Part of ground closed on Thursday

Here's my take on this. I've asked for supporters opinions so you can email me or I can grab from here if it's easier.

That's No Flare - No Natural Justice as Celtic Partially close Standing Section 'following safety issues'...

It did have somethin of the inevitability about it BB,feckin pyro's!
No gonny go down the road of right and wrongs Micheal but that bastard Lawell has now just put a large section of our support against him and his cronnys look out for banners letting him know what they think some cunts oan here have short memories wizny to long ago parts of the ground were shut cause nae cunt would buy there tickets
Here's my take on this. I've asked for supporters opinions so you can email me or I can grab from here if it's easier.

That's No Flare - No Natural Justice as Celtic Partially close Standing Section 'following safety issues'...

So if you are coming over from Ireland or travelling a distance have booked flights or hotels to stay over, and your ticket is refunded will they refund your other expenses?????
Love The Green Brigade. Love their enthusiasm. Love their stance. Love their dedication. Love their charity work.

However - can't say that I condone the flares.

Also, being an active Green Brigade participant doesn't give them 'superfan' staus........there are plenty lads and lasses who have earned that right over the years, but the Green Brigade are getting to that stage where they are acting a wee bit privileged now and starting to think that they are a bit more entitled than the average fan.

I hope I'm wrong, but this is how this showdown with the board ends.

The next time Celtic face partial closure, they won't go anywhere near the GB.........They will enforce the closure in other parts of the ground to create a point of conflict between the 'ordinary' fans and the GB.

The GB need the support of the other fans too. Once that support is compromised because of sanctions, then it ain't too long before the ordinary fans start to express their displeasure at the GB and their actions.
No gonny go down the road of right and wrongs Micheal but that bastard Lawell has now just put a large section of our support against him and his cronnys look out for banners letting him know what they think some cunts oan here have short memories wizny to long ago parts of the ground were shut cause nae cunt would buy there tickets
cnts the lot of em ,not shy at taking the plaudits and using them to flog merchandise , fkrs have short memories pyros or no pyros
and yes they have no place at football but neither does a spineless fkn board who have sold out the support in favour of a corrupt sfa
Mixed emotions for me this one...I understand why the GB have been locked out. The pyrotechnics have to stop. The club have repeatedly asked.
Where it pisses me off is that the board have done this because its hitting them in the pocket. They dont mind allowing 800 bigoted sectarian muppets into the stadium to racially abuse our players and fan, throw objects at our players and insult our legends.
They make examples of our fans and only our fans. Wish they would stick up for them now and again 😁
100% mate,,I am one of the biggest supportrers of the Green Brigade,,They dont need pyrotechnics or any other offending products to create an atmosphere,,for me they are the atmosphere,,but it definitely cannot keep going the way it has been,,we will end up with the same reputation the scurvy mob from ipox have..
Peter Lawwell does not care who fills this part of the ground because he knows he CAN FILL it.
He is not one of us,which is probably a good thing for Celtic because he does the job he was employed to do,, very well...he is a money man not a supporter..which is great for us..
So Bhoys let world football see the atmosphere you are renowned for without having to use big green bangers,,let them see just how much a part of the greatest support in the world you are.

So if you are coming over from Ireland or travelling a distance have booked flights or hotels to stay over, and your ticket is refunded will they refund your other expenses?????
That was my first thought is that for many people the ticket is a fairly small part of the total expense in going to support the team. The very short notice means some fans will be out of pocket for a lot of money.

Sadly, everyone is a loser in this matter. The barred fans, the club who lose money, the players & other fans who will experience a poorer atmosphere and the board who have created a lot of bad blood & ill-feeling with this draconian measure. It felt almost inevitable but is still very sad that it has come to this.
cnts the lot of em ,not shy at taking the plaudits and using them to flog merchandise , fkrs have short memories pyros or no pyros
and yes they have no place at football but neither does a spineless fkn board who have sold out the support in favour of a corrupt sfa
Fuckin right if that prick wants tae flex his muscles try resolution 12 Na don’t think so vested fuckin interest cunt
Here's my take on this. I've asked for supporters opinions so you can email me or I can grab from here if it's easier.

That's No Flare - No Natural Justice as Celtic Partially close Standing Section 'following safety issues'...

Captain, I am a 53 year old diehard who has followed Celtic all my life , been through the good times and the bad, years of dodgy decisions and downright cheating , to years of unbridaled happiness and satisfaction knowing that we are indeed the champions, it’s been brilliant and brutal at the same time but I would not have missed it for the world, but we live in different times now and we now have the GB , a band of supporters whose heart is in the right place , but there heads are often not, listen , I believe they raise more money for good causes than any supporter group in Scotland , but they often let themselves and all the good work they do down, by pyros, banners etc, which cost the club money but also reputation, and gives the SMSM and the orcs something to beat us with, it has came to a head again today, and I for 1 cannot blame the club, for there actions.
Some will say they bring colour and noise , And they do , but at a price, is it worth paying ??
The Green Brigade should trade mark any banners or songs that they have come up with and any commercial gain that Celtic have gained from these should be reimbursed to the group or offset against any fines..petty perhaps but one worth considering IMO
cnts the lot of em ,not shy at taking the plaudits and using them to flog merchandise , fkrs have short memories pyros or no pyros
and yes they have no place at football but neither does a spineless fkn board who have sold out the support in favour of a corrupt sfa
As I’ve said before flares are awright as long as you’ve got a nice pair a platforms tae go wie them 🕺🏼 🤣🤣🙈🙈

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