
Well-known member

"Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a town surpasses,
For honest men and bonnie lasses.
An' Killie... Full ay glakit Hun basturts."

- Rabbie Burns.

ROXIE - 6/10

How's the tan? Plenty of time to work on it, stretched
out on a pitch made from recycled lilos.

Did managed to squeeze in one ubiquitous baw-tingling
moment of suicidal footwork on the edge of the box to
liven up the second half.


Came onto a terrific game at the zoo he escaped from a
few years ago. Incisive pass to set up the opener and
maintained his usual industry in that inverted-nipple
role he's thriving in.

GET CARTER - 7.5/10

Prisoners not taken. And it didn't look like any of
the fiesty narks in blue wanted to challenge the unit's

Carter kept his focus, and footing, on a surface that
can betray big mhen, and never registered a misstep
across a lunchtime of eating up pies in Killie shirts.


Was probably heading for a MOTM after surpassing his
Dingwall glory moment with an impromptu Pele impersonation,
taken from his Edinburgh Fringe show 'Schnick Schnack
Schnuck' in which he wrestles a lang streak 'o loyalist
pish to the deck and tramples over his jakey tattoos
whilst making him bleat like a pumped ludge goat;
also premiered today.

Then the tapestry of shredded tyres he had to run about
on 'jozo-ed' him and his fine game was curtailed.

JURAN JURAN - 6.5/10

Sparked into life more this week, possibly after watching
the Man United debacle yesterday and attemping to distance
himself from transfer talk by showing he can actually play

Still tuning up towards some big performances in the CL,
I'm thinking, right in time for Quatar selection...

CALMAC - 6.5/10

Quietly functional, keeping time, ticking over a midfield
neither stretched nor in full-flow. Day spoiled slightly
by debutant MIB indulging in foreplay with a bizarre late


A lovely footballer, drifting through a tricky game with
minimal conflict. Neither here nor there in terms of impact
but did not require to be as others got the job done early.


He remembers old Killie - where he used to have a pint
with Burns (Rabbie, not Tommy), and the day the black
monolith appeared at the top of West George Street; the
natives learned to use basic tools soon after.

Evolution hasn't pushed them much further, certainly not
in the case of the playing surface where Eddie's every
involvement was met here with a wince in case his injury
problems resurfaced.

But he glided through, retaining possession, remaining
tidy and sensible in his play, though he still shoots
like a pished Star Wars stormtrooper with glaucoma.


'Repita por favor', which is Portuguese for 'Gonny
dae it again?" and he did, scorching one past a startled
keeper, dancing around like he was back at Wembley in
1986 prancing down the stage with a shuttlecock doon his
tennis shorts; only this time the screaming was from the
sparsely-populated home stands, and of total anguish.

The bhoy's a player made for the Hoops, who'll win you
the points and tribute the greats with a special moment;
Fernando Albino de Sousa Chalana. RIP.


Irrepresible magic mushroom strikes again. Just like
last week his movement was too smart and slick for the
jailers, but here nerves were settled before they could
be shredded as the wee diamond delivered his matchwinning
contribution within minutes and everyone broke out the
factor 50.


A more effective rampage in the heat than last week's
false star: Initial burst and pinpoint poke to lay on

Thereafter, a closing-down exercise to bewilder
the flagging home defence and prove that a man really
can rival a camel for endurance and energy in such
oppresive climatic conditions. Not for looks, though
- that was the preserve of killie's centre-forward...



Winner of the Mercedes Jenz Pele Challenge with a
textbook overhead kick that also nutmegged the keeper.
Skill level: Deadly Mongoose.

MOOEY - 6/10

Came on and kept it tidy, freaking out the home
support with his 'spectre of Broony in the noonday sun'

ABADASS - 6.5/10

Another focussed and impactful appearance from our
rare emerald-encrusted desert-spider, torturing the
full-back with his touch and sprightly feet; unlucky
not to score again.

STAR LORD - 7.5/10

1 in 50! Plays wallie with the goalie and shins in
a standing-leg screamer to finally open his Celtic
account; celebrates like me after nailing Eva Green
and makes everyone's day in the sun even happier.


Sun's out, Burds are out, and Jamesy's...
Kept everything in place. Cos, y'know, Killie wummin'...
But a welcome coiffured cameo to raise a smile.


Big Ange wore his Sunday best to go to the Sunday
worst. No fear, mayte, and the locals won't attack
anyone in a shirt and tie anyway, in case it's their

Set his side up as ever to test the opposition rather
than respect them - a crucial difference in our tricky
awaydays under the shrewd Aussie.

His reward today was the barbie on by half-time and a
case of Castlemaine FUCK every 20 minutes for a 'water'
break. Well earned.

MIBBERY - 3/10

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley.
And we got David Dickinson - a geriatric TV reality
show host antique dealer for ref because he was the
only MIB who's perma-tan would protect him from the

So how would this Bargain Cunt fair? Would he
be the Real Deal?

Not really. Salvaged some ludge cred by carding
the Celtic skipper; the futility of which will
only be rivalled in the coming weeks with the Huns'
consolation goal (via a VAR penalty, of course)
in their 8-1 aggregate routing by PSV.

OVERALL - 8/10

Paper roses, plastic pitch. Three stands they couldn't
- and wouldn't - fill, and an away end revelling
in the slaughter and sunshine. The perfect Killie Sunday.

Deek McInness&Gunn has maintained a Killie tradition of
assembling a squad of verminous ex-Huns which always adds
to the schadenfeude.

The Bhoys set about those tramps with no mercy today
and turned a fixture often blighted by trepidation and
struggle into a jolly bhoys outing.

No sweat was broken, no serious knocks taken, no nonsense
tolerated. Goulish and despicable goon Lafferty kept his
sleeves long and his UVF tats covered but still greeted
his way round the park seeking controversy, and probably
Charlie Mulgrew so he could faint in the heat.

Yet all he managed was to make me realise what the result
of Pluto from 'The Hills Have Eyes' pumping Bambi would look

So him and his Hunnic baggage was swatted aside, mocked
and soundly beaten by a Celtic side tuning into the best of
last season's enlightening form and tuning up for a wild
ride the likes of which we haven't seen for a few years.

Next up, the Minis. With relish, on we go.

Go Away Now


"Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a town surpasses,
For honest men and bonnie lasses.
An' Killie... Full ay glakit Hun basturts."

- Rabbie Burns.

ROXIE - 6/10

How's the tan? Plenty of time to work on it, stretched
out on a pitch made from recycled lilos.

Did managed to squeeze in one ubiquitous baw-tingling
moment of suicidal footwork on the edge of the box to
liven up the second half.


Came onto a terrific game at the zoo he escaped from a
few years ago. Incisive pass to set up the opener and
maintained his usual industry in that inverted-nipple
role he's thriving in.

GET CARTER - 7.5/10

Prisoners not taken. And it didn't look like any of
the fiesty narks in blue wanted to challenge the unit's

Carter kept his focus, and footing, on a surface that
can betray big mhen, and never registered a misstep
across a lunchtime of eating up pies in Killie shirts.


Was probably heading for a MOTM after surpassing his
Dingwall glory moment with an impromptu Pele impersonation,
taken from his Edinburgh Fringe show 'Schnick Schnack
Schnuck' in which he wrestles a lang streak 'o loyalist
pish to the deck and tramples over his jakey tattoos
whilst making him bleat like a pumped ludge goat;
also premiered today.

Then the tapestry of shredded tyres he had to run about
on 'jozo-ed' him and his fine game was curtailed.

JURAN JURAN - 6.5/10

Sparked into life more this week, possibly after watching
the Man United debacle yesterday and attemping to distance
himself from transfer talk by showing he can actually play

Still tuning up towards some big performances in the CL,
I'm thinking, right in time for Quatar selection...

CALMAC - 6.5/10

Quietly functional, keeping time, ticking over a midfield
neither stretched nor in full-flow. Day spoiled slightly
by debutant MIB indulging in foreplay with a bizarre late


A lovely footballer, drifting through a tricky game with
minimal conflict. Neither here nor there in terms of impact
but did not require to be as others got the job done early.


He remembers old Killie - where he used to have a pint
with Burns (Rabbie, not Tommy), and the day the black
monolith appeared at the top of West George Street; the
natives learned to use basic tools soon after.

Evolution hasn't pushed them much further, certainly not
in the case of the playing surface where Eddie's every
involvement was met here with a wince in case his injury
problems resurfaced.

But he glided through, retaining possession, remaining
tidy and sensible in his play, though he still shoots
like a pished Star Wars stormtrooper with glaucoma.


'Repita por favor', which is Portuguese for 'Gonny
dae it again?" and he did, scorching one past a startled
keeper, dancing around like he was back at Wembley in
1986 prancing down the stage with a shuttlecock doon his
tennis shorts; only this time the screaming was from the
sparsely-populated home stands, and of total anguish.

The bhoy's a player made for the Hoops, who'll win you
the points and tribute the greats with a special moment;
Fernando Albino de Sousa Chalana. RIP.


Irrepresible magic mushroom strikes again. Just like
last week his movement was too smart and slick for the
jailers, but here nerves were settled before they could
be shredded as the wee diamond delivered his matchwinning
contribution within minutes and everyone broke out the
factor 50.


A more effective rampage in the heat than last week's
false star: Initial burst and pinpoint poke to lay on

Thereafter, a closing-down exercise to bewilder
the flagging home defence and prove that a man really
can rival a camel for endurance and energy in such
oppresive climatic conditions. Not for looks, though
- that was the preserve of killie's centre-forward...



Winner of the Mercedes Jenz Pele Challenge with a
textbook overhead kick that also nutmegged the keeper.
Skill level: Deadly Mongoose.

MOOEY - 6/10

Came on and kept it tidy, freaking out the home
support with his 'spectre of Broony in the noonday sun'

ABADASS - 6.5/10

Another focussed and impactful appearance from our
rare emerald-encrusted desert-spider, torturing the
full-back with his touch and sprightly feet; unlucky
not to score again.

STAR LORD - 7.5/10

1 in 50! Plays wallie with the goalie and shins in
a standing-leg screamer to finally open his Celtic
account; celebrates like me after nailing Eva Green
and makes everyone's day in the sun even happier.


Sun's out, Burds are out, and Jamesy's...
Kept everything in place. Cos, y'know, Killie wummin'...
But a welcome coiffured cameo to raise a smile.


Big Ange wore his Sunday best to go to the Sunday
worst. No fear, mayte, and the locals won't attack
anyone in a shirt and tie anyway, in case it's their

Set his side up as ever to test the opposition rather
than respect them - a crucial difference in our tricky
awaydays under the shrewd Aussie.

His reward today was the barbie on by half-time and a
case of Castlemaine FUCK every 20 minutes for a 'water'
break. Well earned.

MIBBERY - 3/10

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley.
And we got David Dickinson - a geriatric TV reality
show host antique dealer for ref because he was the
only MIB who's perma-tan would protect him from the

So how would this Bargain Cunt fair? Would he
be the Real Deal?

Not really. Salvaged some ludge cred by carding
the Celtic skipper; the futility of which will
only be rivalled in the coming weeks with the Huns'
consolation goal (via a VAR penalty, of course)
in their 8-1 aggregate routing by PSV.

OVERALL - 8/10

Paper roses, plastic pitch. Three stands they couldn't
- and wouldn't - fill, and an away end revelling
in the slaughter and sunshine. The perfect Killie Sunday.

Deek McInness&Gunn has maintained a Killie tradition of
assembling a squad of verminous ex-Huns which always adds
to the schadenfeude.

The Bhoys set about those tramps with no mercy today
and turned a fixture often blighted by trepidation and
struggle into a jolly bhoys outing.

No sweat was broken, no serious knocks taken, no nonsense
tolerated. Goulish and despicable goon Lafferty kept his
sleeves long and his UVF tats covered but still greeted
his way round the park seeking controversy, and probably
Charlie Mulgrew so he could faint in the heat.

Yet all he managed was to make me realise what the result
of Pluto from 'The Hills Have Eyes' pumping Bambi would look

So him and his Hunnic baggage was swatted aside, mocked
and soundly beaten by a Celtic side tuning into the best of
last season's enlightening form and tuning up for a wild
ride the likes of which we haven't seen for a few years.

Next up, the Minis. With relish, on we go.

Go Away Now

Have to disagree with the score Big Mercedes. He gave away the ball 3 or 4 times in the first half and if we had been playing a decent side we could have been in trouble. No more than a 6 from me.
Have to disagree with the score Big Mercedes. He gave away the ball 3 or 4 times in the first half and if we had been playing a decent side we could have been in trouble. No more than a 6 from me.
Fair point KC though he wasnt alone in that respect we ( I thought ) got a little slack midway through the first half, loose passes etc but more than made up for it in the rest of the half and second half .
In fact we were so good one of our players, Taylor , managed to get himself into sky sports spfl XI of the week.
Laughable , especially when the killie goalie was in that XI.
Killie goalie must be doing something right to only concede 5 goals ( more than any other goalie over the weekend) even got nutmegged by an overhead kick, outstanding .
How good is the Sky team o the week
We’re gonna huv ti lift Oor gemes lads
That is Shite what ur thae daein at 🚂 ing awe week Ffs toap o thi Leegue but
We’re naw in the teem o thi week
It’s time we loast a match ti git guys in that team.
Cum oan Dermot get us a decent manager
FFs Sky fuck Sky our club need to tell them to get ti fucking Pronto when this deals done we should walk away do our own thing come up with a pish reason saying we’ve got BT Internet in the burger bar so there’s a clash with Sky.
Methinks it worked for someothercunts
Get our own TV deal
Mon the Athenian Fenian
Mon the Hoops
Mon Celtic TV

HH 📺
How good is the Sky team o the week
We’re gonna huv ti lift Oor gemes lads
That is Shite what ur thae daein at 🚂 ing awe week Ffs toap o thi Leegue but
We’re naw in the teem o thi week
It’s time we loast a match ti git guys in that team.
Cum oan Dermot get us a decent manager
FFs Sky fuck Sky our club need to tell them to get ti fucking Pronto when this deals done we should walk away do our own thing come up with a pish reason saying we’ve got BT Internet in the burger bar so there’s a clash with Sky.
Methinks it worked for someothercunts
Get our own TV deal
Mon the Athenian Fenian
Mon the Hoops
Mon Celtic TV

HH 📺
B..bit jamsam? We're only joint tap of the league dinna forget
That Sky mob actually do think we’re only joint top, despite have better goal difference View attachment 19649
Ano TTQ , and there we were thinking this mob sky know what they're talking about.
I mean every sky football show across its many channel platforms is teaming with experts with unparalleled insight into the game of football.
Experts in their field like kris boyd, kris commons, charlie nicholas, charlie Adam, jamie carragher, kenny Miller, ally mccoist I could go on.
Their knowledge of the game is so much so as they dont even need dummy boards.
When they give their opinions, on , say the SPL team of the week...well people sit up and the utter nonsense they splutter.


Kilmarnock keeper " whitisname" has made it into the team of the week after sensationally conceding only 5 goals against Celtic, in the one game.
Truly a remarkable achievement and one whitsisname will never forget.
Whitsisname was said to be over the moon , he was also over the ball as well as under the ball and often wrong side of the ball as he was nutmegged by an extremely lucky overhead kick from run of the mill has been Celtic striker Giakoumakis who was the Eridivisie top goal scorer before joining Celtic as a panic buy and became the spls joint top scorer last season along with inexperienced project player from the orient Kyogo and he incredibly scored in the same match when he finished off another extremely lucky move by Celtic.
Just when whitsisname had thought hed done enough for an international call up , Jota ( of Celtic) tried to cross the ball into the 6 yard box and unbelievably the ball ricocheted off whitsisnames gloves and into the net, from 30 yards out tbh you couldnt make it up.
Not content with the rub of the green new defender Jenz tripped over his own two feet launching his body 5 feet into the air where the ball bounced off his feet and turned into yet another overhead kick! , how lucky can a team be in one match?, thought boyd to himself as he reminisced of the penalties his former /former clubs recieved when no-one was allowed into the games to see.
He recalled how gutted no-one was about it but no-one has remained silent on the issue.
There was a moment of quality from Celtic defender starlord who scuffed and huffed and puffed then scuffed once more his shot superbly for a truly magnificent goal from the player who hasnt played since feigning injury whilst on international duty for ....his country, Shetland or one of the other nordic nations.
Our experts described the action expertly when boyd said he was by far motm as he denied starlord from 2 yards and was extremely unlucky to prevent mr lord from scoring from such a distance. Goal of the game said boyd .
When quizzed on his views boyd said " without a shadow of doubt whitsisname stood out and stole the show " , callers were confused by this saying that they had seen whitsisnames shadow as it was a very sunny day. To which boyd simply laughed and said obviously you have to be an expert like i was at chasing shadows to recognise how " special " one must be to chase shadows for 90 minutes. Kenny miller nodding in approval, said he saw the whole thing on his decent from outer space.

Long story short , my analysis is every bit as valid as they them there experts and that's why I've spluttered complete nonsense as everybody can play at that game.
Unfortunately like no-one, everyone was unavailable for comment leading to speculation that there is nobody called no-one and everyone knows it , but as I said everyone wasnt there to comment.
Said someone as they reached for their COAT ! 🧥
Ano TTQ , and there we were thinking this mob sky know what they're talking about.
I mean every sky football show across its many channel platforms is teaming with experts with unparalleled insight into the game of football.
Experts in their field like kris boyd, kris commons, charlie nicholas, charlie Adam, jamie carragher, kenny Miller, ally mccoist I could go on.
Their knowledge of the game is so much so as they dont even need dummy boards.
When they give their opinions, on , say the SPL team of the week...well people sit up and the utter nonsense they splutter.


Kilmarnock keeper " whitisname" has made it into the team of the week after sensationally conceding only 5 goals against Celtic, in the one game.
Truly a remarkable achievement and one whitsisname will never forget.
Whitsisname was said to be over the moon , he was also over the ball as well as under the ball and often wrong side of the ball as he was nutmegged by an extremely lucky overhead kick from run of the mill has been Celtic striker Giakoumakis who was the Eridivisie top goal scorer before joining Celtic as a panic buy and became the spls joint top scorer last season along with inexperienced project player from the orient Kyogo and he incredibly scored in the same match when he finished off another extremely lucky move by Celtic.
Just when whitsisname had thought hed done enough for an international call up , Jota ( of Celtic) tried to cross the ball into the 6 yard box and unbelievably the ball ricocheted off whitsisnames gloves and into the net, from 30 yards out tbh you couldnt make it up.
Not content with the rub of the green new defender Jenz tripped over his own two feet launching his body 5 feet into the air where the ball bounced off his feet and turned into yet another overhead kick! , how lucky can a team be in one match?, thought boyd to himself as he reminisced of the penalties his former /former clubs recieved when no-one was allowed into the games to see.
He recalled how gutted no-one was about it but no-one has remained silent on the issue.
There was a moment of quality from Celtic defender starlord who scuffed and huffed and puffed then scuffed once more his shot superbly for a truly magnificent goal from the player who hasnt played since feigning injury whilst on international duty for ....his country, Shetland or one of the other nordic nations.
Our experts described the action expertly when boyd said he was by far motm as he denied starlord from 2 yards and was extremely unlucky to prevent mr lord from scoring from such a distance. Goal if the game said boyd .
When quizzed on his views boyd said " without a shadow of doubt whitsisname stood out and stole the show " , callers were confused by this saying that they had seen whitsisnames shadow as it was a very sunny day. To which boyd simply laughed and said obviously you have to be an expert like i was at chasing shadows to recognise how " special " one must be to chase shadows for 90 minutes. Kenny miller nodding in approval, said he saw the whole thing on his decent from outer space.

Long story short , my analysis is every bit as valid as they them there experts and that's why I've spluttered complete nonsense as everybody can play at that game.
Unfortunately like no-one, everyone was unavailable for comment leading to speculation that there is nobody called no-one and everyone knows it , but as I said everyone wasnt there to comment.
Said someone as they reached for their COAT ! 🧥
Nurse! NURSE! Winter has been on the out-of-date Monster Munch again...
Ano TTQ , and there we were thinking this mob sky know what they're talking about.
I mean every sky football show across its many channel platforms is teaming with experts with unparalleled insight into the game of football.
Experts in their field like kris boyd, kris commons, charlie nicholas, charlie Adam, jamie carragher, kenny Miller, ally mccoist I could go on.
Their knowledge of the game is so much so as they dont even need dummy boards.
When they give their opinions, on , say the SPL team of the week...well people sit up and the utter nonsense they splutter.


Kilmarnock keeper " whitisname" has made it into the team of the week after sensationally conceding only 5 goals against Celtic, in the one game.
Truly a remarkable achievement and one whitsisname will never forget.
Whitsisname was said to be over the moon , he was also over the ball as well as under the ball and often wrong side of the ball as he was nutmegged by an extremely lucky overhead kick from run of the mill has been Celtic striker Giakoumakis who was the Eridivisie top goal scorer before joining Celtic as a panic buy and became the spls joint top scorer last season along with inexperienced project player from the orient Kyogo and he incredibly scored in the same match when he finished off another extremely lucky move by Celtic.
Just when whitsisname had thought hed done enough for an international call up , Jota ( of Celtic) tried to cross the ball into the 6 yard box and unbelievably the ball ricocheted off whitsisnames gloves and into the net, from 30 yards out tbh you couldnt make it up.
Not content with the rub of the green new defender Jenz tripped over his own two feet launching his body 5 feet into the air where the ball bounced off his feet and turned into yet another overhead kick! , how lucky can a team be in one match?, thought boyd to himself as he reminisced of the penalties his former /former clubs recieved when no-one was allowed into the games to see.
He recalled how gutted no-one was about it but no-one has remained silent on the issue.
There was a moment of quality from Celtic defender starlord who scuffed and huffed and puffed then scuffed once more his shot superbly for a truly magnificent goal from the player who hasnt played since feigning injury whilst on international duty for ....his country, Shetland or one of the other nordic nations.
Our experts described the action expertly when boyd said he was by far motm as he denied starlord from 2 yards and was extremely unlucky to prevent mr lord from scoring from such a distance. Goal of the game said boyd .
When quizzed on his views boyd said " without a shadow of doubt whitsisname stood out and stole the show " , callers were confused by this saying that they had seen whitsisnames shadow as it was a very sunny day. To which boyd simply laughed and said obviously you have to be an expert like i was at chasing shadows to recognise how " special " one must be to chase shadows for 90 minutes. Kenny miller nodding in approval, said he saw the whole thing on his decent from outer space.

Long story short , my analysis is every bit as valid as they them there experts and that's why I've spluttered complete nonsense as everybody can play at that game.
Unfortunately like no-one, everyone was unavailable for comment leading to speculation that there is nobody called no-one and everyone knows it , but as I said everyone wasnt there to comment.
Said someone as they reached for their COAT ! 🧥
Fucking hell! Time to switch to decaf Winter 😂

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