Tactical Voting in Scottish Parliamentary Elections – Why Green is the Colour for a Pro-Independence Majority

Former Ambassador Craig Murray was jailed for 8 months today. He was found guilty of "jigsaw identification" of the perjurers and liars from the Salmond case. Although a court found that these women were liars and not victims they are still protected by the law. They said anyone reading Craig Murrays reporting of the trial would be able to identify the perjurers who are protected by law. Murrays legal team commissioned a public survey which found that the Daily Record, Scotland on Sunday and the BBC were the main sources for any "jigsaw identification" by members of the public. When can we expect the three mentioned above to be prosecuted?
Aye, mean time in the Dumbarton & Lomond Constituency 1,400 Tory C**Ts vote Jackie Baillie in again. Scotlands worst MSP does fuck all for the area, but if the cooncils not sorted yer granny's fence Big Jackie gets the job done. Another 5yrs of that Fuckin useless bint 🤬😡🤬
I don't vote they are all in for themselves from councillors to mps, the only one who did me any use was that cunt Maggie thatcher one off the most despised cunts to ever live, she let me buy my council house and then sold for a great profit, she was a fly bastard who only allowed this so no one could go on strike with a house at stake, anyway payed for the house over in rent before buying it, my theory vote no cunt
I’m with you I don’t vote they all piss in the same pot and I wouldn’t hold my breath for an independence vote either Wee Nipoleon is just playing grudge politics she is banking on BoZo Johnston refusing her a vote that way she can blame the evil English for not delivering if BoZo had any sense he would give her a vote but make her bet the house on it give the voters a stark choice either fuck off or stay in a United Kingdom with one parliament
As a Celtic fan, I personally will never vote for a corrupt, dishonest and sexually perverted political party. Independence based on an Irish background and bigoted innuendo is a no go for me.
As soon as Nicola shuts the door on the English she will give the front door keys to Brussels or Frankfurt or Nyon.
IndyRef2..... Fucking pointless. This is NOT independence it's a change of master. Frogs legs anyone...........
Yes but as i said before Boab. The majority said no just a few years ago. So much for democracy 😒. Oh and the majority of the UK(which we're part of) wanted to leave the EU.
Yes the majority did say no but the politicians also lied to the public about what they would & wouldn't do. Also putting it in the papers about not being able to use the £ & not being able to get your UK pension if they left scared a lot of the older 1s. All lies of course but many over 65's said no but after the election when they found out some of the truths they said would vote next time. Also why would all the party leaders come up if Scotland was not so important to them, it all comes down to money, we give & give for not that much back. Oil not as health as it was but we have lots of other ways of financing ourselves.

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