Rumours Scott Parker will be first to be sacked down south

Fast Forward 10 years.....Mind that guy Slippy....mind that Liverpool player who wanted to be the manager o liverpool wan day....So he took on the huns joab....thinkin nae bother here....i'll get up their and take over Celtic a few cups on the way....Get the Live pool Joab nae bother.......................................................................................................Nah canny mind him :unsure: ;)
The one thing I'm glad of is Slippy fell out with the rat.
There was all that talk of him reuniting with Rogers and coming to Celtic.

I give thanks every day that never happened as he would have probably been giving the job when Rogers did his moonlight flit.

The Rangers board will be glad to see the back of him he's costing them a fortune in wages and signings.

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