
Saw this on Facebook and made me think of people flouncing off the forum :ROFLMAO:

Celtic established to feed the poor
Celtic have roots in Ireland
Celtic remain a club who keep their roots firmly palanted on the centre line with the laying of shamrocks
Celtic sing let the peole sign a ballad as a reminder that never let it be forgotten why they were established themselves and what the cause was, that they had to fight against an establishment who had no hestitation in keeping them in their, delusion, place.

Why was it necessary to feed people and why is this not political
Why does Celtic remain deep rooted to their history and refuse rightly to have it tarnished.

Was the treatment of the Irish not at the hands of conservative Governments, was Celtic not scorned with their idea of flying the tricolor not politacilly motivated, is the present use of rigging games not merely in the name of bitterness toward a fellow club with a history not to their liking.

How can we not discuss Celtic's history whislt at some point not discussing the points that have been employed to keeep us down, is this not politically and religiously predujudicial, to the extremes that it falls into the category of racism and bigotry and if you agree then how can you not accept that this covers all the bases, Religion, Politics, Racism, bigotry and therefore opens up other avenues of discussion in our daily lives, lives that have been daily/and or on occassion included issues that offends us and leads people on forums to deeply consider needs discussing.
I couldn't give a MUNKYS if anybody leaves, comes back, leaves again
You will never get 100% of the membership agreeing with everything that is posted, we all know that
Like most people on here, I enjoy some of the threads, will post on the ones I like, and ignore the ones I have no interest in
Same for members, if someone gets upset because they're being ignored...well, don't be a's the same in real life, you wouldn't want them in your company, and as KB says, after a few minutes of interaction, it would be: "Enjoy your night mate"
Sarcasm is just another service we offer, being Scottish, or having Scottish roots
We've got some great threads, the ones where we really shine are the likes of the Well being one, the We can all use a laugh one, the the one where Lennono posts his beautiful shots , as I said, there's a ton of great posts, from great people
The humour on here, is second to none and those are the threads I enjoy, where the banter ramps up, and the good natured slagging goes into high gear, it's second nature to most of us and I've 'splooted my tea oot' on more than one occasion, thanks to the 'usual suspects'
Apologies for the length of this post, but if there's any confusion, just refer to the first paragraph
And don't forget, there's always the ignore button...Winning Captains went to the trouble of adding it, so if you aren't using it, you are doing him a disservice :cool:😂
Ya buncha fannies :whistle::whistle::whistle:
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I don't really mind the different subjects if I'm honest, what annoys me is people being intolerant of others views, if you dont agree with someone fine point it out discuss back and forth, but name calling or adding wee bitchy comments on another thread just leads to disharmony or just ignore it altogether and get on with your life and supporting Celtic, there is a few posters missing that I would happily embrace back to the forum, and one or two I couldn't give a monkies about, but thats just me, have a read at the Well being thread and it gives you a hint of what some are going through, others like myself and Dill have gone through life changing opps in the past, I'm sure many more are in the same boat, my point is you never really know most of the posters and their troubles, so disagree by all means, but in a nice way, unless of course we catch a hun or lurking stenographer then give them it with both barrels😀😀

O shit nae paragraphs, dam it 😤😜
100% 50 Shades
When someone gets personal, I tend to consider the source
I know when I had that happen to me, I thought about doing something drastic
In fact, if you must know, I was so distraught, I jumped off...a dollhouse
The site is a microcosm of life, there are good people, great people, and some nobs, interact with the good/great, and leave the nobs to get on with it
Of course, this is just my humble opinion
Oh and as an aside, when I die, I want the word HUMBLE engraved on my statue

Thank you
The Lord God of the Noise :cool:😅😁
It's not the political topics that have driven folk away. Folk drove themselves away because they don't know how to react on social media.

The General Chat forum exists so that we can indulge in subjects that aren't just Celtic related. If you take away that option then there will hardly be anyone on the Noise.

Who would want to make themselves Chief Superintendent of the Noise so that only they could dictate which topic is good/bad?

There are lots of sites out there that only discuss Celtic and they're pretty dull sites when the football isn't on and are, quite frankly, full of numpties. They are also polluted with knuckledraggers and not just of the hun variety!

The Noise offers up a smorgasbord of topics and I think that's why it's head and shoulders above the rest. If you don't like to see politics being discussed then don't look at the politics thread ffs! If you don't like the Lizzie is deid thread then stay away from it. Whether or not we agree, folk are still entitled to their own opinions. The Noise would die without the General Chat option but NO ONE has the right to dictate the topics or censor other people.

The only thing I would like to see change is the way people argue in a way that leads to personal abuse.

It's not the political topics that have driven folk away. Folk drove themselves away because they don't know how to react on social media.

The General Chat forum exists so that we can indulge in subjects that aren't just Celtic related. If you take away that option then there will hardly be anyone on the Noise.

Who would want to make themselves Chief Superintendent of the Noise so that only they could dictate which topic is good/bad?

There are lots of sites out there that only discuss Celtic and they're pretty dull sites when the football isn't on and are, quite frankly, full of numpties. They are also polluted with knuckledraggers and not just of the hun variety!

The Noise offers up a smorgasbord of topics and I think that's why it's head and shoulders above the rest. If you don't like to see politics being discussed then don't look at the politics thread ffs! If you don't like the Lizzie is deid thread then stay away from it. Whether or not we agree, folk are still entitled to their own opinions. The Noise would die without the General Chat option but NO ONE has the right to dictate the topics or censor other people.

The only thing I would like to see change is the way people argue in a way that leads to personal abuse.

Well said Shammy
I couldn't give a MUNKYS if anybody leaves, comes back, leaves again
You will never get 100% of the membership agreeing with everything that is posted, we all know that
Like most people on here, I enjoy some of the threads, will post on the ones I like, and ignore the ones I have no interest in
Same for members, if someone gets upset because they're being ignored...well, don't be a's the same in real life, you wouldn't want them in your company, and as KB says, after a few minutes of interaction, it would be: "Enjoy your night mate"
Sarcasm is just another service we offer, being Scottish, or having Scottish roots
We've got some great threads, the ones where we really shine are the likes of the Well being one, the We can all use a laugh one, the the one where Lennono posts his beautiful shots , as I said, there's a ton of great posts, from great people
The humour on here, is second to none and those are the threads I enjoy, where the banter ramps up, and the good natured slagging goes into high gear, it's second nature to most of us and I've 'splooted my tea oot' on more than one occasion, thanks to the 'usual suspects'
Apologies for the length of this post, but if there's any confusion, just refer to the first paragraph
And don't forget, there's always the ignore button...Winning Captains went to the trouble of adding it, so if you aren't using it, you are doing him a disservice :cool:😂
Ya buncha fannies :whistle::whistle::whistle:
Fuckin jaysus bigman are ye feeling all right with the length a that post ???
Are you winter in diguise???
And its Mr fanny to you......
The only thing I would like to see change is the way people argue in a way that leads to personal abuse.


The personal abuse issue is a matter of personal responsibility. For far too long I was a too-easily-triggered muppet but thankfully the forces of General Copthefuckon established a bridgehead. There will always be people out there trying to wind others up and bring out the worst in them when losing an argument and there are people who simply get off on winding others up.
The vast majority of people on here are sound as fuck. We're not all going to agree on everything all the time but that's the same with any gathering of humans. The recent thread on poppies is a fairly good example of us doing things well imo. A range of issues were voiced on a very emotive issue but nobody lost the run of themselves and nobody was disrespected.
Play the ball not the wo/man. No VAR here!
It's not the political topics that have driven folk away. Folk drove themselves away because they don't know how to react on social media.

The General Chat forum exists so that we can indulge in subjects that aren't just Celtic related. If you take away that option then there will hardly be anyone on the Noise.

Who would want to make themselves Chief Superintendent of the Noise so that only they could dictate which topic is good/bad?

There are lots of sites out there that only discuss Celtic and they're pretty dull sites when the football isn't on and are, quite frankly, full of numpties. They are also polluted with knuckledraggers and not just of the hun variety!

The Noise offers up a smorgasbord of topics and I think that's why it's head and shoulders above the rest. If you don't like to see politics being discussed then don't look at the politics thread ffs! If you don't like the Lizzie is deid thread then stay away from it. Whether or not we agree, folk are still entitled to their own opinions. The Noise would die without the General Chat option but NO ONE has the right to dictate the topics or censor other people.

The only thing I would like to see change is the way people argue in a way that leads to personal abuse.

Defo Shammy manners and civility cost nothing
Fuckin jaysus bigman are ye feeling all right with the length a that post ???
Are you winter in diguise???
And its Mr fanny to you......
See...? The Deadner 'gets it' as do many of you
That's how you respond to someone on the noise, it's a giggle FFS, no need for any toys thrown out of the pram on this, or any thread
Apologies Mr Fanny, I take umbrage at the suggestion I'm oft overcome, by the exuberance of my own verbosity, but point taken and yielded to

Lord of the Dance
It's not the political topics that have driven folk away. Folk drove themselves away because they don't know how to react on social media.

The General Chat forum exists so that we can indulge in subjects that aren't just Celtic related. If you take away that option then there will hardly be anyone on the Noise.

Who would want to make themselves Chief Superintendent of the Noise so that only they could dictate which topic is good/bad?

There are lots of sites out there that only discuss Celtic and they're pretty dull sites when the football isn't on and are, quite frankly, full of numpties. They are also polluted with knuckledraggers and not just of the hun variety!

The Noise offers up a smorgasbord of topics and I think that's why it's head and shoulders above the rest. If you don't like to see politics being discussed then don't look at the politics thread ffs! If you don't like the Lizzie is deid thread then stay away from it. Whether or not we agree, folk are still entitled to their own opinions. The Noise would die without the General Chat option but NO ONE has the right to dictate the topics or censor other people.

The only thing I would like to see change is the way people argue in a way that leads to personal abuse.

Eggfuckinxactly spot on Shammy too post

HH 🍀
I respect your opinion pal but on this one we differ.
You got that right.

How can we not discuss Celtic's history whislt at some point not discussing the points that have been employed to keep us down, is this not politically and religiously predujudicial, to the extremes that it falls into the category of racism and bigotry and if you agree then how can you not accept that this covers all the bases, Religion, Politics, Racism, bigotry and therefore opens up other avenues of discussion in our daily lives, lives that have been daily/and or on occassion included issues that offends us and leads people on forums to deeply consider needs discussing.
Very well said, boab1916. Conceivably the only thing I could have in common with some of you is that we both follow the same club. And I'm OK with that. Also, I can debate all day -- I'm a leftist in America, and debate, sometimes heated especially with red-capped dunces, pretty much describes every waking moment of my existence. I'm cool with debate, but make it personal and, well, ask Tarzan Trump.

The Noise offers up a smorgasbord of topics and I think that's why it's head and shoulders above the rest. If you don't like to see politics being discussed then don't look at the politics thread ffs! If you don't like the Lizzie is deid thread then stay away from it. Whether or not we agree, folk are still entitled to their own opinions. The Noise would die without the General Chat option but NO ONE has the right to dictate the topics or censor other people.

The only thing I would like to see change is the way people argue in a way that leads to personal abuse.
Exactly. If someone is forcing you to read something you don't want to, maybe you should give us some sort of signal or warning so we can alert the authorities. Otherwise, just don't read a thread you think you won't like. And The Shamrock is right: the way people argue here -- making it personal instead of keeping to the issue -- is the problem.

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