
Don’t worry about Sevco, they’re going bust on Tuesday. Haven’t you heard?

The issue at hand shouldn’t concern those fuckers though. Our problem resides entirely within Kerrydale St. a lack of ambition and courage. A lack of prowes in finding players to improve us. A total absence of understanding the concept of opportunity cost. In that what is the cost of not investing? Well, we just lost £60m by not spending £20m. We just lost £20m for the sale of McGinn, by not spending £3m and so on.

We will probably be out on our arse in this tournament because we sold our best players. We replaced them with nothing. We have bought two defenders, one is a figment of some cunts imagination, the other the terror of mine.

Forget Sevco, forget where they get cash from. Stop hoping their demise will elevate us. For that to happen we need to clear the timid, risk averse shitebags who sit around our board table. They are the problem, not Secvo.

I’ll doff my hat to this, and if there is any twat on the board lurking then get a fecking grip cause what has been posted above is reality and has started already under your watch
These income figures you quoted seem very high to me.

They also don't include the costs

current player + staff bonuses probably take big chunk of the money before any new players.
Costs to get to these venues
Costs to increased security police for the home games
Rest of the costs involved with playing in these CL games

Spending 20 million on new defenders would not have guaranteed we would beat AEK, I suspect we would have done better but not certain.
The new defenders would be still playing the Brendan style and if I remember correctly it was our lack of cutting edge up front that cost us just as badly as the defence.

Spending 20 Million on new defenders is easy bit. Its getting these better players to play on wages club can afford.

You buy a new defender on 50K+ then every player in team wants their wages put up.
Had Boyata not been in strop mode we may have had better team.
Why was he in strop mode. Wages aint close to what his belgian teammates get.

Besides the lack of quality in defence falls squarely on Rodgers.
Even at christmas we needed better defenders. He bought Compper coz he eats healthy?????
He brought in 60K week loanee who was absolutely unfit to wear the strip.

These are serious waste of money signings.
Even when diela was manager we needed better defenders.

But Sviatchencko was punted and he brought in Toure on monster wages for a few games???

Ajer is striker when bought moved to midfield then to defence. Still a very young boy.

Bought Hendry from Dundee looked the business. By your reckoning if he went to Aston Villa he too would be sold for 20 million. Lets blame the board for that one. Oh but we actually bought him. Great for Dundee pure mince at Celtic under the pressure.

Best example was Scott Allan. I realise that was diela. Looked superb at Hibs. Been pure gash for us. Would he too have been a 20 million player if he went to Villa.

Gamboa can't defend
Lustig can't defend
Hendry a bag of nerves
Ajer not really cutting it yet
Simunovic can't stay fit
Boyata big head wants more money
Tierney should be on 100K stayed for buttons

Besides the drop in money is to Europa league which means not quite lost the entire europe money.

Now I'm no defending no buying better players.

But my argument is we needed defenders first. Rodger spent 10 million on Eddy. WTF was he the priority?

The entire budget on eddy

Thats assuming the reason we stopped at 10 million investment was agreed investment level
Maybe more was to be spent but something kicked off somewhere that caused the players to revolt. A

And it may be the board as you suggest being stingy
Or it may be loss of faith that Rodgers has grip on reality

Now if the entire market goes mental, it may be lucky and jump on the euphoric wave and hope you jump off on time.

But if your already breaching top level op costs, the brakes need to be put on to get them under control and I really think its Rodgers who can't do the math properly or even spot value.

He certainly can't organise a defence even though he has twice the wage budget of any other scottish team.

He also can't get the ordinary players to play winning football.
We need better players not just sp[endingmoney on any old cwap but that seems to be the rodgers way. Spend spend spend horde lots of crap and then bring in more who are overpaid and horde them anol.

Now it may just be I'm frustrated with the way this season is going. But I think its rodgers who aint very good at managing with limits. Wee fergus would have sacked him for the Chelsea dude alone.
The team became unsettled the minute we took the loan player from Chelsea our recruitment in the time BR has been here is shocking and he seems to have decided to build his team around Dembele (who's gone) and like Boyata wants the bigger stage and bigger money

French eddies cost was nowhere near 10m even with the add ons

The team looks knackered and devoid of leadership january is going to be an important part in the power play behind the scenes
yep thought i would go into hiding along with the rest of you (y)
Well pal i musta o*ssed them right off today because their back pretending to be me again lol. Stupid idiots are begging anyone to respond and everybody patched them and left the page.

Hope we see more of you dry SOH pal, ye always make me smile ??
Cracking first post buddy, I’ve said on a few threads that we are too soft... it’s maybe understandable the way we are treated by the Masonic MIB but we need a backbone... mulumba will be one of those players, along with KT and Broony we need another 8 with big bollocks to stand tall as this season is all or bust to stop the 10

Cheers SL.

You're spot on about the MIB, we certainly have to walk a finer line than the rest and that definitely plays a part in our reluctance to dish out the same 'treatment' we receive but we do need to add more aggression to our game. It's at times like this, when tactics and style alone are not enough, that combativeness and dig all over the pitch is required.

HH mate.
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Hi pal. I still go back for a fight lol i proper spanked that polly thomson today with Craig.

He was Ragin haha.

Yeah but so good not having to second guess or be on the lookout for pollution.
HH pal. You rock Andy ?

Lol. Good on you Maria, he's a proper muppet that Thomson. The crackpot had a right go at me the other week out of nowhere so I seen it as my solemn duty to verbally ragdoll him for a bit, that soon knocked the stuffing out of him.

HH pal.
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Cheers SL.

You're spot on about the MIB, we certainly have to walk a finer line than the rest and that definitely plays a part in our reluctance to dish out the same 'treatment' we receive but we do need to add more aggression to our game. It's at times like this, when tactics and style alone are not enough, that combativeness and dig all over the pitch is required.

HH mate.

I love BR’s style of play when we click (like the invincible season) but geez we could do with some of MON’s backbone at times...Alan Thompson, NFL, Mjyallby, Big Bobo never took pish on the park, the smaller players like Petrov, Larsson and Robson would also take no shit
I love BR’s style of play when we click (like the invincible season) but geez we could do with some of MON’s backbone at times...Alan Thompson, NFL, Mjyallby, Big Bobo never took pish on the park, the smaller players like Petrov, Larsson and Robson would also take no shit

I think it's about striking that balance between combativeness and creativity SL. BR's style is a joy to watch when it all clicks the way it's meant too, there's nothing better than seeing the team move the ball up the pitch carving teams open with pace and purpose he just needs to add that combative edge when the opposition are roughing it up or sitting in deep. MON's team struck that balance.

HH mate.
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