Part of ground closed on Thursday

The Green Brigade should trade mark any banners or songs that they have come up with and any commercial gain that Celtic have gained from these should be reimbursed to the group or offset against any fines..petty perhaps but one worth considering IMO
Docco, I don't put up a pitch for the board because I like them, I stand their corner because I'm not sure what the alternatives are and most of us were watching Celtic in an era where the board were in complete dereliction of their duties and a fucking liability.

Sure, there are a 101 things the current guardians have done that have left me rubbing my chin, but when you have two polarising perspectives, then it's often best to look for the middle ground.

Once you start pitching the idea of the GB branding their creations, then the board just double down on that and start imparting their own copyright protection?

It's a vicious circle, pal..........perhaps a proper sit-down is required for all parties to be singing from at least the same book, if not the same hymn sheet.
Docco, I don't put up a pitch for the board because I like them, I stand their corner because I'm not sure what the alternatives are and most of us were watching Celtic in an era where the board were in complete dereliction of their duties and a fucking liability.

Sure, there are a 101 things the current guardians have done that have left me rubbing my chin, but when you have two polarising perspectives, then it's often best to look for the middle ground.

Once you start pitching the idea of the GB branding their creations, then the board just double down on that and start imparting their own copyright protection?

It's a vicious circle, pal..........perhaps a proper sit-down is required for all parties to be singing from at least the same book, if not the same hymn sheet.
Docco, I don't put up a pitch for the board because I like them, I stand their corner because I'm not sure what the alternatives are and most of us were watching Celtic in an era where the board were in complete dereliction of their duties and a fucking liability.

Sure, there are a 101 things the current guardians have done that have left me rubbing my chin, but when you have two polarising perspectives, then it's often best to look for the middle ground.

Once you start pitching the idea of the GB branding their creations, then the board just double down on that and start imparting their own copyright protection?

It's a vicious circle, pal..........perhaps a proper sit-down is required for all parties to be singing from at least the same book, if not the same hymn sheet.

Apparently the group and the club had a very heated meeting yesterday ... obviously the trade mark thing was a wee bit far fetched and petty but it's a two way can't take take take without some leeway being has been mentioned, the pyro must stop but their voice should not be
Sorry guys.A long winded response to the partial closure
Despite my many flaws as a human being I've always had wee potshots at raising a few bob for 3rd world charities from the Black babies (remember them ?) up till the present, a lot of the time via SCIAF.
So January 2010 an earthquake destroys large parts of Haiti killing up to 300,000 people, I fire up to my local chapel where I used to be be involved and ask if I can mount a collection via SCIAF - " no Lee the diocese is mounting a response".
Okiedokie whats next ? Eff it I'll see if Celtic will let me do it,so I provisionally organise a 24 man team of bucketeers from family and friends then contact SCIAF and persuade them in turn to contact Celtic for permission. Two days later SCIAF get back to me " Thanks for the effort Lee but Celtic declined,they feel they ask enough of the fans with collections outside the ground for club sponsored charities and don't want the fans to feel as if they're running a gauntlet" Ah well I gave it a shot I'll just contribute to the appeal .
Three days later I get a call at the house and a woman who can hardly speak for crying thanks ME for a staggering donation she has just received from Celtic football club.I kid you not guys,through my own tears of pride I told her to thank Celtic and the 60,000 fans they represented with their donation because I only had an idea, it was the club and their fans who made it a reality.
I think perhaps the green brigade have forgotten this. They provide a focal point. The compassion and generosity is down to the club and the fans.None of us is bigger than the club
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No gonny go down the road of right and wrongs Micheal but that bastard Lawell has now just put a large section of our support against him and his cronnys look out for banners letting him know what they think some cunts oan here have short memories wizny to long ago parts of the ground were shut cause nae cunt would buy there tickets
It's jist the pyro's that get me Bigian, ah support the political stuff,ah donated to their fund me for the Nazio banners', but it seem's like Lawwell's tryin tae sanitise the support, Ain't gonnae happen,will be interestin tae see the Green Brigades banner on thursday,providin they don't boycott the match! HH
It's jist the pyro's that get me Bigian, ah support the political stuff,ah donated to their fund me for the Nazio banners', but it seem's like Lawwell's tryin tae sanitise the support, Ain't gonnae happen,will be interestin tae see the Green Brigades banner on thursday,providin they don't boycott the match! HH
Agree micheal just think there’s better and bigger fights out there mate unfortunately people huv long memories and well let’s just say don’t think it’ll be forgotten mate 🍀🍀
It's jist the pyro's that get me Bigian, ah support the political stuff,ah donated to their fund me for the Nazio banners', but it seem's like Lawwell's tryin tae sanitise the support, Ain't gonnae happen,will be interestin tae see the Green Brigades banner on thursday,providin they don't boycott the match! HH
The banner says Duffys got a boax maybe Lawwell will want that pulled to
Niall hits the nail on the head...

Bang! on from Niall once again,2 days before the AGM,3 days before the match,hmmm,large rodent alert!
Captain, I am a 53 year old diehard who has followed Celtic all my life , been through the good times and the bad, years of dodgy decisions and downright cheating , to years of unbridaled happiness and satisfaction knowing that we are indeed the champions, it’s been brilliant and brutal at the same time but I would not have missed it for the world, but we live in different times now and we now have the GB , a band of supporters whose heart is in the right place , but there heads are often not, listen , I believe they raise more money for good causes than any supporter group in Scotland , but they often let themselves and all the good work they do down, by pyros, banners etc, which cost the club money but also reputation, and gives the SMSM and the orcs something to beat us with, it has came to a head again today, and I for 1 cannot blame the club, for there actions.
Some will say they bring colour and noise , And they do , but at a price, is it worth paying ??

Had the Green Brigade set off flares at the Lazio game they would not have had a leg to stand on with the action that would inevitably have come their way - and few would have been able to argue against the argument that they were the authors of their own misfortune.

However they were asked not to use flares by the club at that Lazio game and since that appeal there have been no flares at Celtic Park.

UEFA charges relate to an illicit banner and illicit songs NOT pyros.

Both were as a result of the politically offensive Lazio Fascists. Had we played Cluj or Rennes in that game neither issue would have occurred. Indeed UEFA were busy tweeting about previous banners - which they liked but not the flares.

There were flares in Rome - in the away support - and surely that's where the problem lies.

Did Celtic ask for no flares in Rome by issuing a statement? They did this before the game in Glasgow.

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