Positive test at CFC

Whole load of factors come into play here Brim......everyone's bodies react differently to not just this virus but all viruses so some incubate them for longer than others while some develop or show symptoms quicker than others, how that particular player was exposed, how long and to what degree plays a part as well as how long and how often they mixed with others is also a factor to passing it on etc.

And like you say there are also false negatives and false positives so even the testing isn't 100% on this.
A guy on YouTube showed him having a test kit delivered. Not that he had symptoms. He heard of others doing this and tried it out. The kit came. He put the "unused "swab into a vial and posted it off as required. Sure enough the test came back +ve🤔. Makes you wonder.
We have four pages on this thread over at sorrow sorrow there are 22 ffs they Think we should be deducted a million points every season for the next 10, pay a billion quid fine ,give the European cup back and have all our titles and cups purged from history like what happened tae Rangurs in 2012 except we don’t get tae kid oan that we we still have them
A guy on YouTube showed him having a test kit delivered. Not that he had symptoms. He heard of others doing this and tried it out. The kit came. He put the "unused "swab into a vial and posted it off as required. Sure enough the test came back +ve🤔. Makes you wonder.

Ive seen that. I also mentioned that these tests aren't infallible either way. However that should have made our testing procedure even more rigorous, give the potential for massive bad publicity if as has turned out, we have a positive test.
You really could not make it up. THis one is definitely an Upper management fuck up of monumental proportions.
A guy on YouTube showed him having a test kit delivered. Not that he had symptoms. He heard of others doing this and tried it out. The kit came. He put the "unused "swab into a vial and posted it off as required. Sure enough the test came back +ve🤔. Makes you wonder.
The guy that invented the PCR test said it shouldn’t be used diagnostic tool it’s not what It was invented for
We have four pages on this thread over at sorrow sorrow there are 22 ffs they Think we should be deducted a million points every season for the next 10, pay a billion quid fine ,give the European cup back and have all our titles and cups purged from history like what happened tae Rangurs in 2012 except we don’t get tae kid oan that we we still have them
Can you imagine the furore if WE were 22 points ahead at this stage.
It would make the Washington riots look like a tea party.
A guy on YouTube showed him having a test kit delivered. Not that he had symptoms. He heard of others doing this and tried it out. The kit came. He put the "unused "swab into a vial and posted it off as required. Sure enough the test came back +ve🤔. Makes you wonder.

It does make ye wonder mate but there could be valid reasons why his results came back positive......could easily have been some mix up with the results as these testing labs are overwhelmed just now and mistakes can and will be made, he might have had the virus but was asymptomatic and contaminated the swab when he touched it or he might no have had the virus at all but had touched something or the swab came into contact with something that was contaminated with it and that then contaminated the swab.

Plus we've only got this guy's word for what he's claiming and the one rule I always apply to claims made on Youtube videos is take anything said in them with a pinch of salt.

It's either that or some c*nt is trying to infect us aw with contaminated swabs mate! :eek:
Don't think Jullien travelled to Dubai. Also Eddy's already had Covid
Just seen photos of him at Glasgow Airport on crutches, appears he did go. Madness.
If it's Jullien then it is probably more likely he caught it visiting the hospital due to his injury???
If he was in Dubai you'd imagine he spent all his time with the medical staff working on his rehab

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