Stunned , shocked and all the words that go with it

Aye Eddie howe's in talks apparently wit do u all think of that then???
If it is Howe then I’ll be delighted
Out of all the names I saw from the very start, I’d have hand picked him
Young manager, point to prove, plays the way of the popes 11, can coach players and doesn’t need tens of millions to make a dynamic team
Fingers crossed for me
Aye Eddie howe's in talks apparently wit do u all think of that then???
I don't follow English football at all but what he achieved at Bournemouth can't be ignored, he must have something about him.
If its true I'm glad we've gone for a manager with some pedigree, rather than go for a personality like Keane or give up completely and gone with Docco, sorry I mean John Kennedy.
If I’m honest Dougie its the only name on the bookies top 5 that has me buzzing. He will have his detractors before he gets the job on here but it’s not Kennedy/Keane/wilder/even wilder
I think he’s the man a lot of us have been wanting and you’re right there will be a few people slagging him off but personally I think this would be a step in the right direction hopefully they’ll let him bring his own team in and we get shot of Kennedy I’ll be even happier then
I think he’s the man a lot of us have been wanting and you’re right there will be a few people slagging him off but personally I think this would be a step in the right direction hopefully they’ll let him bring his own team in and we get shot of Kennedy I’ll be even happier then
If there’s one thing the last years taught me, even quadruple trebles don’t appease some Celtic supporters and no matter who you are and what you’ve done for the club, it still doesn’t buy you any goodwill
So any manager coming in will have those that are not going to be happy from the off
For me it’s the biggest appointment we can realistically achieve
And I think this is a guy that will solve a lot of the questions posed this year about people not getting a chance. Our youth will thrive under him
If there’s one thing the last years taught me, even quadruple trebles don’t appease some Celtic supporters and no matter who you are and what you’ve done for the club, it still doesn’t buy you any goodwill
So any manager coming in will have those that are not going to be happy from the off
For me it’s the biggest appointment we can realistically achieve
And I think this is a guy that will solve a lot of the questions posed this year about people not getting a chance. Our youth will thrive under him
Fine words I concur wholeheartedly
C'mon tiddles don't lie you use it for cat litter. 🙀🙀🙀
Fs that just gave me a flashback to about 6 years old , we had a cat ' sooty " cos it was jet black ( and mustve iwent up chimneys 👋) . I mind that the cats box was a rectangle wash basin tub with newspapers at the bottom. Even worse often my wee sister and I would get sent out with poly bags and wee hand shovels to the fitba' pitches to collect the top gravel for the cats box haha 🙈 . My wee ma god rest her she could make a fiver between 5 siblings and 2 adults last longer than you could possibly imagine , at the end of the day she had to by the time my da got got hame hed 7/10 times be steaming and skint hand over a few tenners to see us all through the week . Does anyone else remember getting a tea spoon of cod's liver oil as a waen? This was before you had a choice of 300 different vitamins. Fish oil so it has every vitamin you could need practically. It was disgusting , the first time I ever had it, about a week before ma had gave us all a teaspoon of golden syrup out of a big tin ( probably a wee tin but i was a waen everything was big) and also a teaspoon of Treacle on a different day . When I think back it was a sweetie treat for 5 waens that wouldnt be possible to do otherwise. So I thought I was getting a teaspoon of Treacle and it was cod liver oil 🤮, what a shock that was put me off cod liver oil until the capsules came out. Golden syrup and Treacle? Haven't seen then for years probably still get it for bakery. A wee flashback there anybody else get similar?
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From the California Courier

Dermot’s big red Indian chief pal in California, Honking Bear.....was interviewed in the Augustine Casino on the Reservation the other the sports reporter was about to pop the question the big chief without any prompting raised his hand and blurted out.....How!

There you have it, its Eddy.....straight from the mouth of a honking bear...
Aye looks like HOWE is gonna be the new big Chief 😄.

If it turns out that he's the man then we should all send him our support and best wishes. But we have to make sure that Kennedy and Strachan aren't being kept in place, I know that Kennedy keeps getting praised by all his ex-bosses as being good at what he does but I think he has a negative effect, maybe he thinks the job should be his and perhaps he might have a wee snide word here and there. There is also the rumour of him being the one who was leaking the line-up. I think a clean break is necessary. HH
If it turns out that he's the man then we should all send him our support and best wishes. But we have to make sure that Kennedy and Strachan aren't being kept in place, I know that Kennedy keeps getting praised by all his ex-bosses as being good at what he does but I think he has a negative effect, maybe he thinks the job should be his and perhaps he might have a wee snide word here and there. There is also the rumour of him being the one who was leaking the line-up. I think a clean break is necessary. HH
It looks like Kennedy and strachan are being forced on howe.....