Paranoia beginning to set in at the cesspit

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Or slavering phuds on helium? 🤔😂
As hilarious as helium hun and his Elmer Fudd voice sounds
The auld jakey starts in with "See at...see at...whit we need, fucking, Terry Hurlock !!!...babble, babble, slever...incoherent ramble...fuckin'...fuckin'...*Buuuurp !!!...fuckin' see at fuckin' Scott Brown...!!...hic"
But, it's the John Bomber Brown' school of elocution at work
"Where's eh deeds !!!"
John Brown's Gettysburg Adress will live with me 'til I pass! But tell ye Dill that Bhoy runs him a close second! Geez every stereotype of a mhanky rolled into one.😉😂
Agreed, they are both testament to their upbringing, 'dragged up, rather than brought up' and their unwillingness, to enter the 21st century
Remember when they spoke of the 'Slippy G' revolution...they should have concentrated on evolution instead
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