Scottish Football must bury the hatchet and move on, Celtic fans will Stand Up for the Champions

Scottish Football must bury the hatchet and move on, Celtic fans will Stand Up for the Champions...from Niall J

An ideal world would allow for the competitions to be completed; unfortunately - it's as far from an ideal world as could possibly be for now and for the forseeable.

I don't have any major gripes with clubs trying to act in their own best interests; however - I do have an issue with clubs who are only motivated in trying to undermine the achievements of others.

The world is going to be a slightly different place if the dust ever settles on this thing and many football clubs won't have the privilege of being seen as an essential social commodity anymore.

More than ever, there is a need for clubs to come together and at least attempt to make football relevant again (in some cases, they have to literally come together and pool their resources if they want to prosper).

The SPFL have rightfully come in for some criticism, but I think they warrant a bit of credit for at least attempting to find some resolution. The English association and media might be having a laugh at the moment and debating the farce, but UEFA don't have the rocks to sort out these issues and English football will have it's own clusterfuck to contend with in the weeks and months ahead.

Hopefully Scottish football has been made aware that one particular club (in spite of their endlessly boring statements to the contrary) has no interest in serving the wider Scottish footballing community and are intent only on destroying those who they will never better.

I guess time will tell if Scottish football is worth saving, but quite a few clubs are going to have to take their own measures to ensure their survival. I'm sure Celtic will accomodate them in many ways, but I wouldn't bank on the new club being particularly hospitable.
Just as a wee sidenote........

If this whole sorry episode has taught us anything, then it should have taught us not to show that mob any mercy at all.

The Celtic board have to forget about any commercial value that their presence might provide and just go for the throat at the first opportunity.

Let them wallow wallow in their misery for a wee bit before just doing the humane thing and putting them out of their misery for good.
Just as a wee sidenote........

If this whole sorry episode has taught us anything, then it should have taught us not to show that mob any mercy at all.

The Celtic board have to forget about any commercial value that their presence might provide and just go for the throat at the first opportunity.

Let them wallow wallow in their misery for a wee bit before just doing the humane thing and putting them out of their misery for good.
Just as a wee sidenote........

If this whole sorry episode has taught us anything, then it should have taught us not to show that mob any mercy at all.

The Celtic board have to forget about any commercial value that their presence might provide and just go for the throat at the first opportunity.

Let them wallow wallow in their misery for a wee bit before just doing the humane thing and putting them out of their misery for good.
Yeh agree ,the commercial value ,as far as I am concerned means f all, sad state of affairs if we have to rely on their existence,for us ,or other clubs to proceed onwards,want to see them gone .hh
Well our preferred option of playing this season to a conclusion won't happen now and Celtic have rightly earned the right to be called Champions - not handed the title undeservedly as the biased mob are whinging.

Not only were we 13 points ahead but we had also the much tougher fixture list as our schedule somehow meant we were due to play all the other top 6 teams twice away from home before the split while Sevco got the advantage of being drawn to play the same top teams twice at home.

Imagine the whining and recalculations of the Premier League table we'd have endured from Sevconites as they tried to prove they should be too if this ridiculous unfair scenario had befallen them!

Not only do we win 9IAR, but hopefully the useless Doncaster gets run out of town and we get a proper restructuring.

My preference has always been a top 16, playing each other home & away to reduce total games played (less midweek domestic fixtures) and so many boring repeat fixtures.

If Sky are still so desperate for more than 2 Glasgow derbies each season, then why not have a series of local one off Cups at New Year time instead of league games. Celtic could play Sevco for the Glasgow Cup, alternating between Parkhead and the bigotdome each season.

And Hearts could play Hibs, Dundee Utd v Dundee, highlands derby between Ross County & ICT, Lanarkshire derby, Aberdeen against a Highland League/local senior teams select, St Johnstone versus an Angus select, etc).

These local games would have high attendances, be good for the tv and give Sky a 3rd Glasgow derby match, plus lots of extra other derbies. And if the Edinburgh or Dundee teams were in different leagues it would guarantee they played each season which would delight fans and the tv/radio companies.

But this means employing someone with imagination and an idea of how to market our sport better. Sadly, I suspect Budge and the Hamilton rep will propose something that benefits them and handicaps our bigger teams trying to compete in Europe even more by having yet more league games to squeeze into an already over-crowded calendar!
In a certain perverse way I am happy to accept the title being handed to us.
We were going to win it on the field anyway, and while that was my preference the Dundee vote means it will eat into their psyche through to the ten and frankly years to come.
It is some recompense for their cheating titles and in particular 2003 which is for many reasons a very sore one. ( not that I hold a grudge😉)
Anyway I look forward to our socially distanced celebratory party one way or another
An ideal world would allow for the competitions to be completed; unfortunately - it's as far from an ideal world as could possibly be for now and for the forseeable.

I don't have any major gripes with clubs trying to act in their own best interests; however - I do have an issue with clubs who are only motivated in trying to undermine the achievements of others.

The world is going to be a slightly different place if the dust ever settles on this thing and many football clubs won't have the privilege of being seen as an essential social commodity anymore.

More than ever, there is a need for clubs to come together and at least attempt to make football relevant again (in some cases, they have to literally come together and pool their resources if they want to prosper).

The SPFL have rightfully come in for some criticism, but I think they warrant a bit of credit for at least attempting to find some resolution. The English association and media might be having a laugh at the moment and debating the farce, but UEFA don't have the rocks to sort out these issues and English football will have it's own clusterfuck to contend with in the weeks and months ahead.

Hopefully Scottish football has been made aware that one particular club (in spite of their endlessly boring statements to the contrary) has no interest in serving the wider Scottish footballing community and are intent only on destroying those who they will never better.

I guess time will tell if Scottish football is worth saving, but quite a few clubs are going to have to take their own measures to ensure their survival. I'm sure Celtic will accomodate them in many ways, but I wouldn't bank on the new club being particularly hospitable.
Well said
Footballs on hold just now but the virus isn't it will still be about and it when and if the leagues start and there is still damage it could do to any team even ours

Nobody seems to be looking at the recovery rate of this illness the damage it does to your lungs and your physical well being , it won't matter if your an athlete it won't pass you bye

What i'm trying to say is all these clubs and pundits calling for it to reopen and won on the pitch really need to stf up and follow the science not the money or in scotlands case the hate filled bigots

i doubt football will be restarted untill sept and that's maybe
Footballs on hold just now but the virus isn't it will still be about and it when and if the leagues start and there is still damage it could do to any team even ours

Nobody seems to be looking at the recovery rate of this illness the damage it does to your lungs and your physical well being , it won't matter if your an athlete it won't pass you bye

What i'm trying to say is all these clubs and pundits calling for it to reopen and won on the pitch really need to stf up and follow the science not the money or in scotlands case the hate filled bigots

i doubt football will be restarted untill sept and that's maybe
Its their pin money to feed shite to gullibillys and earn a crust were there are none.
spot on mate but lawwell os only interested in money...after their despicable behaviour recently on top of awe the rest a the times we should destroy them..absolutely bury them but as a said lawwell and dd are only interested in money and dont have the baws
Murray and is cohorts tried to get rid of us, the Celtic Board should do every thing possible to bury the Huns and then we would have a better league.HH

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