Sky TV deal


Well-known member
The current TV deal , which runs out 2025 might be getting extended.
The current deal is £25m a season for 48 games. So £520,833 per game.
The new deal they are taking about is for £29.5m a season for 60 games. So £491,666 per game. Plus each club can sell 5 home games through PPV , which haven't been picked up by SKY.
So the new deal is worth less than the shitty old one.
What they don't tell you, is SKY aren't buy 48 or 60 games, they get EVERY game. As no one else can show they games they don't want to show.
Is it time to tell SKY to fuck off?. Same will all the broadcasters.
Sell the Highlights and let clubs sell their own games
If there was no TV deal at all, how much do u think Celtic would pull in if they could sell every game on PPV?
It has to dwarf any monies pulled in from the current or proposed TV deal surely?
Its the only way forward IMO.
There are players in the EPL who earn more than the entire Scottish SKY deal, and the only reason the scum rose from the dead was to keep SKY sweet to maintain a deal, they wouldn’t be interested at all without them, hence Doncaster and the rest stitching the whole thing up.
If there was no TV deal at all, how much do u think Celtic would pull in if they could sell every game on PPV?
It has to dwarf any monies pulled in from the current or proposed TV deal surely?
Its the only way forward IMO.
There are players in the EPL who earn more than the entire Scottish SKY deal, and the only reason the scum rose from the dead was to keep SKY sweet to maintain a deal, they wouldn’t be interested at all without them, hence Doncaster and the rest stitching the whole thing up.
Well if celtic were to sell a TV season ticket for £200 , you would expect at least 100k people buying one. That's £20m straight away
The current TV deal , which runs out 2025 might be getting extended.
The current deal is £25m a season for 48 games. So £520,833 per game.
The new deal they are taking about is for £29.5m a season for 60 games. So £491,666 per game. Plus each club can sell 5 home games through PPV , which haven't been picked up by SKY.
So the new deal is worth less than the shitty old one.
What they don't tell you, is SKY aren't buy 48 or 60 games, they get EVERY game. As no one else can show they games they don't want to show.
Is it time to tell SKY to fuck off?. Same will all the broadcasters.
Sell the Highlights and let clubs sell their own games
Read that earlier. Despicable how the SPFL are just giving this away
If there was no TV deal at all, how much do u think Celtic would pull in if they could sell every game on PPV?
It has to dwarf any monies pulled in from the current or proposed TV deal surely?
Its the only way forward IMO.
There are players in the EPL who earn more than the entire Scottish SKY deal, and the only reason the scum rose from the dead was to keep SKY sweet to maintain a deal, they wouldn’t be interested at all without them, hence Doncaster and the rest stitching the whole thing up.
I guess we don’t think it’s viable , but that’s hard to believe for me.
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Cant remember what the cost was during lockdown for Celtic TV , but say £10 a game even getting 50000 subscribers a game world wide that's raking you in half a million pounds x
Well if celtic were to sell a TV season ticket for £200 , you would expect at least 100k people buying one. That's £20m straight away
Plus if your selling world wide with places like Japan picking up a lot of interest I think you could probably at least double that figure , or if your a h*n accountant 1 billion pounds
Apparently its OK in Scotland to ignore a major sponsor as nothing happens to you anyway, Sooooo imho Celtic should tell Sky and the ruling bodies to go away and come back with a proper offer or else we will go it alone, ppv all home games and any chosen by sky as as away fixture will result in us refusing interviews before and after.

Its time to grow a pair and stand up to sky.
Apparently its OK in Scotland to ignore a major sponsor as nothing happens to you anyway, Sooooo imho Celtic should tell Sky and the ruling bodies to go away and come back with a proper offer or else we will go it alone, ppv all home games and any chosen by sky as as away fixture will result in us refusing interviews before and after.

Its time to grow a pair and stand up to sky.
The game is fecked here due to the 5WA.
Clubs, SKY, SPFL….they are all in it up to their necks with the Newco stitch up, hands are tied, until someone has the bottle to out it and we can all start afresh, nowt gonna change.
Let's get Douglas Park and Boris Johnson to negotiate our next TV deal - then immediately renege on it - as THEY often do with contractual deals and Treaties !

When we get sued we can call in Dave ( GASL ) King to drag out the court cases for donkey's years , then pay the costs in confetti !

The game is fecked here due to the 5WA.
Clubs, SKY, SPFL….they are all in it up to their necks with the Newco stitch up, hands are tied, until someone has the bottle to out it and we can all start afresh, nowt gonna change.
We need to raise the issue at the next AGM, but it looks as if Doncaster is trying to get the deal done before the AGM's happen
It wouldn't cost s thing mote. Celtic tv already shoe the games to supporters outwith Ireland and the UK
I have Celtic TV at £21.99 a month to see the games, I only use it for to watch the live games as there hasn't been a lot of care given to Celtic TV. The streams tend to be behind and they even drop out frequently, sometimes I get a better stream on firstrowsports ....
The current TV deal , which runs out 2025 might be getting extended.
The current deal is £25m a season for 48 games. So £520,833 per game.
The new deal they are taking about is for £29.5m a season for 60 games. So £491,666 per game. Plus each club can sell 5 home games through PPV , which haven't been picked up by SKY.
So the new deal is worth less than the shitty old one.
What they don't tell you, is SKY aren't buy 48 or 60 games, they get EVERY game. As no one else can show they games they don't want to show.
Is it time to tell SKY to fuck off?. Same will all the broadcasters.
Sell the Highlights and let clubs sell their own games
Not going to dispute your figures stated glasbhoy or even work them out for myself, but will use them as an example of how potentially Sky can minulate Scottish football and sell it short and for there own greed also imo.
Sky are nothing but a shower of wankers, that use ourselves along with the scum on a potential equal footing when setting up these deals, yet still report everything in favour of the scum still.
They also know only to well that PPV would never get passed within the SPFL as the scum would never allow for it to happen with ourselves having a far bigger worldwide audience so there long dead superior bollocks of a complex would be in tatters when figures were actually released.
Also at present each SPFL get approximately 1M per season from Sky based on your figures as a guess from 4 games weather them games are shown or not.
By allowing these diddy clubs 5 PPV games now and obviously looking to Glasgow for the extra income could possibly increase there revenue by an extra 1M at least imo, hence they could stand to double there TV income and get the assistance from the SPFL to change games to Saturday and Sunday night slots and without Sky batting an eyelid still imo.
The possible feeling outside of Glasgow is that ourselves along with the scum already possibly get the bigger slices of the pie as sky are only really interested in games covering ourselves or the scum, usually away days also.
As much as we should tell SKY to fuck off as much better deals could be gained for ourselves, I still believe that the other teams within the SPFL will make sure it will get passed also imo.
These diddy team's have still such a influence regarding votes is stopping Scottish football from actually growing as such and all the while of actually contributing fuck all in terms of quality either.
With guaranteed money on offer I can still see this lowball offer getting passed with maybe the diddy clubs wanting the potential new deal being put in place sooner than later imo.
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We need opposition to play against, like it or lump it we're in a league, ok we're top dogs but we need these other teams to survive and be viable concerns. That will remain so until an alternative happens. We got our fingers burned (not just us) when the Setanta bubble burst and Sky swooped in with their derisory offer, an it was the only offer at the time, but to me Doncaster has got too palsy walsy with them. There are other players like Amazon in the market place now, its time to explore new avenues.
I have Celtic TV at £21.99 a month to see the games, I only use it for to watch the live games as there hasn't been a lot of care given to Celtic TV. The streams tend to be behind and they even drop out frequently, sometimes I get a better stream on firstrowsports ....
Seriously? think I've had celtic TV drop out once in a few years and that was last week for the Ross County goal.

Personally think Celtic TV is great, better giving the club some $ then trying to watch it via a dodgy stream which breaks every 5seconds and has ads everywhere and hoping to high heaven you don't get a computer virus.