Paranoia beginning to set in at the cesspit

If we play with the intensity and energy an speed we have been those fuckers won't know what's hit them, they are struggling big time last season was a covid/ref assisted blip. Oh and NL needs to take a loins share of the blame too, he wasn't on the ball, he had "issues" and should have chucked it long before he did. It cost us the 10.
However, everything happens for a reason, if we'd won the 10 we would be stuck with him this year. I'm personally glad he's gone.
I wasn't for Ange in the beginning but I thought, fuck it, give him a shot, so I decided to back him, now we are witnessing some of the best football I've seen us play, ever.
I'm confident going into next week's game, we will batter them, the ref is their only hope.
If we play with the intensity and energy an speed we have been those fuckers won't know what's hit them, they are struggling big time last season was a covid/ref assisted blip. Oh and NL needs to take a loins share of the blame too, he wasn't on the ball, he had "issues" and should have chucked it long before he did. It cost us the 10.
However, everything happens for a reason, if we'd won the 10 we would be stuck with him this year. I'm personally glad he's gone.
I wasn't for Ange in the beginning but I thought, fuck it, give him a shot, so I decided to back him, now we are witnessing some of the best football I've seen us play, ever.
I'm confident going into next week's game, we will batter them, the ref is their only hope.

I think a share of Neil Lennon’s loins should be left out of the conversation ma man...
If we play with the intensity and energy an speed we have been those fuckers won't know what's hit them, they are struggling big time last season was a covid/ref assisted blip. Oh and NL needs to take a loins share of the blame too, he wasn't on the ball, he had "issues" and should have chucked it long before he did. It cost us the 10.
However, everything happens for a reason, if we'd won the 10 we would be stuck with him this year. I'm personally glad he's gone.
I wasn't for Ange in the beginning but I thought, fuck it, give him a shot, so I decided to back him, now we are witnessing some of the best football I've seen us play, ever.
I'm confident going into next week's game, we will batter them, the ref is their only hope.
Don’t know about the best ever Bri but certainly the best since BR’s exit.
TBH it couldn’t be worse than last season but the change under Ange has been pretty dramatic. It really shows how much Neil had lost the plot ably assisted by Kennedy.
Kennedy had almost as many games as Ange but the same crap was served up. If that doesn’t make his abilities clear I don’t know what will.
I was apprehensive about Ange in the beginning too but any misgivings have been dispelled pretty quickly. He might have a few new players but the change in attitude and performance of those still there has been remarkable.
Hope this isn’t just a temporary reaction to a new manager although I don’t think AP would tolerate slipping back to the old ways from what I’ve heard/read about him.
Huns look look like they’re trying to emulate us from last season. Utter 💩 from what I’ve seen so far. Let’s hammer them next week and show them and their SMSM sycophants who is really number one here.
I have been saying since June that we will win the league this year and that Slippy will be gone by March of next year. This will begin to appear by the night of August 29 2021.....;

I don't think Slippy will last that long

They're already beginning to turn on him and remember the run in to us winning number 9 they were calling for his head
Remember the 8 minute clap and the 90 minute booing them off the park.

Booed off last night at half time and Slippy throwing the expendables under the bus

He's no plan B he only won last year because we allowed him to

I reckon he's away by Christmas if we're out of sight and they're out of Europe
Shot themselves in the foot again by being typical hun privileged wideos.
They used to have a massive foothold in the media due to newspaper sales.

The horrendous articles that made print when I was a paper boy, before as well were/ still are ridiculous.

Had my own back, back in the day as a paper boy.
There were a few hun shops on my round two at least had wee fuckers for dogs.

I used to put the paper through. Waggle it about so it was a game for the dug. Fight holding one end while the canine tore it to shreds.

Used to whistle when I was a few doors away so the dug knew I was coming.

Changed the route so the huns didn't know my times.

It was as evil a plan I could muster at that age.
I took it very seriously at the time.

Looking back I'm proud of the effort
I did the same delivering papers in Birrens road and Citadel place in Mother well.1969 to spring 1971.
Holding the paper and pulling it back and fore used to get the dogs raging, once I knew sheets were all torn off used to hit the paper hard so it would go over the dogs head for her/him to chase. Walked away to the sounds of the paper being shredded.
Nostalgia not like that now.
Imagine a square go happening , you think right need to deck this big fucker, then he opens his mouth and you end up on the deck rolling about knotted.
Check out the guy who is embarrassed as the auld jakey puts his arm around his shoulder and starts to vomit his drunken verbal pish
That is on the interweb for all eternity
Let's hope there's another one made after next week, telling us how they should have had 3 penalties and how shite we are


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