Managers arrogance


Well-known member
Like Martin O’Neil and Gordon Strachan before him, Brendan Rogers rarely seems willing to admit when he gets it wrong. Most recently, he played 3 at the back against Hibs and it was clear after 2 minutes they had worked it out yet he persisted and lost the game. Yesterday, he plays our most effective player at left back and puts young MJ up front on his own. If KT and Eduard were fit, play them FFS or don’t have them on the bench. McGregor should never have started at LB, but he should certainly have been moved forward at HT. Brendan when it’s clearly a bad decision, change it FFS.
Like Martin O’Neil and Gordon Strachan before him, Brendan Rogers rarely seems willing to admit when he gets it wrong. Most recently, he played 3 at the back against Hibs and it was clear after 2 minutes they had worked it out yet he persisted and lost the game. Yesterday, he plays our most effective player at left back and puts young MJ up front on his own. If KT and Eduard were fit, play them FFS or don’t have them on the bench. McGregor should never have started at LB, but he should certainly have been moved forward at HT. Brendan when it’s clearly a bad decision, change it FFS.
Couldn't agree more if not don't have them on the bench Izzy dropped because of decision last week that wasn't a penalty. Yet Lustig and Boyata get away with making mistake after mistake which normally means losing a goal and Sinclair gets chance after chance when Morgan left sitting on bench who has more courage and goes forward most times what has young Jack Achinson got to do to get a chance
Agree , but remember they have only won a battle ,not the war!!!!be honest this was going to happen at some point, no point in spitting the dummy out of the pram!!!! They keep saying how the rest have made progress to our level, crap, we have REGRESSED to theirs, now is the time to see what Lawwell and the rest are made off,of course BR has to accept the blame for this , the new ‘tinkerman’should have left well alone,now is the time to show what you are made of, let them gloat, it won’t last long, we are still top with a game in hand, H H,
Agree , but remember they have only won a battle ,not the war!!!!be honest this was going to happen at some point, no point in spitting the dummy out of the pram!!!! They keep saying how the rest have made progress to our level, crap, we have REGRESSED to theirs, now is the time to see what Lawwell and the rest are made off,of course BR has to accept the blame for this , the new ‘tinkerman’should have left well alone,now is the time to show what you are made of, let them gloat, it won’t last long, we are still top with a game in hand, H H,
Maybe so, but Brendan Rodgers is arrogant; he even said in his press conference that we “defended well at times”. WTF game was he coaching!!!!! Boyata - FFS; he makes my eyes bleed watching him; he robbed us of a chance at the champions league yet BR still compliments him ???
Like Martin O’Neil and Gordon Strachan before him, Brendan Rogers rarely seems willing to admit when he gets it wrong. Most recently, he played 3 at the back against Hibs and it was clear after 2 minutes they had worked it out yet he persisted and lost the game. Yesterday, he plays our most effective player at left back and puts young MJ up front on his own. If KT and Eduard were fit, play them FFS or don’t have them on the bench. McGregor should never have started at LB, but he should certainly have been moved forward at HT. Brendan when it’s clearly a bad decision, change it FFS.

Part of the problem was being forced to make substitutions through injury rather than for tactical reasons

Yes perhaps starting with Edouard instead of Johnston would have made more sense

The same might be said for KT who saw no action at all

Saying that Edouard and KT might only have lasted an hour before being hooked means that for an hour we'd have had a more experienced striker in the pitch a LB who wasn't being played out of position and a creative midfielder playing in his natural role
Cast your minds back to how BR used to use Rogic sparingly when the Ozzy didn't have the fitness to complete a full 90 minutes BR

The manager had no problems with that scenario

As I said in a previous post Lustig is well past his 'sell by date' and going on yesterday's display Broony is fast approaching his

BR has a 3 week Winter Break and a Transfer Window to get the team back up to strength and back on track

We still have our destiny in our own hands so let's forget about yesterday We lost by 1 goal FFS hardly an annihilation by any stretch of the imagination

We have the best manager the best and biggest squad more financial clout and the greatest fans in the SPFL Let's blow the rest of them away once and for all
Complete the TREBLE TREBLE which no one else can do and go on a decent EUROPA LEAGUE run See you all in Baku

Do that and yesterday's debacle will be consigned to the History books

Part of the problem was being forced to make substitutions through injury rather than for tactical reasons

Yes perhaps starting with Edouard instead of Johnston would have made more sense

The same might be said for KT who saw no action at all

Saying that Edouard and KT might only have lasted an hour before being hooked means that for an hour we'd have had a more experienced striker in the pitch a LB who wasn't being played out of position and a creative midfielder playing in his natural role
Cast your minds back to how BR used to use Rogic sparingly when the Ozzy didn't have the fitness to complete a full 90 minutes BR

The manager had no problems with that scenario

As I said in a previous post Lustig is well past his 'sell by date' and going on yesterday's display Broony is fast approaching his

BR has a 3 week Winter Break and a Transfer Window to get the team back up to strength and back on track

We still have our destiny in our own hands so let's forget about yesterday We lost by 1 goal FFS hardly an annihilation by any stretch of the imagination

We have the best manager the best and biggest squad more financial clout and the greatest fans in the SPFL Let's blow the rest of them away once and for all
Complete the TREBLE TREBLE which no one else can do and go on a decent EUROPA LEAGUE run See you all in Baku

Do that and yesterday's debacle will be consigned to the History books

Could not have said it any better Bill. Onwards
To 8 and way beyond. Mon the HOOPS.

Still a dark cloud surrounding me so apologies if my comments seem over the top but does anybody agree that since signing new contracts we have not seen the best of TR or JF. I am not sure if BR is arrogant but his faith in the players to adapt to new positions certainly strikes me as a misplaced confidence. I had a bad feeling as soon as I saw Callum starting at left back. Onwards and upwards though, the result and performance yesterday should be a wake up call to everyone involved with our club.
Still a dark cloud surrounding me so apologies if my comments seem over the top but does anybody agree that since signing new contracts we have not seen the best of TR or JF. I am not sure if BR is arrogant but his faith in the players to adapt to new positions certainly strikes me as a misplaced confidence. I had a bad feeling as soon as I saw Callum starting at left back. Onwards and upwards though, the result and performance yesterday should be a wake up call to everyone involved with our club.
Still a dark cloud surrounding me so apologies if my comments seem over the top but does anybody agree that since signing new contracts we have not seen the best of TR or JF. I am not sure if BR is arrogant but his faith in the players to adapt to new positions certainly strikes me as a misplaced confidence. I had a bad feeling as soon as I saw Callum starting at left back. Onwards and upwards though, the result and performance yesterday should be a wake up call to everyone involved with our club.
It's the fact that none of us seen it coming that makes us feel a bit raw lemon, I don't think the managers arrogant he just made errors yesterday, how many times have be beat them recently and it's been down to the midfield, well yesterday they were posted missing, I don't know if the tiredness from playing so many games was a factor, didn't seem to bother the huns though, maybe running out with the broomloan full of reptiles took them out of their ibrox comfort zone, im taking Bills advice and spending some time with my nieces daughter, get some fresh air down the park to cure my hangover and also not waste to much time on what the reptiles or the press are saying.
Could not have said it any better Bill. Onwards
To 8 and way beyond. Mon the HOOPS.

Let’s be honest, whilst accepting that the injury to Benkovic and Lustig (not sure his wasn’t shame) upset BR’s plans, there’s not a Celtic fan anywhere that would have kept McGregor at LB for the 2nd half. I have no issue with his bad selection; my issue is that BR loves himself a little too much for my liking when he needs to show more pragmatism and humility. He’s allowed to make mistakes, if he’d only admit to them now and again.
i don't agree that the manager is arrogant either but he got it wrong yesterday,some the players were poor... We had no midfield..we made them look better than they are..midfield is were the game is's the area of the field that they worry about..they were shit scared of Armstrong when he was with us,they feared
Mcgregor and's our engine room..if you dont dominate in midfield.. You will not get up the park unless you go long...Just concerned that BR started with that formation and then found he couldn't change it... Though the wife is still adamant, he did it to strengthen his hand with Lawell. Listen we can't beat them every game.. It's impossible...but we can dominate the barstewards for years to come...I just hope lessons have been learned and we move on to the Treble Treble....and of course 10 in a Row.
Still a dark cloud surrounding me so apologies if my comments seem over the top but does anybody agree that since signing new contracts we have not seen the best of TR or JF. I am not sure if BR is arrogant but his faith in the players to adapt to new positions certainly strikes me as a misplaced confidence. I had a bad feeling as soon as I saw Callum starting at left back. Onwards and upwards though, the result and performance yesterday should be a wake up call to everyone involved with our club.
Me too. When they announced him at LB and brown in the middle i was worried.
Could not agree moreWhat I would like to know is what Brendan was saving Eddie and Kierdo for. Surely they were match fit as they were on the bench. As for the result, it's not really out of tune with our away form this season. Played 11 Won-4, Drawn-3, Lost-4. Only 15 points from a possible 33. We have to improve and get the finger out. Wee doubts starting to creep in about Brendan's methods sometime.
Let's imagine it was impossible for KT to start yesterday, Izzy could've slotted in nicely. I know he had a bad one against Aberdeen, but we didn't lose that game yesterday down the left side. We lost it in the middle of the park, for a whole bunch of reasons, the most obvious is which the absence of McGregor and Rogic there. That's not in itself an excuse. Brown, Ntcham and Christie are all capable of much better football than that which they played yesterday. And I think they thought or perhaps had been told that Sevco would come and sit off them and give them huge amounts of respect. Plus, Christie looked only half fit.

It's absolutely correct what the OP says: Brendan got it wrong. Hayes or Izzy (who wasn't even in the squad) should've started left-back. McGregor should've started in the middle in place of Brown or Ntcham. And Edouard should've started up front, or if he genuinely wasn't fit enough to start (I don't buy that), we should've played the same system that we did against Aberdeen, with Christie as a false 9.

Football managers rarely ever admit their system was wrong. Hopefully it's just front.
Like Martin O’Neil and Gordon Strachan before him, Brendan Rogers rarely seems willing to admit when he gets it wrong. Most recently, he played 3 at the back against Hibs and it was clear after 2 minutes they had worked it out yet he persisted and lost the game. Yesterday, he plays our most effective player at left back and puts young MJ up front on his own. If KT and Eduard were fit, play them FFS or don’t have them on the bench. McGregor should never have started at LB, but he should certainly have been moved forward at HT. Brendan when it’s clearly a bad decision, change it FFS.
Brendan had a baaaad day, the whole team had a baaaad day. It just happened at ibrokes. We lost three points nothing more.
BR persists in using the same system regardless of the opposition. The system has become familiar to everybody and the way to counter it has also become familiar. High press, man mark our midfield and when we start to pass backwards or along our back line jump all over our centre backs.
Brendan cannot continue with this system, not with the players at his disposal. We need a strong front man to hold the ball up and give us another option. To castigate individual players at this time is not helpful, both the players and the system need tweaked.
Yesterday was a blow but not a decisive one. The big picture hasn't changed, seven titles in a row, seven domestic trophies in a row and a double treble. We remain in course to add to those figures. Let us not let our emotions run away with our good sense. IMO 8iar is coming, it may not be as easy as we thought.
There's no doubt in my mind that we will win the league this season. Not even yesterday when I smashed a bowl after McGregor's goal was ruled offside (a Scottish linesman suddenly becomes eagle-eyed the moment we score a *slightly* offside goal) did it cross my mind that this result was significant beyond its immediate context. I still stand by my contention that, forgetting new signings (which we need in general), if we played the same team that had a consistent run of form and was playing great football, thumping Hibs, Hearts etc., beating Leipzig (Gordon, Lustig, Boyata, Benkovic, KT, McGregor, Christie, Rogic, Forrest, Sinclair, Edouard), we would've decisively defeated Sevco yesterday. That's how small I think this crisis is.

But there is a crisis. A crisis formed out of Brendan not having faith even in existing squad players (I would've played Ralston all week long and twice on Sunday at RB over Lustig yesterday, as well as Hayes at LB) and the consistent failure to do good business in the transfer market. We all know what positions we have to strengthen in.
There is also the possibility that BR was lulled into a false sense of security yesterday. If you look at Sevco's last few home games, they've been pure pish. Draw with Hibs, losing to Aberdeen etc. I wonder if he didn't think that yesterday was essentially an 'all we have to do is turn up' job. Of course, even when Murty was manager and we played them at Ibreeks, they were significantly better than when they played us at Celtic Park or Hampden. So it's hard to believe Brendan could be that complacent. Boyata crumbling is also something a manager can't plan for. He has been almost totally solid this season. He was great against Sevco at Celtic Park. Plus, the injuries to Lustig (who shouldn't have started) and Benko were just bad luck (well, Lustig shouldn't have been playing, I'll say for the final time, I promise).
There is also the possibility that BR was lulled into a false sense of security yesterday. If you look at Sevco's last few home games, they've been pure pish. Draw with Hibs, losing to Aberdeen etc. I wonder if he didn't think that yesterday was essentially an 'all we have to do is turn up' job. Of course, even when Murty was manager and we played them at Ibreeks, they were significantly better than when they played us at Celtic Park or Hampden. So it's hard to believe Brendan could be that complacent. Boyata crumbling is also something a manager can't plan for. He has been almost totally solid this season. He was great against Sevco at Celtic Park. Plus, the injuries to Lustig (who shouldn't have started) and Benko were just bad luck (well, Lustig shouldn't have been playing, I'll say for the final time, I promise).
BR lacks humility and it’s hurting us. He got his team wrong AGAIN and whilst it was obvious to everyone that McGregor was needed to control our midfield; once again BR refuses to make the change, lest he has to admit he got it wrong. FFS we all get shit wrong in our jobs just put it f@ckin right again quickly ???
Maybe so, but Brendan Rodgers is arrogant; he even said in his press
Maybe so, but Brendan Rodgers is arrogant; he even said in his press conference that we “defended well at times”. WTF game was he coaching!!!!! Boyata - FFS; he makes my eyes bleed watching him; he robbed us of a chance at the champions league yet BR still compliments him ???

conference that we “defended well at times”. WTF game was he coaching!!!!! Boyata - FFS; he makes my eyes bleed watching him; he robbed us of a chance at the champions league yet BR still compliments him ???
Brendan had a baaaad day, the whole team had a baaaad day. It just happened at ibrokes. We lost three points nothing more.
BR persists in using the same system regardless of the opposition. The system has become familiar to everybody and the way to counter it has also become familiar. High press, man mark our midfield and when we start to pass backwards or along our back line jump all over our centre backs.
Brendan cannot continue with this system, not with the players at his disposal. We need a strong front man to hold the ball up and give us another option. To castigate individual players at this time is not helpful, both the players and the system need tweaked.
Yesterday was a blow but not a decisive one. The big picture hasn't changed, seven titles in a row, seven domestic trophies in a row and a double treble. We remain in course to add to those figures. Let us not let our emotions run away with our good sense. IMO 8iar is coming, it may not be as easy as we thought.
Agree entirely,a bad day,still at the top with a game in hand!!!!BR made a mistake, it’s in the past, move on, come the resumption of play we will see a different attitude and with new people in, hopefully,we will get it going again,am confident the huns will topple,they are no better than the rest of the league,unfortunately we in some games where no better either!!!!!that will change , hh,
BR lacks humility and it’s hurting us. He got his team wrong AGAIN and whilst it was obvious to everyone that McGregor was needed to control our midfield; once again BR refuses to make the change, lest he has to admit he got it wrong. FFS we all get shit wrong in our jobs just put it f@ckin right again quickly ???

I'm not disagreeing. I'm just saying that it was a forced error, essentially. Forced by injuries and a shit transfer window, but still an error in that Rodgers got the tactics, the system and line up completely wrong. As soon as I saw the line up on Saturday morning, I got the fear. I was flabbergasted with McGregor in at left-back. And yes, Rodgers, like most managers, can't admit that he got it wrong. I hope it's front. I hope he knows that he got it wrong but just doesn't want to say it publicly. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. If we're still playing Lustig and (god love him, for he has been a fantastic player) Brown after the January break as starters, I will begin to think Brendan has become dangerously delusional and criminally intransigent.