Reo Hatate admits he's emotionally and physically fatigued...

I watched the Japanese national team recently, Cairnsy - and the Japanese supporters politely clapped when the opposition had an attempt on goal????

Imagine the huns ever doing that!!!
Watched footage of Aribo getting a bollocking from Lundstrum for attempting to help a Celtic player to his feet.i see shades of Ferguson in that wanker.Someone needs to Jozo that fucker at Parkhead.
Had a wee think about who I'd have from past teams to sort out the Lundstrums in blue. Big Roy is definitely worth a shout. Got to say though, my personal choices would be Davy Hay, ( the quiet assassin) or wee Bertie. Problem wouldn't even arise !
Ano it’s fairie land but woulda been good if ange put julienne on moved ccv into the middle??just to sort that prick oot,,,av watched Lundstram in other games he’s a pure fud against tougher guys nd a stricter ref..