our board

should we organise a petition demanding that our board stand up and start defending our club

  • yes

    Votes: 44 97.8%
  • no

    Votes: 1 2.2%

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If we signed defo we would get absolutely slated for it
He’s a has been who Bournemouth r glad to get rid of
Have to agree K, whatever wages he's on it won't be cheap, 18 month down the line no return on your money, we waste enough as it is, we need permanent signings, with some first team ready.
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Now I want the board to be open and transparent and stand up for integrity and all sorts of other Celtic fan related issues.

I dont think Lawell does that part of his job well at all.

But in defence of the penny pinching garbage.

The club has nearly doubled it op costs over 2 years so that is approx 30 million per season on wages that the manager has decided to raise the wages, from which is 30 million extra for the length of the current batch of contracts.

On top of that the board have backed the manager quite handsomely with player purchases.
The wage increases alone are appox the horde income.

Sevco run by criminals running a club that is pretending its father didnt die 6 half years ago.
They cant die again. So they can run the new club into the ground and sign up to some of the most opaque financial bizzareness without any question form the MSM and it seems the legal TOP people are scared to expose them fully for whatever reason.

They allegedly spent 15 million under pedro
Then a big pil under Murty
Then a big pile under Gerrard

Some reports suggest that 3rd party entities in qatar were behind the pedro
King is a known 41 time criminal with over 100 charges dropped when the key witness died dduring the long case allegedly. But the entire catalogue of charges disappeared off internet so whether it was garbage or truth is hard to verify.

But one thing certain the King is a criminal.

Now all the EBT scammers are running scot free
And the TAP panel are dancing the dance

And nobody but nobody knows where the never ending funding coming from since King claims he is penniless and cant open a bank account.

All the while the holding comapny of dead club rangers is actually still alive and receiveing large payments towards a loan that it claims it i owed having been defrauded.

Check out companies house for the old wavetower holding company.

Our board have done grand job with money
They have (conrtary to popular opinion) heavily backed Rodgers both with capital investment and superficial luxuries but massively in wage rises to try and compete with the SKy sports subsidised clubs.

This witch hunt againt Lawell is bizarre the guy is a top top money man. He earned every chink of his bonuses. If anything he well undepraid for the level of quality he worked.

Celtic have no debts and the share price is at its highest ever with 30+million availble for capital investment.

But Rodgers has maxed out the wages. Rodgers is the one who pciks the team. Rodgers is the one who buys the players he never plays. Rodgers keeps asking for more and more players but never punts out the highly paid rot he hordes.

Now i want Lawell to get a voice and do the other things a CEO should be doing. But this penny pinching crap is just that.

Rangers are dead and some dodgy dudes are funneling mysrtery cash sums into Scottish football and they are paying not one thin dime tax in process.

And the MSM have no interest in exposing where the mystery funds are coming.

HAs anyone thopught it may well be all in order to get Celtic financially messed up fighting a ghost. If Sevoc can fund players from mystery sources then the game is totally broke.

Something is rank rotten at sevco.

If King is a billionaire and is funding the show through proxies wtf is that all about.
Is football so broke that its now just massive fraud game.
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Have to agree K, whatever wages he's on it won't be cheap, 18 month down the line no return on your money, we waste enough as it is, we need permanent signings, with some first team ready.
Defo and not a spelling mistake, we would be laughed at. If we are raging about this then i suggest we sign Kenny Miller, age same, better goal ratio, better ratio of teams played for and proven goal scorer, international caps a plenty, european experience, Defoe has what remind me of his pedigree.
Now I want the board to be open and transparent and stand up for integrity and all sorts of other Celtic fan related issues.

I dont think Lawell does that part of his job well at all.

But in defence of the penny pinching garbage.

The club has nearly doubled it op costs over 2 years so that is approx 30 million per season on wages that the manager has decided to raise the wages with which is 30 million extra for the length of the current batch of contracts.

On top of that the board have backed the manager quite handsomely with player purchases.
The wage increases alone are appox the horde income.

Sevco run by criminals runninga club the is pretending its father didnt die 6 half years ago.
They cant die again. So they can run the new club into the ground and sign up to some of the most opaque financial bizzareness without any question form the MSM and it seems the legal TOP people are scared to expose them fully for whatever reason.

They allegedly spent 15 million under pedro
Then a big pil under Murty
Then a big pile under Gerrard

Some reports suggest that 3rd party entities in qatar were behind the pedro
King is a known 41 time criminal with over 100 charges dropped when the key witness died dduring the long case allegedly. But the entire catalogue of charges disappeared off internet so whether it was garbage or truth is hard to verify.

But one thing certain the King is a criminal.

Now all the EBT scammers are running scot free
And the TAP panel are dancing the dance

And nobody but nobody knows where the never ending funding coming from since King claims he is penniless and cant open a bank account.

All the while the holding comapny of dead club rangers is actually still alive and receiveing large payments towards a loan that it claims it i owed having been defrauded.

Check out companies house for the old wavetower holding company.

Our board have done grand job with money
They have (conrtary to popular opinion) heavily backed Rodgers both with capital investment and superficial luxuries but massively in wage rises to try and compete with the SKy sports subsidised clubs.

This witch hunt againt Lawell is bizarre the guy is a top top money man. He earned every chink of his bonuses. If anything he well undepraid for the level of quality he worked.

Celtic have no debts and the share price is at its highest ever with 30+million availble for capital investment.

But Rodgers has maxed out the wages. Rodgers is the one who pciks the team. Rodgers is the one who buys the players he never plays. Rodgers keeps asking for more and more players but never punts out the highly paid rot he hordes.

Now i want Lawell to get a voice and do the other things a CEO should be doing. But this penny pinching crap is just that.

Rangers are dead and some dodgy dudes are funneling mysrtery cash sums into Scottish football and they are paying not one thin dime tax in process.

And the MSM have no interest in exposing where the mystery funds are coming.

HAs anyone thopught it may well be all in order to get Celtic financially messed up fighting a ghost. If Sevoc can fund players from mystery sources then the game is totally broke.

Something is rank rotten at sevco.

If King is a billionaire and is funding the show through proxies wtf is that all about.
Is football so broke that its now just massive fraud game.

We will need to agree to differ.
I don’t agree that Lawell has the balls to handle the shite take. I violently oppose his bonus and think he’s a cunt for even thinking about taking it.

I agree that Rogers has fucked us up by signing 15 duds. Not Lawells fault that one.

I do blame him for us losing out on the CL and £60m. I do have some sympathy for the board looking at Rogers signing record of utter dross. But if they offered him real money then he wouldn’t need to think he can turn shite into gold. He can’t.

Lawell should have called out Rogers pathetic hit rate last year, then got rid of them. He did neither.

When you are forced to spend buttons as our board do, then you have to hope. I’m fucked off with hope. Less is more.

He deserves fuck all bonus, nor does Rogers. CL qualification should be the only trigger for any bonus.
I don’t agree that Lawell has the balls to handle the shite take. I violently oppose his bonus and think he’s a cunt for even thinking about taking it.

I agree that Rogers has fucked us up by signing 15 duds. Not Lawells fault that one.

I do blame him for us losing out on the CL and £60m. I do have some sympathy for the board looking at Rogers signing record of utter dross. But if they offered him real money then he wouldn’t need to think he can turn shite into gold. He can’t.

Lawell should have called out Rogers pathetic hit rate last year, then got rid of them. He did neither.

When you are forced to spend buttons as our board do, then you have to hope. I’m fucked off with hope. Less is more.

He deserves fuck all bonus, nor does Rogers. CL qualification should be the only trigger for any bonus.
I find your post astonishing you appear to criticise our board vociferously and yet Sevco are cheating, lying and have no transparency where their money is coming from and their Mr King is never out of our courts about to be charged with contempt of court. I think we should be looking at the corrupt and not our own Club for the answers to what is going on here.
I don’t agree that Lawell has the balls to handle the shite take. I violently oppose his bonus and think he’s a cunt for even thinking about taking it.

I agree that Rogers has fucked us up by signing 15 duds. Not Lawells fault that one.

I do blame him for us losing out on the CL and £60m. I do have some sympathy for the board looking at Rogers signing record of utter dross. But if they offered him real money then he wouldn’t need to think he can turn shite into gold. He can’t.

Lawell should have called out Rogers pathetic hit rate last year, then got rid of them. He did neither.

When you are forced to spend buttons as our board do, then you have to hope. I’m fucked off with hope. Less is more.

He deserves fuck all bonus, nor does Rogers. CL qualification should be the only trigger for any bonus.

I fully agree Lawell is not a proper ceo. He has not been a proper voice for fans ever.

You dont agree he desrves the bonus

Seems quite harsh since his job is to keep the company growing and in the period under question he has managed to be ceo during period club has been relatively succesful

The work he has done contractually which have been good for celtic Fc alone make him hot hot property in football world. He is considered by many to be a wonder worker. But that maywell be false logic since it could be celtic are in a niche hole in the markets where they dominate scottish market and can sell at heavy profit into epl with knowledge that lots of our players can cope with that league having coped at Celtic first. Also the fact Celtic win lots of games means their players get capped which also increases the players value quite often.

So it may well be that any old CEO could do justa grand job at Celtic. But that remains to be seen. In the field of finace the big clubs would have him for his negotioatings and that speaks volumes about what he should be earning bonus wise.

Emotioanlly he is detached but he isa big fan of Celtic and although his silnceon so many ethical issues offends me the one thing i cant accuse him of is not being worth the bonus over the current period.

Not my favourite guy.

But he has been very very good for celtic.

But i undertsand fincace so maybe im biased despitebeing a pauper with no wealth wioth serious health issues.
If we signed defo we would get absolutely slated for it
He’s a has been who Bournemouth r glad to get rid of

Let’s hope that statement doesn’t come back to bite you on the arse. I would take him
Before Weah and Bayo. Neither impressed me in their clips. We have to hope he’s finished, because I don’t think he is.

But don’t worry, I’m sure we will have a few projects to help us over the line.
I find your post astonishing you appear to criticise our board vociferously and yet Sevco are cheating, lying and have no transparency where their money is coming from and their Mr King is never out of our courts about to be charged with contempt of court. I think we should be looking at the corrupt and not our own Club for the answers to what is going on here.

We do our job Sevco can fuck off. We have let them
Back in by being cheapskate ambitionless shitebags.

Our board also allow them to get away with all you say and stand looking at their shoes. Again, utter shitebags.

You might think they are doing a grand job, you may have pals and family who agree. Me and mine don’t. They are a group of men terrified to stand up for the club. To call out Sevco for their cheating.

How can you defend cowards like that?

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