Nasty Nicola doing her best

A brief if somewhat skewed account of the past. If memory serves me correctly (and it does) it was more the robust defence of Catherine Calderwood, allow me to paraphrase but it was onlong the lines of "poor lassie made a wee mistake and its really the medias fault for photographing her visiting her holiday home in the middle of lockdown thats the real problem" and then the celebrations when BoJo was taken into intensive care that raised the suggestion of political hypocrisy.
But at least we've now established ground rules on what is acceptable behaviour, have a go at anyone but no wee Nicola because that would be offensive, derogatory, sexist and down right rotten!
Aye right! 😹
Still digging in I see - carry on but I think I’ve explained that calling women any women ‘bitches” is derogatory language but you dig in so it’s no my fault this is still going on.
You are right Rose of course, bitch is a derogatory term directed towards women. Without putting words in anyones anyone's mouth I think the problem maybe that we all have a tendency to a blind spot when derogatory language is used in support of our own beliefs. Some of the finest wits and debaters have insulted their opponents with comments which could be considered worse than bitch, it is however the one stop catch all lack of intelligence in the use of those kind of words that damage us all and you are right to point it out. And that really is my last word.
You are right Rose of course, bitch is a derogatory term directed towards women. Without putting words in anyones anyone's mouth I think the problem maybe that we all have a tendency to a blind spot when derogatory language is used in support of our own beliefs. Some of the finest wits and debaters have insulted their opponents with comments which could be considered worse than bitch, it is however the one stop catch all lack of intelligence in the use of those kind of words that damage us all and you are right to point it out. And that really is my last word.
Thanks Lennon for you comments which are spot on. These people on here still are justifying their right to call a woman a bitch which in my opinion is dehumanising and sad to say in its everyday use sexism.
Must be some mistake there shammy? Can't see Steviebhoy2 been a tory fan, nah I just can't
I hate all that the Tories stand for. Never get a vote from me in my life. I hope that's cleared that up. As for the SNP. I loved the original idea but in my opinion it's become a monster and become as corrupt as the Tories. Maybe like most mainstream parties they are all looking out for themselves and not the people they are supposed to serve. 😄
Thanks Lennon for you comments which are spot on. These people on here still are justifying their right to call a woman a bitch which in my opinion is dehumanising and sad to say in its everyday use sexism.
Thought we'd moved on? As said by others also there has been much more robust language used on this site and nothing said. Is it because the word was used regarding Saint Nic? I don't know or care anymore.
I am at the end of my tether now with this shit. I thought yesterday morning this was all done and done and dusted. With the help of some members we had got back to being about the football and with a bit of humour too it had been put to bed.

So lets begin again but firstly Steviebhoy2 we called our truce so nothing here aimed at you.

I understand the strength of people's political views and how important they are to many and especially just now when the tetonic plates are moving worldwide so to speak.

I am an SNP member and as such obviously support getting an independent Scotland. I do not care who leads the SNP to get us Independence. SNP is only the vehicle to get it and hopefully once we have got it we will have more than just a few new political parties to choose from as the SNP will no longer be relevant by that time in an independent Scotland. I am hopeful that we can steer away in a new modern Scotland from the 'Right' and 'Left' of the political spectrum. I can have my dreams for a better future for my children and grandchildren where they will be proud citizens rather than subjects of their nation.

So now I have laid bare my political views and now to tackle the ongoing hate campaign against Nicola Sturgeon and what impact language has in these attacks.

I will start by giving context to where I'm coming from. Oxford University Press has updated its dictionaries and labels have been applied to terms identified as "derogatory" "offensive"or dated such as the word "bitch". Bitch is not a synonym for woman. It is dehumanising to call a woman bitch. It is but one sad, albeit extremely damaging, example of everyday sexism. Women from the Women's Equality Network and women's Aid had to campaign for these labels to be added to the Oxford Dictionary so obviously without going further down a dark road I will leave it there.

So to hoopy's ground rules naw lets give them a miss and will say it's wee Celtic rosie's groundrules: gies us peace and lets get on with Celtic news and views and who's all hoping the huns get beat the day?

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