Ross County v Celtic, PS Cup, Wednesday 31st August

Very proud of the bhoys tonight and just how professionally we went about our business tonight.
The strength and quality within this squad is the best I can ever recall now and will become even stronger as the season goes on imo.
Hako looks like he has the potential of becoming another Jota and this after only a brief appearance also.
Delighted for turnbull tonight and had many good moments within the game and should do him the power of good going forward and such an intelligent player in Mooy also.
What a job Ange has done to assemble such a quality depth of squad so quickly, never seen the likes of it before in my life and such value for money also.
Very proud of the bhoys tonight and just how professionally we went about our business tonight.
The strength and quality within this squad is the best I can ever recall now and will become even stronger as the season goes on imo.
Hako looks like he has the potential of becoming another Jota and this after only a brief appearance also.
Delighted for turnbull tonight and had many good moments within the game and should do him the power of good going forward and such an intelligent player in Mooy also.
What a job Ange has done to assemble such a quality depth of squad so quickly, never seen the likes of it before in my life and such value for money also.
I trust Ange to use the bench well on Saturday. Huns don't have the depth we have.
Really impressed with yon new guy with the long name...I think he is going to be a serious player for us
He's not afraid to take a man on, go to the bye line, or take a shot at goal
A good team player, by the looks of him
Thought big GG did well against the thugs today, stood up to the punishment, and took his goal well
Well done Jamesie too and young Bernabei did well
No passengers on this team

My mate from Ayr (A Sevconian) sent me a message yesterday
"Ready for the big this weekend ?" then he added, Ayr Utd v Morton :LOL:
Mon eh Ton
Well Dill funny you should mention that game....all be it Its Morton v Ayr at scapaflow.
You see I was looking forward to attending paradise this Saturday until 3 weeks ago a young man from Greenock asked me to attend a wee surprise do for his Da's 60th. The deal is we go to hospitality (stop laughing) to watch Morton v Ayr to surprise his Auld man who I've not seen in say 10 years.
His Da and I went to school together and were great mates for years until I moved 32 years ago to Glasgow.
Now people on hear might remember my good pal ...he once was asked to run the line at cappielow when a linesman got injured at a home game against Airdrie and ran onto the park from the stand as a supporter with a Morton top on before changing into the official huniform. Scottish fitba at its best. Morton won 🤣
So it's a request from his son to be there and surprise the auld bastard.
He understands I'm giving up the game against the huns but the day starts at 12 so he promises me I can see our game before I watch the excitement of the Ton at 3pm.
No doubt be huns who cannie afford the bus fare in that lounge on the day.
Got a feeling I'm gonna enjoy the whole day with ma Tim mate who supports the Ton and bump into a few rancids who I recognise from back in the day.
Promised his son I'll behave so I will ....😉
Well Dill funny you should mention that game....all be it Its Morton v Ayr at scapaflow.
You see I was looking forward to attending paradise this Saturday until 3 weeks ago a young man from Greenock asked me to attend a wee surprise do for his Da's 60th. The deal is we go to hospitality (stop laughing) to watch Morton v Ayr to surprise his Auld man who I've not seen in say 10 years.
His Da and I went to school together and were great mates for years until I moved 32 years ago to Glasgow.
Now people on hear might remember my good pal ...he once was asked to run the line at cappielow when a linesman got injured at a home game against Airdrie and ran onto the park from the stand as a supporter with a Morton top on before changing into the official huniform. Scottish fitba at its best. Morton won 🤣
So it's a request from his son to be there and surprise the auld bastard.
He understands I'm giving up the game against the huns but the day starts at 12 so he promises me I can see our game before I watch the excitement of the Ton at 3pm.
No doubt be huns who cannie afford the bus fare in that lounge on the day.
Got a feeling I'm gonna enjoy the whole day with ma Tim mate who supports the Ton and bump into a few rancids who I recognise from back in the day.
Promised his son I'll behave so I will ....😉
I expect nothing less from you my friend
I'd do the same, in fact, next time I'm home I'll see if I can a ticket to Scapa Flow and get back to my roots, as my Granda used to take me to watch the 'Ton, at the wee Dublin end
Have a couple of friends and former pals, who played for them too
Still in touch with a couple of them after all these years
No doubt it'll be a great day for you
I surprised a friend I haven't seen for years last weekend
Showed up with another mutual friend, who hadn't told him I'd be there
We worked together from 1974, and played on the same team for years
Hungarian guy, who's now 85 and is still sharp as a tack
I walk in and there's a photo of a football team, he says "You know who that is ?"
Of course, it's Hungary, and front and centre, is one of my all time favourite players, Ferenc Puskas "
He goes "Yaaas !!! Puskas" gives me a big hug
He was delighted to see us after all this time and he said "This, is like having my birthday !!"
Good on you Mag7, it'll be such a surprise for your friend and his family won't forget you for it
Malky MacKay is a moaning faced bastard, and his players are no better than a gang of thugs
Watch the highlights from todays game and you'll see the guy with a handful of Abadas shirt, as he launches the wee man onto his head on the sidelines, as they are battling for the ball
Slow it down at the 5 minute mark, and you'll see the fucker, not letting the wee man get away, by any means
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