Neymar accused of rape charges filed


Well-known member
Just read the story of the woman accusing neymar of rape in Paris. None of his enterauge have been available to comment yet despite the file being leaked. I've never liked neymar ever since I first seen him play for Brazil v Scotland and he accused the Scottish supporters of racially abusing him by throwing a banana at him during the game. Turned out to be a German guy who threw it. He's also recently punched a spectator after losing the French cup final. Controversy is never far away when he's concerned. Whilst none of that makes him guilty of the charges being brought against him, surely if it's found to be true hes finished in the game? Barcelona, real Madrid, PSG could never be seen to have a rapist in their employment. There is a club who arent bothered about such trivial things as hiring woman abusers maybe he might end up there.
Just read the story of the woman accusing neymar of rape in Paris. None of his enterauge have been available to comment yet despite the file being leaked. I've never liked neymar ever since I first seen him play for Brazil v Scotland and he accused the Scottish supporters of racially abusing him by throwing a banana at him during the game. Turned out to be a German guy who threw it. He's also recently punched a spectator after losing the French cup final. Controversy is never far away when he's concerned. Whilst none of that makes him guilty of the charges being brought against him, surely if it's found to be true hes finished in the game? Barcelona, real Madrid, PSG could never be seen to have a rapist in their employment. There is a club who arent bothered about such trivial things as hiring woman abusers maybe he might end up there.

Don't kid yourself todays football run by FIFA and UEFA is totally corrupted with money from the middle East Eastern dictators,Eastern european thugs and gangsters and money launderers even if guilty they will find a way to whitewash this guy too much money been spent on him to isolate him from the football gravy train they will just intimidate and pay off the woman
Just read the story of the woman accusing neymar of rape in Paris. None of his enterauge have been available to comment yet despite the file being leaked. I've never liked neymar ever since I first seen him play for Brazil v Scotland and he accused the Scottish supporters of racially abusing him by throwing a banana at him during the game. Turned out to be a German guy who threw it. He's also recently punched a spectator after losing the French cup final. Controversy is never far away when he's concerned. Whilst none of that makes him guilty of the charges being brought against him, surely if it's found to be true hes finished in the game? Barcelona, real Madrid, PSG could never be seen to have a rapist in their employment. There is a club who arent bothered about such trivial things as hiring woman abusers maybe he might end up there.
He’s a horrible wee cunt
I've no love for Neymar, but it's a tricky one.

Access to untold wealth can make some folk entitled, on the other hand - it makes them sitting ducks too.

Whatever happens, I hope a fair investigation is undertaken and that the Gendarmes don't cut corners because of reputations and club loyalties.

As a counter-weight though - I hope the complainant is held accountable if there is no merit in the allegation. It serves no purpose to those who have been affected by this horrific crime and diminishes genuine claims made by genuine victims.

I also hope that this isn't one of those "settlement" situations either. There has to be proper scrutiny of these claims, not a half-arsed agreement to avoid publicity.
He’s a horrible wee cunt
He is and I've always thought it's me an I just don't like him. I just don't like him :p punching the fan cos he was laughing at him being runner up? I think it's his theatrics that have turned me. His skill is obvious but the best, the very best players Ronaldo, Messi, hazard , Larsson these players don't dive about like Tom Daley they play the game the right way
I've no love for Neymar, but it's a tricky one.

Access to untold wealth can make some folk entitled, on the other hand - it makes them sitting ducks too.

Whatever happens, I hope a fair investigation is undertaken and that the Gendarmes don't cut corners because of reputations and club loyalties.

As a counter-weight though - I hope the complainant is held accountable if there is no merit in the allegation. It serves no purpose to those who have been affected by this horrific crime and diminishes genuine claims made by genuine victims.

I also hope that this isn't one of those "settlement" situations either. There has to be proper scrutiny of these claims, not a half-arsed agreement to avoid publicity.
The woman has filed charges in Brazil though it happened in Paris which does raise a flag
He is and I've always thought it's me an I just don't like him. I just don't like him :p punching the fan cos he was laughing at him being runner up? I think it's his theatrics that have turned me. His skill is obvious but the best, the very best players Ronaldo, Messi, hazard , Larsson these players don't dive about like Tom Daley they play the game the right way

He is basically a cheat which is acceptable in the world he was brought up in
Aye being a cheat by diving isn't my problem with him it's the ten rolls after hitting the deck like el buffalo. Broony has just been commended for his ability and nous of the dark arts, others are berated for it. It's how it's done.
He is and I've always thought it's me an I just don't like him. I just don't like him :p punching the fan cos he was laughing at him being runner up? I think it's his theatrics that have turned me. His skill is obvious but the best, the very best players Ronaldo, Messi, hazard , Larsson these players don't dive about like Tom Daley they play the game the right way

Its called having integrity.

So many are lacking it.
Some people are just incapable of gratitude for the things they have, are or achieve.

Shame for its a path to contentment and peace.

Im grateful for the things i have and also grateful for the things i don’t and won’t have in my life.
If he did it let the dogs loose on him. In parallel thought it's brave of the girl to come forward. The unsavoury contacts of contacts have the means to make her life a misery or threaten it.
I knew a girl that had her fun in footballing circles. She was single good looking, liked a night out and was mates with a few players. Some eyebrow rasing tales. Some the press would of liked. Everyone is entitled to have privacy.
Its the girls that get caught up in these situations and don't have their eyes open that sometimes can be at the biggest risk.
The environment of millionaire football players with egos sky high, added to that if they are nasty little bastards would put the fear of god into me if I knew a mates little sister or something was mixing with them.
Hate Neymar but for the sake of what has been accused I hope it isn't real.
If it is nail him to the wall. I hope she has the strength to continue, take it to court, win and jail the animal and refuse the money men trying to buy her off.
As I said before the contacts of contacts and the unseen and unprovable pressures on her through the process may cause her to accept a settlement.
Hate these type of stories
If he did it let the dogs loose on him. In parallel thought it's brave of the girl to come forward. The unsavoury contacts of contacts have the means to make her life a misery or threaten it.
I knew a girl that had her fun in footballing circles. She was single good looking, liked a night out and was mates with a few players. Some eyebrow rasing tales. Some the press would of liked. Everyone is entitled to have privacy.
Its the girls that get caught up in these situations and don't have their eyes open that sometimes can be at the biggest risk.
The environment of millionaire football players with egos sky high, added to that if they are nasty little bastards would put the fear of god into me if I knew a mates little sister or something was mixing with them.
Hate Neymar but for the sake of what has been accused I hope it isn't real.
If it is nail him to the wall. I hope she has the strength to continue, take it to court, win and jail the animal and refuse the money men trying to buy her off.
As I said before the contacts of contacts and the unseen and unprovable pressures on her through the process may cause her to accept a settlement.
Hate these type of stories
Seen the charges against Ronaldo got dropped..
Really? I haven't heard but fsI'm not surprised would there by chance bea massive pay out and gagging order to boot?
Was thinking that myself Winter ,but if shes lying shes a scumbag and should be locked up
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