles that cause injury and yet go unpunished still.
Had my doubts for years but even more so with that tramp against the minis given out at half time about our so called offside goal, if he hadn't seen it on some sort of device, and what happens they get a goal awarded that was way offside?
If VAR goes anywhere to cleaning up the Scottish game in general, I would be all for it, but will hold reservations about it been used properly still.
We have been keeping an eye on the MiB this season. Their cheating has been off the scale. They are definitely incompetent, there is no argument about that...but let's not give them that excuse for their corruption. We can't stop pointing out the dodgy decisions when we are on top. We need to keep calling it out when we see it in the hope that one day our board follow suit. There were several occasions when a Celtic player was fouled, Gio springs to mind, and the ref pointed to a foul for the scum....the refs haven't bothered being subtle this season but last night went to a whole new worrying level.....the refs actually held up play to, what I can only imagine, discuss if there was any possible way that our 1st goal could be chopped off. Celtic should be demanding an explanation as to why madhun and has lineman felt the need to do what they did after the 1st goal. 2 huns ran into each other. The game was moving at fast pace. Madhun didn't notice the hun player on the ground. He and the linesman obviously saw it was 2 huns that collided...so what was there to discuss. Were they trying to think of ANY reason to not give the goal??? This is the question celtic should be asking today.
I'll only say this. After years of listening to this. Believe it or not, THEY think refs are biased towards us.
Would we want a biased ref? Towards us I mean. Absolutely fucking not.
Is my answer.
Ok all we want is a level playing field. That's all most fans want, but refs, believe it or not, make mistakes.
The game in England has been, to be honest, fucked, by VAR.
Fans can't celebrate til the var ref has decided nobody caused an infringement in the lead up to the goal.
For me, VAR, should only be for penalty areas only.
Rant over. HH.
Caption competition for above photo...

Linesman: call it back for a foul
Madhun: I can't, he ran into his teammate
Lineman: Call it back for a head knock
Madhun: I can't do that...I dont think it's in the rules.
Lineman: why didn't you blow right away.
Madhun: I never seen it! Shit!! What do I do?

(Asks for advice in earpiece)

4th officail: you've fucked it mate. You need to give the goal.
Madhun: Shit!! Shit!!!
MadHUN: OK, how do I disallow that goal ?"
Linesman: You can't it's a done deal,
MadhUN: But they'll crucify me at the Ludge !!!
Linesman: Oh well, shit happens, I'll just have yer shot of the goat
Linesman: Hey Boaby, whit size ur your boots ?
Caption competition for above photo...

Linesman: call it back for a foul
Madhun: I can't, he ran into his teammate
Lineman: Call it back for a head knock
Madhun: I can't do that...I dont think it's in the rules.
Lineman: why didn't you blow right away.
Madhun: I never seen it! Shit!! What do I do?

(Asks for advice in earpiece)

4th officail: you've fucked it mate. You need to give the goal.
Madhun: Shit!! Shit!!!

This is much closer to the truth than most folk could imagine in my view.....I've absolutely no doubt in my mind that Madden was looking for a reason to chalk the goal off.....by bringing the linesman in to the discussion he was being calculated.....if the linesman was to suggest there may have been an infringement of some kind then Madden would have disallowed the goal and everyone would have naturally thought it was the linesman's call.....any decision that was to be made here would therefore be the linesman' call.....and if nothing was given then the linesman was obviously the one to blame.....I've said it many times before.....Madden is the most sleekit Hun MIB of them all...
We have just 14 league games to go. If we win them all we win the league. The MIB's know this. They know that a draw is a loss of 2 points. If you do not know that Scottish football is rigged against Celtic then you have been in a coma. Madden was surrounded by Rangers players after our first goal was scored. He then consulted the assistant about WHAT? There was no possible rules reason for cancelling the goal. Two Rangers players had collided . So what? That is no reason to overrule the facts. He was desperately trying to find a way to avoid awarding the goal. Why? When i saw him attempting to cheat us my first thought was how the 60,000 fans who he wanted to cheat might angrily react. Thank goodness he accepted the inevitable.
That is the problem.
Whenever we score the MIB wants to find a reason to disallow a fair goal and never does this when our rivals score.
Whenever the ball goes in our own net the MIB desperately wants to award our opponents a goal, even if it was blatantly offside or the result of foul play.
If an opponent falls in our penalty box the MIB wants to find an excuse to award them a penalty.
They are not accountable.
They are never questioned.
They never have to justify their bigotry.
The media will call it an 'honest' mistake. It is never honest and is not a mistake.
We are clearly and obviously the best team in Scotland but the MIBs cannot tolerate us winning the league.
The only hope is that the gap between us and Rangers becomes so wide that their cheating will not suffice.
This weekend is the MIB's first chance. If they can manufacture a win for Motherwell and Rangers then we are two points behind. If they can manufacture a draw and a Rangers win then we are one point behind.
On the other hand if football is fair and form prevails and Celtic and Hearts win then we will be 4 points ahead.

That possible outcome must be stopped by the MIB. If the MIB blatantly cheats then they will continue to do so.
We have just 14 league games to go. If we win them all we win the league. The MIB's know this. They know that a draw is a loss of 2 points. If you do not know that Scottish football is rigged against Celtic then you have been in a coma. Madden was surrounded by Rangers players after our first goal was scored. He then consulted the assistant about WHAT? There was no possible rules reason for cancelling the goal. Two Rangers players had collided . So what? That is no reason to overrule the facts. He was desperately trying to find a way to avoid awarding the goal. Why? When i saw him attempting to cheat us my first thought was how the 60,000 fans who he wanted to cheat might angrily react. Thank goodness he accepted the inevitable.
That is the problem.
Whenever we score the MIB wants to find a reason to disallow a fair goal and never does this when our rivals score.
Whenever the ball goes in our own net the MIB desperately wants to award our opponents a goal, even if it was blatantly offside or the result of foul play.
If an opponent falls in our penalty box the MIB wants to find an excuse to award them a penalty.
They are not accountable.
They are never questioned.
They never have to justify their bigotry.
The media will call it an 'honest' mistake. It is never honest and is not a mistake.
We are clearly and obviously the best team in Scotland but the MIBs cannot tolerate us winning the league.
The only hope is that the gap between us and Rangers becomes so wide that their cheating will not suffice.
This weekend is the MIB's first chance. If they can manufacture a win for Motherwell and Rangers then we are two points behind. If they can manufacture a draw and a Rangers win then we are one point behind.
On the other hand if football is fair and form prevails and Celtic and Hearts win then we will be 4 points ahead.

That possible outcome must be stopped by the MIB. If the MIB blatantly cheats then they will continue to do so.

Nail on head Doc...
GVB Ma defence is rank rotten an your letting this lot score goals.
BM Ahm sorry but I canny find a way ta chalk them aff

A.P. Hey mate...........................................

This is much closer to the truth than most folk could imagine in my view.....I've absolutely no doubt in my mind that Madden was looking for a reason to chalk the goal off.....by bringing the linesman in to the discussion he was being calculated.....if the linesman was to suggest there may have been an infringement of some kind then Madden would have disallowed the goal and everyone would have naturally thought it was the linesman's call.....any decision that was to be made here would therefore be the linesman' call.....and if nothing was given then the linesman was obviously the one to blame.....I've said it many times before.....Madden is the most sleekit Hun MIB of them all...
watched it a few times both on the match highlights and the hungarian fellas vlog on youtube , Madden only goes to the linesman after the whole sevco team surround him thats in the vlog
in the highlights he's using the linesman as cover as he's in conversation with the 4th official

So what was the conversation ? that's what Celtic should be asking and why after the conversation ended did he blow his whistle and point to the half way line ,,,,,,it was already a goal there is no var in Scotland ,,,,,,,,so in the delay was it not a goal

The whole episode showed once and for all that cheating lies at the heart of the scottish referee association theirs no other answer for it

over to you maddhun ,,,,,,explain away

maybe that crawford wank will let us all know
We have just 14 league games to go. If we win them all we win the league. The MIB's know this. They know that a draw is a loss of 2 points. If you do not know that Scottish football is rigged against Celtic then you have been in a coma. Madden was surrounded by Rangers players after our first goal was scored. He then consulted the assistant about WHAT? There was no possible rules reason for cancelling the goal. Two Rangers players had collided . So what? That is no reason to overrule the facts. He was desperately trying to find a way to avoid awarding the goal. Why? When i saw him attempting to cheat us my first thought was how the 60,000 fans who he wanted to cheat might angrily react. Thank goodness he accepted the inevitable.
That is the problem.
Whenever we score the MIB wants to find a reason to disallow a fair goal and never does this when our rivals score.
Whenever the ball goes in our own net the MIB desperately wants to award our opponents a goal, even if it was blatantly offside or the result of foul play.
If an opponent falls in our penalty box the MIB wants to find an excuse to award them a penalty.
They are not accountable.
They are never questioned.
They never have to justify their bigotry.
The media will call it an 'honest' mistake. It is never honest and is not a mistake.
We are clearly and obviously the best team in Scotland but the MIBs cannot tolerate us winning the league.
The only hope is that the gap between us and Rangers becomes so wide that their cheating will not suffice.
This weekend is the MIB's first chance. If they can manufacture a win for Motherwell and Rangers then we are two points behind. If they can manufacture a draw and a Rangers win then we are one point behind.
On the other hand if football is fair and form prevails and Celtic and Hearts win then we will be 4 points ahead.

That possible outcome must be stopped by the MIB. If the MIB blatantly cheats then they will continue to do so.
What I couldn’t get was who the deck was madden talking to
He’s standing tapping with the linesman with the clearest view but he’s on his earpiece yapping
Now the other linesman’s a Mile away on the other side and in the other half
The fourth official is at halfway line
So was he talking to someone else
Var without it being officially used

in fairness to madden, he was near faultless the other night and it’s not often we can say that
The only fault I could pick up on is he looks like a baldy hun but that’s splitting hairs…oops
watched it a few times both on the match highlights and the hungarian fellas vlog on youtube , Madden only goes to the linesman after the whole sevco team surround him thats in the vlog
in the highlights he's using the linesman as cover as he's in conversation with the 4th official

So what was the conversation ? that's what Celtic should be asking and why after the conversation ended did he blow his whistle and point to the half way line ,,,,,,it was already a goal there is no var in Scotland ,,,,,,,,so in the delay was it not a goal

The whole episode showed once and for all that cheating lies at the heart of the scottish referee association theirs no other answer for it

over to you maddhun ,,,,,,explain away

maybe that crawford wank will let us all know
I got the impression he was speaking to the 4th official and we know the benches are watching the televised match on their tablets.

Does the 4th official also have access to one too or would the sevco bench show him the telly to prove there was an infraction? I've certainly seen benches down in England doing this before VAR was introduced.

If this was indeed going on then it is unofficial VAR. Now IF used correctly VAR should help refs make much less massive mstch-changing errors (a big IF admittedly), but it can't just be sneaked in by stealth to benefit one team only - it has to be officially introduced across the board so it is equal for all teams.

I think our club should be demanding to know exactly who was involved in this discussion and exactly what was said (I hope it is recorded?). Because I have never seen anything as extensive as this before in Scottish football.
Good point mate, he’s clearly talking to someone…..but who, only 3 people have a say on the field, the referee and the two linesmen, one is 50 yards away and can’t have seen it, he’s talking directly to the other one with he best sight of it……was it a direct line to Dallas in the Lanarkshire referees office?…… 😡

this need explained….var by the back door 😡
I got the impression he was speaking to the 4th official and we know the benches are watching the televised match on their tablets.

Does the 4th official also have access to one too or would the sevco bench show him the telly to prove there was an infraction? I've certainly seen benches down in England doing this before VAR was introduced.

If this was indeed going on then it is unofficial VAR. Now IF used correctly VAR should help refs make much less massive mstch-changing errors (a big IF admittedly), but it can't just be sneaked in by stealth to benefit one team only - it has to be officially introduced across the board so it is equal for all teams.

I think our club should be demanding to know exactly who was involved in this discussion and exactly what was said (I hope it is recorded?). Because I have never seen anything as extensive as this before in Scottish football.
I don't think it was the 4th official ,is the ref supervisor not wired up too ,was that not how we caught dougie dougie out ,,,,,,,something stinks as usual